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Low Cost SAN Storage on LSI Syncro Part 2

Continue, the first part here .


So, let's proceed to setting up the software that manages the cluster.
With us it will be Pacemaker + Corosync as a transport backend for communication between the nodes.
Corosync for greater reliability supports the work through several data exchange rings.
Moreover, three or more no longer pulls, although it is not specifically indicated anywhere on the docks, it only swears at startup if you specify more than two in the config file.
Rings are so named because the communication between the nodes goes around the ring - the nodes transfer the data to each other sequentially, at the same time checking the survivability of each other. It works on UDP, it can be both multicast and unique. We will have the last why - it will be clear below.


For communication between the nodes, I decided to apply a somewhat paranoid scheme - the outer ring through the switches (here the standard Bonding / Etherchannel for two switches) + the inner ring connecting the nodes directly (recall that there are three of them - two storages + a witness).

The scheme is as follows:

Green ties are inner ring, black ones are outer. In this topology, the nodes will have to maintain connectivity even with a complete failure of external devices (the storm put the switches, the admin (I mean) with my crooked hands screwed up something ... unlikely, but everything can be).

But there was a plug - how to organize free data exchange between the nodes on the inner ring? But this is exactly the topology of the ring, which is not very characteristic of Ethernet. Connectivity between any two nodes should be maintained when any of the three links that form a ring break.

The following options were considered:


To implement OSPF we use Quaggu. There is also a BIRD project from our neighbors from the Czech Republic, but I somehow get used to Quagga. Although BIRD, according to some tests, runs faster and takes up less memory, but in our realities it is, in general, on the drum.

Each link between the hosts will be a separate / 24 network. Yes, you can use / 30 or even / 31, but these networks will not be routed anywhere, so there was not much to save on this.

On each host, we will create a dummy interface with the IP address / 32 for the announcement to the neighbors, Corosync will communicate through them. It was possible to hang this address on Loopback, but a separate interface for these purposes seemed to me more suitable.

Sample pieces of / etc / network / interfaces :

# To Storage-2 auto int1 iface int1 inet static address netmask # To Witness auto ext2 iface ext2 inet static address netmask # Dummy loopback auto dummy0 iface dummy0 inet static address netmask 

 # To Storage-1 auto int1 iface int1 inet static address netmask # To Witness auto ext2 iface ext2 inet static address netmask # Dummy loopback auto dummy0 iface dummy0 inet static address netmask 

 # To Storage-1 auto int2 iface int2 inet static address netmask # To Storage-2 auto ext2 iface ext2 inet static address netmask # Dummy loopback auto dummy0 iface dummy0 inet static address netmask 

Naming of network interfaces (intN, extN) here is built-in or external adapter + serial number of the port on it, that's more convenient for me.

Next, configure OSPF.
/etc/quagga/ospfd.conf :
 hostname storage1 interface int1 ip ospf dead-interval minimal hello-multiplier 10 ip ospf retransmit-interval 3 interface ext2 ip ospf dead-interval minimal hello-multiplier 10 ip ospf retransmit-interval 3 router ospf log-adjacency-changes network area 0 network area 0 network area 0 passive-interface dummy0 timers throttle spf 10 10 100 

 hostname storage2 interface int1 ip ospf dead-interval minimal hello-multiplier 10 ip ospf retransmit-interval 3 interface ext2 ip ospf dead-interval minimal hello-multiplier 10 ip ospf retransmit-interval 3 router ospf log-adjacency-changes network area 0 network area 0 network area 0 passive-interface dummy0 timers throttle spf 10 10 100 

 hostname witness interface int2 ip ospf dead-interval minimal hello-multiplier 10 ip ospf retransmit-interval 3 interface ext2 ip ospf dead-interval minimal hello-multiplier 10 ip ospf retransmit-interval 3 router ospf log-adjacency-changes network area 0 network area 0 network area 0 passive-interface dummy0 timers throttle spf 10 10 100 

We enable net.ipv4.ip_forward on the hosts, launch the quagga, ping with an interval of 0.01s, and break the ring:

 root@witness:/# ping -i 0.01 -f ... root@storage1:/# ip link set ext2 down root@witness:/# --- ping statistics --- 2212 packets transmitted, 2202 received, 0% packet loss, time 26531ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.067/0.126/0.246/0.045 ms, ipg/ewma 11.999/0.183 ms 

Total, 10 packets are lost, it is about 100 ms - OSPF changed routes very quickly.


Now that the network subsystem is ready, we will configure Corosync to use it.

The config on all hosts should be almost identical, only the address of the dummy0 interface in the inner ring changes:
 compatibility: none totem { version: 2 #   cluster_name: storage #    authkey,         .   . secauth: on #      heartbeat_failures_allowed: 3 threads: 6 #     -    .     . rrp_mode: active #    -    ,       OSPF   . transport: udpu #  ,    interface { member { memberaddr: } member { memberaddr: } member { memberaddr: } ringnumber: 0 #  ,     bindnetaddr: #    .       .   (mcastport-1)  . mcastport: 6405 } #   interface { member { memberaddr: } member { memberaddr: } member { memberaddr: } ringnumber: 1 #      dummy0 bindnetaddr: mcastport: 5405 } } #    amf { mode: disabled } service { ver: 1 name: pacemaker } aisexec { user: root group: root } logging { syslog_priority: warning fileline: off to_stderr: yes to_logfile: no to_syslog: yes syslog_facility: daemon debug: off timestamp: on logger_subsys { subsys: AMF debug: off tags: enter|leave|trace1|trace2|trace3|trace4|trace6 } } 

After that, run Corosync and see the status of the rings on the servers and the list of nodes that Corosync combines:
 root@storage1:/# corosync-cfgtool -s Printing ring status. Local node ID 1254293770 RING ID 0 id = status = ring 0 active with no faults RING ID 1 id = status = ring 1 active with no faults root@storage1:/# corosync-objctl | grep member totem.interface.member.memberaddr= totem.interface.member.memberaddr= totem.interface.member.memberaddr= totem.interface.member.memberaddr= totem.interface.member.memberaddr= totem.interface.member.memberaddr= runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.1254293770.ip=r(0) ip( r(1) ip( runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.1254293770.join_count=1 runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.1254293770.status=joined runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.1271070986.ip=r(0) ip( r(1) ip( runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.1271070986.join_count=2 runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.1271070986.status=joined runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.1287848202.ip=r(0) ip( r(1) ip( runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.1287848202.join_count=1 runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.1287848202.status=joined 

Yeah, it works.


Now that the cluster backend is operational, you can proceed to setup.
On each node we launch Pacemaker, and from any of them we look at the status of the cluster:
 root@storage1:/# crm status ============ Last updated: Tue Mar 24 09:39:28 2015 Last change: Mon Mar 23 11:40:13 2015 via crmd on witness Stack: openais Current DC: witness - partition with quorum Version: 1.1.7-ee0730e13d124c3d58f00016c3376a1de5323cff 3 Nodes configured, 3 expected votes 0 Resources configured. ============ Online: [ storage1 storage2 witness ] 

All nodes are visible, you can proceed to configure.

Run crm configure edit , the default editor (nano) will open and enter such a heresy there:
Cluster config
 node storage1 node storage2 node witness #  STONITH (Shoot The Other Node In The Head) . #   ,     ,        IPMI   RESET primitive ipmi_storage1 stonith:external/ipmi \ params hostname="storage1" ipaddr="" userid="stonith" passwd="xxx" interface="lanplus" \ pcmk_host_check="static-list" pcmk_host_list="storage1" primitive ipmi_storage2 stonith:external/ipmi \ params hostname="storage2" ipaddr="" userid="stonith" passwd="xxx" interface="lanplus" \ pcmk_host_check="static-list" pcmk_host_list="storage2" #     ALUA,     /etc/scst.conf primitive p_scst ocf:esos:scst \ params alua="true" device_group="default" \ local_tgt_grp="local" \ remote_tgt_grp="remote" \ m_alua_state="active" \ s_alua_state="nonoptimized" \ op monitor interval="10" role="Master" \ op monitor interval="20" role="Slave" \ op start interval="0" timeout="120" \ op stop interval="0" timeout="60" #   Master-Slave    ms ms_scst p_scst \ meta master-max="1" master-node-max="1" clone-max="2" clone-node-max="1" notify="true" interleave="true" \ target-role="Master" #   storage1  Master- location prefer_ms_scst ms_scst inf: #uname eq storage1 #    SCST   witness location dont_run ms_scst -inf: #uname eq witness #   STONITH     ,    . C -    ! location loc_ipmi_on_storage1 ipmi_storage1 -inf: #uname eq storage1 location loc_ipmi_on_storage2 ipmi_storage2 -inf: #uname eq storage2 property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \ dc-version="1.1.7-ee0730e13d124c3d58f00016c3376a1de5323cff" \ cluster-infrastructure="openais" \ expected-quorum-votes="3" \ stonith-enabled="true" \ last-lrm-refresh="1427100013" 

We save, we apply (commit).

For STONITH in IPMI servers you need to create a user with Administrator rights, otherwise the resource will refuse to connect to it. In principle, Operator would be enough, but there was no desire to pick the resource code.

Consider the status of the cluster:
 root@storage1:/# crm status ============ Last updated: Wed Mar 25 15:48:29 2015 Last change: Mon Mar 23 11:40:13 2015 via crmd on witness Stack: openais Current DC: witness - partition with quorum Version: 1.1.7-ee0730e13d124c3d58f00016c3376a1de5323cff 3 Nodes configured, 3 expected votes 4 Resources configured. ============ Online: [ storage1 storage2 witness ] Master/Slave Set: ms_scst [p_scst] Masters: [ storage1 ] Slaves: [ storage2 ] ipmi_storage1 (stonith:external/ipmi): Started witness ipmi_storage2 (stonith:external/ipmi): Started storage1 

Well, everything seems to be beautiful. In principle, you can already connect with initiators.

To be sure, we will check how STONITH works:
   : root@storage2:/# ip link set bond_hb_ext down ...    .       root@storage2:/# ip link set int1 down ...      .   : root@storage2:/# ip link set ext2 down ...          :)    . 

A small note on working with Master-Slave resources : in Pacemaker there is no command that will forcibly change the nodes on which the resource is currently working as Master and Slave, in some places. It is possible only by the demote command to transfer the resource to Slave on both nodes.

There are two solutions:
1) We edit the cluster configuration and change the preferred node for the Master mode to another, commit, and after some short time the cluster will work on the resource movement.
2) In our case, since the working resource is, in fact, only one, you can simply extinguish the Pacemaker on the Master node :) This signals the second node to switch to Master mode. After that, restart the former master node in order for the ownership of the arrays to go to another node.

In the case of a planned stop, Pacemaker and Corosync STONITH will not work .

Final touches


After activating the storage cluster, our LUNs should appear on the initiators:

Here we see (one of the FC ports):

To fully use multiple paths to the repositories, we need two things:

And if the first item can be made from the vSphere Client, then the second will have to be done from the console. To do this, activate SSH on the hosts, log in to each, and enter:

   Round Robin (,    GUI): # for i in `ls /vmfs/devices/disks/ | grep "eui" | grep -v ":"`; do esxcli storage nmp device set --psp=VMW_PSP_RR --device=$i; done   IOPS   : # for i in `ls /vmfs/devices/disks/ | grep "eui" | grep -v ":"`; do esxcli storage nmp psp roundrobin deviceconfig set --type=iops --iops=1 --device=$i; done : # for i in `ls /vmfs/devices/disks/ | grep "eui" | grep -v ":"`; do esxcli storage nmp psp roundrobin deviceconfig get --device=$i | grep IOOperation; done IOOperation Limit: 1 IOOperation Limit: 1 

Fine. Now we look at the results of our manipulations:

This is a view of the storage through one of the ports of the FC adapter, through the second everything is exactly the same.
Great, we have 2 active and 2 backup paths to each of the LUNs.

Now we will create VMFS on each LUN, put 1 virtual machine with Debian on them (thick Provision Eager Zeroed disks, so that ESXi will not cheat at the speed of reading unused blocks) and test the speed of operation and switching to backup storage.

On each VM, install fio and create a file read.fio with test parameters:

 [test] blocksize=512 filename=/dev/sda size=128G rw=randread direct=1 buffered=0 ioengine=libaio iodepth=64 

That is, we will do a random reading in blocks of 512 bytes with a queue depth of 64 until we read 128 GB (such a disk is in VM).

We look:

Fio results when testing with a single VM:
fio random
 test: (g=0): rw=randread, bs=512-512/512-512, ioengine=libaio, iodepth=64 2.0.8 Starting 1 process Jobs: 1 (f=1): [r] [100.0% done] [77563K/0K /s] [155K/0 iops] [eta 00m:00s] test: (groupid=0, jobs=1): err= 0: pid=3100 read : io=131072MB, bw=75026KB/s, iops=150052 , runt=1788945msec slat (usec): min=0 , max=554 , avg= 2.92, stdev= 1.94 clat (usec): min=127 , max=1354.3K, avg=420.90, stdev=1247.77 lat (usec): min=130 , max=1354.3K, avg=424.51, stdev=1247.77 clat percentiles (usec): | 1.00th=[ 350], 5.00th=[ 378], 10.00th=[ 386], 20.00th=[ 398], | 30.00th=[ 406], 40.00th=[ 414], 50.00th=[ 418], 60.00th=[ 426], | 70.00th=[ 430], 80.00th=[ 438], 90.00th=[ 450], 95.00th=[ 462], | 99.00th=[ 494], 99.50th=[ 516], 99.90th=[ 636], 99.95th=[ 732], | 99.99th=[ 3696] bw (KB/s) : min= 606, max=77976, per=100.00%, avg=75175.70, stdev=3104.46 lat (usec) : 250=0.02%, 500=99.19%, 750=0.75%, 1000=0.03% lat (msec) : 2=0.01%, 4=0.01%, 10=0.01%, 20=0.01%, 250=0.01% lat (msec) : 500=0.01%, 750=0.01%, 1000=0.01%, 2000=0.01% cpu : usr=62.25%, sys=37.18%, ctx=58816, majf=0, minf=14 IO depths : 1=0.1%, 2=0.1%, 4=0.1%, 8=0.1%, 16=0.1%, 32=0.1%, >=64=100.0% submit : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%, >=64=0.0% complete : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.1%, >=64=0.0% issued : total=r=268435456/w=0/d=0, short=r=0/w=0/d=0 Run status group 0 (all jobs): READ: io=131072MB, aggrb=75026KB/s, minb=75026KB/s, maxb=75026KB/s, mint=1788945msec, maxt=1788945msec Disk stats (read/write): sda: ios=268419759/40, merge=0/2, ticks=62791530/0, in_queue=62785360, util=100.00% 

fio sequental
 test: (g=0): rw=read, bs=1M-1M/1M-1M, ioengine=libaio, iodepth=64 2.0.8 Starting 1 process Jobs: 1 (f=1): [R] [100.0% done] [1572M/0K /s] [1572 /0 iops] [eta 00m:00s] test: (groupid=0, jobs=1): err= 0: pid=3280 read : io=131072MB, bw=1378.6MB/s, iops=1378 , runt= 95078msec slat (usec): min=36 , max=2945 , avg=80.13, stdev=16.73 clat (msec): min=11 , max=1495 , avg=46.33, stdev=29.87 lat (msec): min=11 , max=1495 , avg=46.42, stdev=29.87 clat percentiles (msec): | 1.00th=[ 35], 5.00th=[ 38], 10.00th=[ 39], 20.00th=[ 40], | 30.00th=[ 42], 40.00th=[ 43], 50.00th=[ 43], 60.00th=[ 44], | 70.00th=[ 52], 80.00th=[ 56], 90.00th=[ 57], 95.00th=[ 57], | 99.00th=[ 59], 99.50th=[ 62], 99.90th=[ 70], 99.95th=[ 529], | 99.99th=[ 1483] bw (MB/s) : min= 69, max= 1628, per=100.00%, avg=1420.43, stdev=219.51 lat (msec) : 20=0.04%, 50=68.57%, 100=31.33%, 750=0.02%, 2000=0.05% cpu : usr=0.57%, sys=13.40%, ctx=16171, majf=0, minf=550 IO depths : 1=0.1%, 2=0.1%, 4=0.1%, 8=0.1%, 16=0.1%, 32=0.1%, >=64=100.0% submit : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%, >=64=0.0% complete : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.1%, >=64=0.0% issued : total=r=131072/w=0/d=0, short=r=0/w=0/d=0 Run status group 0 (all jobs): READ: io=131072MB, aggrb=1378.6MB/s, minb=1378.6MB/s, maxb=1378.6MB/s, mint=95078msec, maxt=95078msec Disk stats (read/write): sda: ios=261725/14, merge=0/1, ticks=11798940/350, in_queue=11800870, util=99.95% 


Or maybe bahnem? Sure to bahnem

Now we will check how the system responds to the disconnection of the Master node.

Planned : stop at the master-node Pacemaker. Almost instantly, the cluster switches the second node to Master mode:
 [285401.041046] scst: Changed ALUA state of default/local into active [285401.086053] scst: Changed ALUA state of default/remote into nonoptimized 

And on the first one it disables SCST sequentially and unloads all modules connected with it from the kernel:
 [286491.713124] scst: Changed ALUA state of default/local into nonoptimized [286491.757573] scst: Changed ALUA state of default/remote into active [286491.794939] qla2x00t: Unloading QLogic Fibre Channel HBA Driver target mode addon driver [286491.795022] qla2x00t(0): session for loop_id 132 deleted [286491.795061] qla2x00t(0): session for loop_id 131 deleted [286491.795096] qla2x00t(0): session for loop_id 130 deleted [286491.795172] qla2xxx 0000:02:00.0: Performing ISP abort - ha= ffff880854e28550. [286492.428672] qla2xxx 0000:02:00.0: LIP reset occured (f7f7). [286492.488757] qla2xxx 0000:02:00.0: LOOP UP detected (8 Gbps). [286493.810720] scst: Waiting for 4 active commands to complete... This might take few minutes for disks or few hours for tapes, if you use long executed commands, like REWIND or FORMAT. In case, if you have a hung user space device (ie made using scst_user module) not responding to any commands, if might take virtually forever until the corresponding user space program recovers and starts responding or gets killed. [286493.810924] scst: All active commands completed [286493.810997] scst: Target 21:00:00:24:ff:54:09:80 for template qla2x00t unregistered successfully [286493.811072] qla2x00t(1): session for loop_id 0 deleted [286493.811111] qla2x00t(1): session for loop_id 1 deleted [286493.811146] qla2x00t(1): session for loop_id 2 deleted [286493.811182] qla2x00t(1): Unable to send command to SCST, sending BUSY status [286493.811226] qla2x00t(1): Unable to send command to SCST, sending BUSY status [286493.811266] qla2x00t(1): Unable to send command to SCST, sending BUSY status [286493.811305] qla2x00t(1): Unable to send command to SCST, sending BUSY status [286493.811345] qla2x00t(1): Unable to send command to SCST, sending BUSY status [286493.811384] qla2x00t(1): Unable to send command to SCST, sending BUSY status [286493.811424] qla2x00t(1): Unable to send command to SCST, sending BUSY status [286493.811463] qla2x00t(1): Unable to send command to SCST, sending BUSY status [286493.811502] qla2x00t(1): Unable to send command to SCST, sending BUSY status [286493.811541] qla2x00t(1): Unable to send command to SCST, sending BUSY status [286493.811672] qla2xxx 0000:02:00.1: Performing ISP abort - ha= ffff880854e08550. [286494.441653] qla2xxx 0000:02:00.1: LIP reset occured (f7f7). [286494.481727] qla2xxx 0000:02:00.1: LOOP UP detected (8 Gbps). [286495.833746] scst: Target 21:00:00:24:ff:54:09:81 for template qla2x00t unregistered successfully [286495.833828] qla2x00t(2): session for loop_id 132 deleted [286495.833866] qla2x00t(2): session for loop_id 131 deleted [286495.833902] qla2x00t(2): session for loop_id 130 deleted [286495.833991] qla2xxx 0000:03:00.0: Performing ISP abort - ha= ffff88084f310550. [286496.474662] qla2xxx 0000:03:00.0: LIP reset occured (f7f7). [286496.534750] qla2xxx 0000:03:00.0: LOOP UP detected (8 Gbps). [286497.856734] scst: Target 21:00:00:24:ff:54:09:32 for template qla2x00t unregistered successfully [286497.856815] qla2x00t(3): session for loop_id 0 deleted [286497.856852] qla2x00t(3): session for loop_id 1 deleted [286497.856888] qla2x00t(3): session for loop_id 130 deleted [286497.856926] qla2x00t(3): Unable to send command to SCST, sending BUSY status [286497.856970] qla2x00t(3): Unable to send command to SCST, sending BUSY status [286497.857009] qla2x00t(3): Unable to send command to SCST, sending BUSY status [286497.857048] qla2x00t(3): Unable to send command to SCST, sending BUSY status [286497.857087] qla2x00t(3): Unable to send command to SCST, sending BUSY status [286497.857127] qla2x00t(3): Unable to send command to SCST, sending BUSY status [286497.857166] qla2x00t(3): Unable to send command to SCST, sending BUSY status [286497.857205] qla2x00t(3): Unable to send command to SCST, sending BUSY status [286497.857244] qla2x00t(3): Unable to send command to SCST, sending BUSY status [286497.857284] qla2x00t(3): Unable to send command to SCST, sending BUSY status [286497.857323] qla2x00t(3): Unable to send command to SCST, sending BUSY status [286497.857362] qla2x00t(3): Unable to send command to SCST, sending BUSY status [286497.857401] qla2x00t(3): Unable to send command to SCST, sending BUSY status [286497.857440] qla2x00t(3): Unable to send command to SCST, sending BUSY status [286497.857480] qla2x00t(3): Unable to send command to SCST, sending BUSY status [286497.857594] qla2xxx 0000:03:00.1: Performing ISP abort - ha= ffff88084dfc0550. [286498.487642] qla2xxx 0000:03:00.1: LIP reset occured (f7f7). [286498.547731] qla2xxx 0000:03:00.1: LOOP UP detected (8 Gbps). [286499.889733] scst: Target 21:00:00:24:ff:54:09:33 for template qla2x00t unregistered successfully [286499.889799] scst: Target template qla2x00t unregistered successfully [286499.890642] dev_vdisk: Detached virtual device SSD-RAID6-1 ("/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-3600605b008b4be401c91ac4abce21c9b") [286499.890718] scst: Detached from virtual device SSD-RAID6-1 (id 1) [286499.890756] dev_vdisk: Virtual device SSD-RAID6-1 unregistered [286499.890798] dev_vdisk: Detached virtual device SSD-RAID6-2 ("/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-3600605b008b4be401c91ac53bd668eda") [286499.890869] scst: Detached from virtual device SSD-RAID6-2 (id 2) [286499.890906] dev_vdisk: Virtual device SSD-RAID6-2 unregistered [286499.890945] scst: Device handler "vdisk_nullio" unloaded [286499.890981] scst: Device handler "vdisk_blockio" unloaded [286499.891017] scst: Device handler "vdisk_fileio" unloaded [286499.891052] scst: Device handler "vcdrom" unloaded [286499.891754] scst: Task management thread PID 5162 finished [286499.891801] scst: Management thread PID 5163 finished [286499.891847] scst: Init thread PID 5161 finished [286499.899867] scst: Detached from scsi0, channel 0, id 20, lun 0, type 13 [286499.899911] scst: Detached from scsi0, channel 0, id 36, lun 0, type 13 [286499.899951] scst: Detached from scsi0, channel 0, id 37, lun 0, type 13 [286499.899992] scst: Detached from scsi0, channel 0, id 38, lun 0, type 13 [286499.900031] scst: Detached from scsi0, channel 0, id 39, lun 0, type 13 [286499.900071] scst: Detached from scsi0, channel 0, id 40, lun 0, type 13 [286499.900110] scst: Detached from scsi0, channel 0, id 41, lun 0, type 13 [286499.900150] scst: Detached from scsi0, channel 0, id 42, lun 0, type 13 [286499.900189] scst: Detached from scsi0, channel 0, id 59, lun 0, type 13 [286499.900228] scst: Detached from scsi0, channel 0, id 60, lun 0, type 13 [286499.900268] scst: Detached from scsi0, channel 2, id 0, lun 0, type 0 [286499.900307] scst: Detached from scsi0, channel 2, id 1, lun 0, type 0 [286499.900346] scst: Detached from scsi1, channel 0, id 0, lun 0, type 0 [286499.900385] scst: Detached from scsi2, channel 0, id 0, lun 0, type 0 [286499.900595] scst: Exiting SCST sysfs hierarchy... [286502.914203] scst: User interface thread PID 5153 finished [286502.914248] scst: Exiting SCST sysfs hierarchy done [286502.914458] scst: SCST unloaded 

On virtual machines, IO freezes for about 10-15 seconds, it looks like ESXi pokes old ways for a while and only after a certain timeout it switches to new ones. IOPS on each VM drops from 120k to 22k - this is the price of I / O Shipping.

Then we disconnect or reboot the first server - Syncro on the second intercepts the leading role and I / O returns to normal values.

If you run Pacemaker back, the cluster will switch to this node back, because it is written in the config :)

Unplanned : Here we can, for example, kill through kill -9 the corosync process and the cluster crashes through STONITH. Or just turn off the node on power. The result is one and, in general, does not differ from the planned one, except for the fact that there will be no IO Shipping: the second controller will immediately grab the arrays and the speed will not drop to 22k IOPS.


Behind the scenes, there are still scripts for self-monitoring of the node, there is a large field for activity: checking the controller's vividness through any StorCLI, checking whether the arrays respond to I / O requests (ioping) and the like. In case of malfunction detection, the node should perform hara-kiri.

So here is a straightforward way you can make a fairly reliable and fast storage of scrap materials.
Questions, suggestions and criticism are welcome.

All beaver!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/253741/

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