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Without cuts. Cashback service Kubyshka third month in Russia: regular results of the month

The third month of the cashback service Cashback service Kubyshka in Russia (past reports here and here ) passed imperceptibly , and we traditionally share the results. This month we were checked for fault tolerance, but more on that below.

1. Attendance

20,519 unique visitors, 24,679 visits, 66,286 views. Growth by 50% compared to the previous month. 97.5% new visitors. 684 uniki per day.

For three months: 47 322 visitors, 60 561 visits, 184 955 views.

2. Registrations

2472 registered users. The average number of new users per day is 26. The growth for the last month is 45%.


Referrals 530 and an increase of 15%.

3. Shopping
With 399 purchases, we have grown to 595 purchases in quantitative terms. This is an average of 7 purchases per day. Growth was 49%.

4. Turnover

Increased to 1.280 million, up 14%.

5. Promotional channels
- We tried for the first time to place a paid article on lifehacker.ru Not to say that we received a very large number of registrations from there, 70 registrations and only 3 purchases, the price of placement did not exactly get out. Somehow with free ways we manage to move better.

5.1 Contextual advertising
It works and for it we want to use a / b tests to increase the conversion.

5.2. Social networks
The group in VK grew from 1888 to 6376 and this happened completely without advertising. From there we regularly receive our share of registrations and a very decent share of purchases.

5.3. SEO
More than 2 times increased the base month search queries.

5.4. Publications and blogs
There are not enough hands at all, so we are trying to make at least one publication in two weeks. Here are the latest:
- about the impact of cashback services on sales
- about the role of referrals

6. Analytics
Analyzed the purchase of referrals. And it turned out that referrals make up 21% of users who generate 11% of sales. Given that this is free traffic, it is a very promising sales channel. Here is another article in which we have described our referral strategy in more detail.

7. Answers to frequently asked questions.
This is a new rubric where we plan to give answers to frequently asked questions.
Question : Why use a cash back service if many credit cards give your cash back from purchases?
Answer: You can use both of them and get double cashback: from the card and from 2000 online stores in CloverR.

8. Feil
8.1. Late with the action of traveling to Vienna
They planned to launch before the start of all holidays, but it turned out late in the evening on February 14.

8.2. Amazon refused to cooperate
They did-did integrate with Amazon, but it turned out that for now we don’t come out to get cash-back conditions. Roughly speaking, they need more significant indicators than they do now. Therefore, we are likely to launch Amazon, but instead of a cashback, we will give other buns.

8.3. Run out of mailchimp money
They came out of the free tariff plan for mailchimp, which is responsible for our mailings. As a result, while throwing money, while restarting the newsletter again, it took several weeks, during which our users were without mailing.

8.4. Stress Testing
This is not a hack at all, but just someone ordered load testing with home.wpm.neustar.biz , which put the site down for a while. It happened on a weekend, so we had to quickly postpone household chores to resolve this issue. The site simply ceased to open and it took us some time just to figure out what was happening, after which we banned the annoying IP. No, no, this is not a malicious attack at all, rather a friendly bell about what you need to think about security and fault tolerance.

8.5. Broke UWSGI
Again, almost 2 hours of downtime.

8.6. Do not track registration through social network
Found a bug that did not track the registration through the social network. With registrations and users, everything was fine, but our analytics was incomplete.

8.7. Many Adblock users
Probably about 40% of users have an Adblock or other ad blocker installed. This thing, along with harsh advertising, also cuts affiliate referral links and spoils the tracking mechanism. As a result, the purchase passes, but the online store does not know that the purchase comes from us and, accordingly, does not consider it necessary to pay cashback. Although it is written in our rules, we realized that not all of these rules are read, so we added a warning window when switching to an online store that freezes until the client disconnects Adblock.

8.8. Contests
Launched a contest with free travel to Vienna , but it somehow does not work much. The idea is that a registered user can write a letter with warm words to a dear person, share this on social networks and participate in the raffle of a trip to Vienna. We wanted to achieve viral distribution in social networks, but it did not work out. Whether we chose the wrong city, or did the wrong mechanics, or did not pour money into advertising ... If you have any idea why, then we will be happy to hear.

9. Pros

9.1. Added registration through Odnoklassniki
Now you can easily register through them and link your account to Odnoklassniki profile.
By the way on classmates in the group we have more than 5000 subscribers. Registrations are in full swing.

9.2. Invited to Netologii
The project Netology invited to participate in one of their training programs and talk about their experiences. We chose the course “Startup startup: from searching for an idea to entering the market” and another time we’ll tell you what turned out to be useful for the project.

9.3. Cached
Rather optimized what was done before. Now everything works much faster.

9.4. Added https for data transfer
The site itself is still working on http, but the layer associated with the transfer of tokens and other data to external services is already working through https, providing the necessary security. Soon we will demonstrate an extension for the browser and mobile applications. The license was ready to be purchased at startssl.com, but the Chinese successfully came across with a two-year share of a free SSL certificate.

9.5. Engaged in the process of simplifying registration
It should be easier and more optimal. I want to get rid of the second step, which can interfere with users.

9.6. We are considering the introduction of a / b-tests
We select the modules that are, but also look at how to implement them in your product. It’s impossible to fully use something external, because we’re interested in not just showing the landing page, which is easily covered by products like western unbounce.com or our lpgenerator.ru, but also tied to internal logic. For example, to understand what kind of test led further to a greater number of purchases.

9.7. Getting ready to search for investment
Since the economic model has become clear, and now we know how much each user is worth, how much time it pays off, how much each channel brings and how many channels you can use, we want to speed up the scaling process. To do this, prepare the Executive summary and presentation of the project.

Thanks to the loyal readers and customers of the service! Thanks for the feedback and recommendations on the interfaces and functionality that you send us! New users who are not yet with us can register here !

Always with you cashback service Kubyshka ;)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/253485/

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