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Product Design Digest February 2015

For almost five years, I have been publishing regular reviews of recent articles on the topic of interfaces, new tools and collections of patterns, interesting cases and historical stories. From the tapes of several hundred thematic subscriptions, approximately 5% of the worthwhile publications are selected that are interesting to share. Previous materials: April 2010-January 2015 .

Product Design Digest February 2015

Patterns and Best Practices

Interaction Design Best Practices - Mastering the Tangibles
UXPin cheerfully started the year with the release of a whole series of electronic books. Fresh - about the design of interaction.
Non-blocking UI's with interface previews
Callum Hart about using the page load indicator that Facebook suggested several years ago - instead of a dull twist, the screen structure is shown.

Collections of interface animation examples

I'm the fold
An interesting experiment showing where the screen ends on different devices. It is clearly visible kuchkovanie around certain numbers. Continuing the theme:

Visual Design for White Labelled Products
Cale LeRoy from Cooper about the features of product design without a specified bernd, the so-called White Labelled Products. Branding is customized for each specific client. There are three approaches: 1) only the client's logo changes (co-branding); 2) full customization is available; 3) setting only a few predefined parameters is available. The author recommends the last one.

Carousel Usage Exploration On Mobile E-Commerce Websites
Kyle Peatt of Mobify did detailed research on the use of carousels on mobile web sites.

Design Details: Instagram for iOS
Brian Lovin continues to disassemble the interface patterns of various mobile applications.

Improve Validation Errors with Adaptive Messages
Baymard Institute on adaptive form errors.

Links are broken. These three alternatives have improved our readers' reading experience
Sebastian Kersten about the problems of the classic format of linking in the text (they lead the reader in the middle of the material) and several ways to solve them.

Testing Accordion Menu Designs & Iconography
A small test of the location and various types of icon folding / expanding accordion from Viget.

Understanding the user

Little Data, Big Data and Design at LinkedIn
An interesting case study about the LinkedIn research team's approach to analyzing incoming user information. They combine data from multiple sources to understand the characteristics of behavior. The article is available only by registration, but free.

Measuring Attitude Lift
Excerpts from Chapter 9 of Jeff Sauro’s new book, Customer Analytics for Dummies. He talks about the Attitude Lift method (changing user attitudes). They are asked to evaluate the attitude to the product before and after use and compare these indicators. If there is a decrease in the level of attitude after use, then the problem is with the interaction, or the users had inadequately inflated expectations from the brand or product.

Considering the Consideration Funnel
Chris Risdon writes about the complex processes of buying goods and services on the Internet, when the user can drop the order process for more detailed study of information, and not because there is something wrong with the interface.

Natasha Dow Schull - Addiction By Design
Design for addiction. As a design to achieve flow, the latest advances in ergonomics and behavior management techniques can be effectively used for dark UX practices. Natasha Dow Schull talks wonderfully about the principles of slot machine design in casinos.

The paradox of empathy
Scott Jenson on four types of empathy in design. Continuing the theme:

Designing For The Elderly: Ways Older People Use Digital Technology Differently
A very good overview of the nuances of working with older people from Ollie Campbell.

Design Features in Asia

Information architecture, conceptual design, content strategy

The Ultimate Guide to Information Architecture
Explanatory review article on information architecture from Cameron Chapman.

Design and design of interface screens

The release of Resonator - a new extension for Photoshop, which helps to collect, store and "cut" for developers icons and any other graphics. It supports iOS, Android, Windows Phone and retina. It will be useful to all mobile, some web and in general to all those designers who are tired of the constant manual cutting of graphics for transfer to developers.

Designing For Wearables To Enhance Real-Life Experience
Jonathan Kohl's cool stuff about designing and designing applications for smart watches and bracelets. There are many nuances of working with a physical device, contexts of its use, stories from practice. The second part of the article (there is no obvious navigation between the parts).

New to Sketch

New to Quartz Composer

Designer's Toolkit: Prototyping Tools
Emily Schwartzman has made an interactive version of its prototyping tool table.

New for Apple Watch

New about Material Design

Things I've Learned About Email Sending, For Web Designers And Developers
A great Lee Munroe training manual for mailing list designers.

New for Pixate

Publishing Tools

Mobile Prototyping With Proto.io
Reviewing how to use Proto.io on Smashing Magazine.

New to Adobe Illustrator

Core animator
New tool for turning animations into native iOS code. Animations of characters, instructions, user interface elements and even full scenes. Suitable for designers who want to create attractive animations and developers who have been tortured to transfer these animations from some kind of visualizer or prototyping tool to code. Supports Objective C and Swift.

Precursor - Fast prototyping web app, makes collaboration easy
In the new year, the new prototyping tools have not swung much yet, but this is fresh. There is nothing special in the description, just to the heap.

User research and testing, analytics

How to weight
Jeff Sauro on methods of weighing user research data.

Getting to Know Your Data Types
Memo Jeff Sauro on categorization of user research data.

Don't use one way mirrors for UX research
Lisa Duddington shares her experience in usability labs. She writes about the shortcomings of the traditional layout of laboratories, when using one-way mirrors. Such a trip is outdated, instead of mirrors it is more convenient to use screens in the observers room.

Field visits and user interviews: 7 frequently asked questions
David Travis on when to use field research and laboratory tests.

6 Voice Of The Customer Tools.
Tools for collecting feedback from users.

New card sorting

Testing your site with real people. You enter a link to your site, write an assignment, live and real users test your site, you get a video from testing tasks, ..., profit!

OneTwoSplit service for A / B testing application descriptions in the AppStore and Google Play.

How We Do It: Wargaming and the User Experience
On research in Wargaming.

Visual programming and browser design

Why you should be excited about CSS shapes
Excellent review article on the possibilities of CSS shapes, allowing you to make a spectacular magazine layout with image wrapping around a complex mask. However, while support in browsers is weak.

The Frontend.md framework for creating live guidelines.

Web typography

Work with color

CSS Devices
A pack of templates of smartphones and tablets made in pure CSS. They are available in different colors and orientations.

How CSS Animation Works

New for Framer

A Deep Dive Into Adobe Edge Reflow
A small tutorial on working with Reflow.

Designers: Start Coding With uilang
Beginner's guide to working with uilang.

Work with SVG

New scripts

The work of the designer in Swift

Designing For Print With CSS
A great Rachel Andrew training manual on how to use CSS to prepare printed versions of pages. And the possibilities are so extensive that you can get a good book layout with all the features from the cover and content to footers and footnotes. Also offers a script generator PDF. Continuing the theme:

Build Your Own Product Hunt With Telescope And Meteor
How to create your Product Hunt on the Telescope platform.

Management of interface projects, processes and teams

Design and the Corporation - A Reply from Darrel Rhea
Darrel Rhea very sensibly describes the evolution of design departments in large companies. How and why they were needed in different periods of development of the profession and the market.

UX Debt in the Enterprise: A Practical Approach
A very clever case of using the concept of interface debt for processing a large product line. The article is attached calculator in Excel.

Design is Valued. Now what?
Luke Wroblewski, that it’s not enough just to hire a lot of good designers to create a great design. Need a change. For a company to become truly design-oriented, the company itself must change, and designers must change.

Routines on Projects - Why They Deserve More Attention
About useful practices that develop the design team.

Radical Redesign or Incremental Change?
Hoa Loranger from NN / g on the “big” redesign: “In most cases it is preferable to improve the product evolutionarily. A radical redesign is shown only when the product is so bad and running that it cannot be noticeably improved without complete rework. ”

PJ McCormick - Leading Projects Through Danger
PJ McCormick on how the Amazon UX team works.

The Road Less Travelled
Speech by Mike Atherton at UX Cambridge 2014. He talked about combining brand strategy with UX and product strategy.

Defining User Experience Strategy
Continuing the Austin Govella series of articles on the UX strategy. Part 5: choosing the right goals and Part 6: targeting the team .

UX Recipe
Calculator cost of the design process as a whole.

UX Hiring Handbook (PDF)
Craig Morrison's short brochure on how to hire UX designers.

Product management and analytics

Head of Analytics Lamoda: “Increasing conversion even by a percentage is big money for us”
Cool interview with Igor Selitsky, head of analyst Lamoda. Many interesting things about tracking user behavior in e-commerce.

Data-Informed Design: Three Data Stories
The third part of the series of publications Pamela Pavliscak about working with analytics data when designing interfaces.

It's Kind of Cheesy Being Green
Interestingly about the complex marketing decisions behind the green color of SMS messages in iOS.

The Guide to Minimum Viable Products
Translation into Russian of the UXPin book about MVP. Continuing the theme:

Methodologies, procedures, standards

Learn design principles
Site memo on key design principles. Other principles:


Product Design Unification Case Study: Mobile Web Framework
Published a story in the form of an article on Smashing Magazine. The editorial process in the publication, of course, is hardcore - all iterations of edits and improvements took about six months. But it turned out cool - now I know how the blood quality of their materials is achieved by what kind of sweat and blood. Over time, there will be a continuation of the content projects and the technical side. Russian version and republishing for BEM site .

Features of the UX-designer in the "iron" project
Features of work on the interface in the "iron" project on the example of "Simkomat". Ilya Alexandrov divided the article into two parts: about the features of "iron" and concrete solutions and cases . It will be more interesting for practicing designers.

Designing Twitter Video
Paul Stamatiou about the design of the Twitter Video application for the iPhone.

Editorial CMS

Emotional Design Fail: Divorcing My Nest Thermostat
Kara Pernice from NN / g used the Nest thermostat for several years, but recently replaced it with a simpler model. In the article, she examines her experience of using a thermostat from initial admiration to ultimate disappointment, pointing out irregularities in the design of both Nielsen's heuristics and Donald Norman's emotional design principles.

Accessibility Originates With UX - A BBC iPlayer Case Study
Case work on the BBC iPlayer in terms of accessibility. It shows well that adherence to basic guidelines is not enough and you need to check the design on living people.

Bloomberg Business
A cursory tale about how the Bloomberg news site was restarted, one of the most powerful media redesigns of recent times. Joshua Topolsky, who had a hand in Engadget and The Verge, in the summer of 2014 was published and influenced what the final result would be. An updated policy section they seem to have launched before it. No less daring the design of their fairly strong design conference Bloomberg Business Week Design .

Uninvited Redesigns


The Future of the Web 100 Years Old
The Nautilus article lists all the concepts of the Internet over the past 100 years, with a strong focus on the idea of ​​Paul Otlet. Interestingly, the problem of information overload, which was largely caused by industrial typography in the 19th century, was tried to be solved already.

Of mice and men
Another keyset, Douglas Engelbart experimental keyboard.

Time Travel by Book
Christina Wodtke posted her selection of books on information architecture, which she was 10 years ago.


The Wolff Olins Report 2015
Wolff Olins explanatory report on the modern role and sense of leaders in companies, as well as the importance of design thinking for them.

Forecasts for 2015

Car Interfaces

On Meta-Design and Algorithmic Design Systems
Rune Madsen on algorithms that generate design and new role of a designer in such a world.

Sorry, But Google Glass isn't Anywhere Close to Dead
For corporate clients, Google Glass glasses are actively supported and in this narrow niche they have good prospects.

Skip a Beat Heart Rate Game Launch Trailer
Heart rate as part of the input method now in the consumer market. We expect an increase in the use of the algorithm, including for the treatment of functional disorders based on biofeedback at home in a game form.

Pebble Time - Awesome Smartwatch, No Compromises
Pebble announced Time, a new generation of its smart watches. It’s not so interesting to talk about the characteristics and usage scenarios, all platforms do one or the other.

What is really interesting is the insanely cool animation orchestration done on color e-ink. First, the approach itself with a smooth transformation of the elements, when all actions in the interface look like one big and coherent animation. Similar design works with material design and this is a new level of complexity for designers. The Android loader, what John Schlemmer is doing - this is a guide for the near future. This is not a cheap cheat with springs that make the film Michael Bay from the interface - half of Dribbble is now given to these handicrafts .

Secondly, the fact that this is possible on electronic paper, which is not very much favored by top manufacturers. The first Pebble had ridiculous delays, but the new model gives out 30 FPS - everything looks very, very smooth and effective. And at the same time keeps the battery for a week, and does not die by the beginning of the next day. They say the third YotaPhone will also use color e-ink. If they get something similar, we are in for the heyday of this suddenly cool design technology.

Fashion ecommerce - Are virtual fitting rooms the silver bullet?
Article on the use of virtual fitting rooms for online sale of clothing. There are arguments for, there are moments that question the effectiveness of these decisions. In general, there is much to move. And the article can be read for general development and to see examples of fitting services.

New about virtual reality

Wearable electronics

For general and professional development

Applied UX Strategy, part 2: The Product Designer
My second article in the UX-strategy series on product designer was published on UXMatters. This is a greatly enhanced and restructured version of a recent presentation on the topic . Russian version . Continuing the theme:

Review: Online UX Courses
Arun Joseph Martin conducts a comparative review of the design of four sites with online courses on UX: All You Can Learn from UIE, Udemy, Lynda.com and SkillShare. Other tutorials:

Everyday IA
February 21 is the International Information Architect Day. The article greetings from Louis Rosenfeld. The theme for 2015 is “Architecture of Happiness”.

Back Pocket Apps: Let's Reconsider the Wireframe
The designer Golden Krishna writes the book “The Best Interface is No Interface” about designing applications without a user interface. UXBooth has published a chapter out of it. Book site .

Designing Case Studies - Showcasing A Human-Centered Design Process
Senongo Akpem talks to Smashing Magazine about creating good case studies in a portfolio. How to focus on the task and the result, not project artifacts. Continuing the theme:

The UX Reader: A Book on the Work of the MailChimp UX Team
The translation of the UX Reader book from the MailChimp team is a collection of articles from their distribution. Part 2 .

Quickpanel: UX Certifications
Opinions of well-known experts on the UX-certification.

Ergonomist No. 39, February 2015 (PDF)
The latest issue of the Ergonomist Bulletin is dedicated to user interfaces.

Khan Academy Internships
Elizabeth Lin about her internship at Khan Academy.

Jonathan Shariat - Tragic Design
Jonathan Shariat writes the book “Tragic Design” about the interfaces that kill.

People and companies in the industry

Shopping design studios

How Paul Rand Pioneered The Era Of Design-Led Business
How Paul Rand was seeking change in attitude to design in large companies.

Why Design Needs Entrepreneurship (and Entrepreneurship Needs Design)
Christina Wodtke about her career, when she went from design to business and came back more experienced.

Jeffrey Veen: Next
Jeffrey Veen is leaving Adobe for True Ventures as a design partner. Continuing the theme:

How Startups Valued At $ 1 Billion Or More Put Design First
An excerpt from the WSJ study of the largest former startups, which leads companies that have a particular focus on design. Full version of the list .

New AMA sessions

Why Samsung Design Stinks
Kevin Lee, former head of product strategy and UX at Samsung Design America, about the difference between the design approaches of Samsung and Apple.

Fresh links can also be tracked in the Facebook group of the same name. Thanks to everyone who also publishes links in it, especially Gennady Dragun, Pavel Skripkin, Dmitry Podluzhny, Anton Artyomov, Denis Efremov and Evgeny Sokolov. More and more materials in reviews appear thanks to them.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/253473/

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