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Python Meetup 02.27.15: Hy and Toga

On February 27th, another Python Meetup took place. This time we discussed:

During Lightning Talk, participants shared their experience in exporting .doc files and using AST to translate Python to Ruby, JavaScript, C ++, and others.

Meet Hy / Andrey Zhlobich
Web Developer Wargaming
From the report you will learn the differences between Python code and Hy, the new Lisp dialect. The Hy code has a number of advantages that make its use more convenient: the presence of parentheses, the ability to use macros, a small number of nodes, etc. However, it has its drawbacks.
Andrey described in detail, with examples, all the pros and cons of Hy.
The report will be of interest to developers who like to try new technologies is not enough brackets in Python.
Watch Andrey's presentation

Toga: yet another GUI toolkit on Python / Dmitry Ovchinnikov
Web Developer Wargaming
There are quite a few different libraries for building graphical interfaces. What makes Toga stand out among them? This cross-platform library uses native widgets of the operating system on which it runs. As a result, it can run under Linux, OS X, Windows, iOS and Android. In a logical, well-designed and well-designed Toga there are a number of serious flaws, which so far do not allow us to speak of it as a full-fledged working tool. And in the community forces to fix it.
It is recommended for viewing to all developers who love their work and are ready in their free time to create open source programs.
Watch Dmitry's presentation

Some more useful ideas in blitz reports :

What is AST? / Anatoly Babenya

How parse .doc / Pavel Tyslyatsky

The next Python Meetup will take place this Friday, March 27th.
Program mitap:

Details and registration

See you at the Python Meetup!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/253801/

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