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Amtech fluxes: a world wide hoax

Many electronics engineers, especially those working with SMD / BGA, use Amtech fluxes. Most popular brands are NC-559-ASM and RMA-223 .

Some buy them at retail radio stores, others order them by mail through the popular marketplaces DealExtreme , eBay , AliExpress , etc.
The most meticulous owners of syringes / jars with these fluxes have long ago found that the market is replete with obvious fakes. For example, the text on the label is printed vaguely, the word "California" on many labels is printed as "Coliformia", there are other errors.

Some proudly declare that they use only the “original product” purchased from the “American seller on eBay” and endowed with the “100% genuine” subscription in the title (of course, at a noticeably higher price). As proof of “authenticity”, holograms are printed on the package, printed on the “lot numbers” label, release dates and expiration dates, etc. At the same time, few people are confused, for example, the presence on holograms of an American manufacturer of Chinese characters next to the inscription “Made in USA”.

Check with the manufacturer

But the fun begins when reviewing the product catalog on the Amtech website. Products marked on the packages as “ NC-559-ASM ” and “ RMA-223 ” are located in the “Solder Pastes” section (solder pastes are compositions of powder solder and flux). The description of the RMA-223 begins as follows: “The RMA-223 solder paste is a homogeneous mixture of prefabricated solder powders and moderately activated paste-like rosin flux "). Datasheets on both NC-559-ASM and RMA-223 undoubtedly describe solder pastes, since they contain a list of possible solder compositions (Available Alloys) and the diameter of its balls (Powder Distribution), and the words "Flux" (flux) do not contain at all.

The products of interest to us are found in the section “Tacky Paste Fluxes” (sticky paste-like fluxes) under the markings NC-559-TF and RMA-223-TF . The common datasheet describes exactly fluxes. Site search shows that the same fluxes can be labeled with suffixes like “ TF ” (Tacky Flux) and “ TPF ” (Tacky Paste Flux).

Here are the types of packages: 10- and 30-ml syringes and 75-and 150-gram cans. Meanwhile, although the Chinese sell the “flux” of the RMA-223 mainly in 10-ml syringes, the flux of the NC-559-ASM (including the “100% original”) is offered almost exclusively in 100-gram cans.

Open America, however, did not work

A web search quickly finds a discussion , the initiator of which also asks the question: what exactly do the Chinese offer to us under the guise of “Amtech fluxes” if Amtech itself produces ready-made pastes under such brands? Unfortunately, the discussion does not contain anything interesting, although the initiator writes that he applied to Amtech , but received no answer.

There is also an article about comparing RMA-223-UV packs with DX and eBay :


The author notes the difference in the smell and consistency of fluxes, as well as the presence of noticeable conductivity in the indelible flux, which can disrupt the operation of the circuit. Since the author ordered batches of fluxes for subsequent sale, he made sellers contact Amtech and find out which of the options is fake. It turned out that both are fake, and the original packaging received from the manufacturer looks the same as on their website:


As you can see, the original is labeled " RMA-223-TPF (UV) ". The suffix "UV" means that non-washed traces of flux are visible in ultraviolet rays.

What we offer under the guise of the original

A search on marketplaces finds a great variety of “100% original” packages with obvious signs of a fake.

For example, the alleged "original NC-559-ASM-UV, packaged in China . " Amtech does not add the suffix "UV" to the NC-559-ASM designation for the simple reason that this paste already contains a UV additive ( The NC-559-ASM contains a UV tracer for easier flux splatter inspection ). There is no such designation in the full list of the company's products .

Another lot , also with a clear claim to originality ("... AMTECH NC-599-ASM flux, NOT the fake one in the Market"), with the designation on the jar corresponding to the solder paste.

After reviewing several dozens of lots, offering " NC-559 " and " RMA-223 ", on eBay and AliExpress, I did not find one that could offer solder paste - only pure fluxes are sold everywhere. In some photos, you can see the contents of the packages - the consistency is about the same, the color varies from pearl to brown, the look - from matte to translucent.

There are even lots with a detailed analysis of the signs of originality and forgery , on which the proposed product is quite similar to the original:

but here also the 100-gram can is presented instead of the 150-gram can declared on the official website. However, on the same site it is stipulated that other packages are available upon request - perhaps for some customers 100-gram packages are also available.

Finding reputable sources

It is curious that in the English-language section of Wikipedia there are no references to the products NC-559 and RMA-223 , and the name Amtech is mentioned only in relation to the organizations of the same name that are not related to the products for soldering. A Google search with a restriction on United States finds very few references to these products in the discussions - mainly in the offers of little-known online stores. It seems that they are not particularly popular in the United States.

The Russian-language site Amtech , apparently, is quite official, as it refers to the DarsCom company , indicated in the list of representatives on the American site. Product catalog does not contain anything new compared to the US site. On the page describing the flux-gel there is a warning about fakes, there is also an image of the label on the “native” package of the flux. In addition to the actual designation, which should include the abbreviations TF or TPF , and the product code, the label should indicate the date of manufacture and shelf life. The company does not apply any holograms allegedly confirming authenticity. It also noted that the company did not issue the flux labeled " RMA-223-UV " appearing in the aforementioned comparison.

It is indicative that there is no such warning on the American website Amtech , and there is no mention of the mass distribution of counterfeit fluxes. Neither the site nor the product catalog has clear images of packages. It seems that the company is not particularly concerned about its reputation in the world, even with very high popularity outside the United States.

Unfortunately, on both sites there are neither photos of the flux material itself, nor its exact description (consistency, color, transparency, smell, smoke, etc.). Because of this, it is impossible to confidently distinguish a fake from the original on your own.

For China and Hong Kong, the list of representatives includes two companies that have their own websites: Advan Electronics (Shenzhen) Company and Shenzhen Kingfull Electronics Shop ; the first domain, apparently, is overdue, and the second does not exist at all. SMT International, LLC is also listed , but this company has no website.

Excursion to the past

Assuming that the types and labeling of Amtech products differed in the past, and the old packages are still being sold all over the world, I looked at several shots of the Amtech website via the Internet Archive . Site images are available from February 2005, here is one of the first descriptions of NC-559AS solder paste . In the complete product catalog at that time only liquid (flux) flux was offered, the thick ones were completely absent.

For 2006, the archive contains only one snapshot of the site; it has not changed in appearance and composition.

But the very first snapshot of the site for 2007 looks almost the same as now. The “Tacky Paste Fluxes” section appears, in which all fluxes without exception have the suffix “ TF ” in the marking. The packaging did not change either - only 10/30-ml syringes and 75/150 cans. No 100-gram cans were produced.

From this it follows that Amtech never produced pure fluxes without the suffixes " TF " or " TPF " in the marking.

Disappointing conclusions

From all the information found, you can make at least three conclusions:

It seems that the first option is the most likely. In this case, the only way to verify the authenticity of the flux acquired is to buy it directly from an official representative (the same DarsCom in Russia). All other sources - the lottery.

User opinions

A targeted search by user feedback leaves the impression that almost everyone who used Amtech products (including most of those who discuss the "originality" of the product) is convinced that the RMA-223 and NC-559-ASM have always been (and should be) pure fluxes, and not solder paste. This is not surprising, since most people buy these products either on DX / eBay / AliExpress , or in small radio shops that usually buy goods from China.

Among the reviews on the use of fluxes, assessments of the type “excellent”, “excellent”, “amazingly” prevail; evaluations like "so-so" and "garbage" are quite rare, which indicates an overall decent quality of fakes. Most users agree that fluxes are very convenient when soldering, and the NC-559 is more praised than the RMA-223 . This is not surprising, since the description of the NC-559 solder paste from 2004 states that it was developed to replace the RMA-223 . Most strongly differ reviews about the smell (from "almost does not smell" to "stinks") and smoke fluxes.

Health safety

Many of those who read in English perceive the warning on a typical label with anxiety: “May contain lead. This is a case in point of global health. Consult MSDS "(May contain lead. This product contains chemicals known in California and other states as causing cancer, birth defects and other reproductive function disorders. See MSDS").

The same confusion takes place here - a label from solder paste is pasted on the package with a clean flux. Of course, any solder paste based on tin-lead solder contains lead, and in a fairly large mass fraction. The MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet - Material Safety Data Sheet) document, common to all tin-lead solder pastes , states that IARC classifies lead to category 2B (substances potentially dangerous to humans). At the same time, MSDS for lead-free solder pastes does not indicate possible carcinogenicity, although it warns of the possibility of various diseases with their long-term / massive exposure. The latter is quite normal for products of this kind.

The official labeling of the flux RMA-223-LF-TF can also cause some confusion - this can be understood as “lead-free flux”, which raises the question of the possible lead content in fluxes without the suffix “ TF ”. Suspicion is removed by reading the general description : "... designed to meet the requirements of Pb-free alloys" (designed to meet the soldering requirements of lead-free solders "). That is, it is not" lead-free flux ", but" flux specifically designed for Lead Free Solder.

The total MSDS for all thick fluxes does not mention any lead content, nor is it a possible carcinogenicity or effect on reproductive function. Warnings about possible skin irritation and moderate toxicity by inhalation are entirely appropriate - many substances, including pure rosin, form compounds that are classified as "moderately harmful" during sublimation and combustion.

Thus, the discussed pure fluxes do not contain lead and do not carry any pronounced health hazard as compared to traditional ones (solid rosin, alcohol-rosin solution, glycerol fluxes, etc.). Of course, the need for good ventilation of the workplace has not been canceled (this is also indicated in the MSDS).

Own impressions

In 2013, I ordered a 10-ml syringe with a flux labeled " RMA-223 " on AliExpress , and in 2014, a 100-gram bright blue jar " NC-559-ASM ". In both cases, I chose 100% Original lots, naively (at that time) believing that this would reduce the likelihood of forgery. Of course, on both labels, both the vagueness of the text and the errors in the words were found. Sellers were given the appropriate ratings, with appropriate comments.

The flux from the syringe is matte, light yellow - I was not particularly impressed - perhaps it is convenient when soldering SMD boards in a furnace, which I do not do. But the flux from the jar - also matte, almost white - I liked it very much when manually soldering chips with a small (about 0.8 mm) lead pitch. With its help, the high-speed soldering method is easily realized, when the microcircuit grabs onto the platform (with glue, tape or solder for two or four leads from different sides), the outputs are covered with a thick layer of flux, after which it is enough to hold a soldering iron tip with a small recess solder. This flux keeps the solder very well from spreading from the leads and the formation of jumpers. Even if during the passage of a soldering iron here and there bridges formed, it suffices to attach the sting "sideways" to the ends of the leads, and the solder from the bridges instantly tightens on the leads.

Unfortunately, the flux from the can is clearly not consistent with the brand characteristic "completely odorless" (completely odorless), and gives more smoke than pure rosin, even with a moderately hot soldering iron. Fortunately, the smoke is not the eater, and the smell is not harsh, both are like "pure rosin".

Do I need to strive to find the original flux?

According to the analysis of all the information found, I believe that in amateur practice it is quite possible to use fluxes offered in popular Internet markets. When choosing, you should pay attention not to statements like “100% original / genuine”, holograms and other false “signs of originality”, but to the seller’s rating and the appearance of the flux shown in the photo. If the flux looks the same as in most other credible proposals - most likely, in general, it will be quite similar to the original one.

In fact, in the manufacture of the fluxes under discussion, no secret substances or technologies are used, therefore, a specialist familiar with the composition of common grades of fluxes and having access to the apparatus for analysis will hardly be difficult to find out the composition and recreate the original composition with satisfactory accuracy. Consequently, even obvious counterfeits do not have to differ noticeably in their properties from the originals.

In professional work, and even more so in production, of course, these fluxes should be purchased either directly from the manufacturer or from its official representatives in the territory of their country.

I would be happy to receive comments from those who had the opportunity to compare the original Amtech fluxes with those offered by merchants (with high ratings) AliExpress / eBay sellers.

Amtech products in reputable retail chains

During the discussion of the article, it suddenly turned out that not only the products, but even the Amtech brand itself is completely unknown to such respected suppliers of products in the field of electronics, like DigiKey , Farnell and Mouser . TME still found a fairly wide range of Amtech products , but even among them, there was an obvious “non-original” syringe with the flux NC-559-AS .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/253509/

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