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Modular File Manager Cloud Commander 2.0

In the last article, we talked about what constitutes Cloud Commander , about the main reasons for the emergence, disadvantages, merits, development process, as well as the philosophy of the file manager. Today we will talk about what has changed since that time, and how these changes affect the further development of the application. The article will cover a lot of node.js modules, some of which the reader may hear for the first time.


There are many changes, there are external, rushing eyes, and there is little noticeable. Finally, there was support for disks in Windows, as well as the ability to choose between editors: Dword and Edward . But this is not the main thing.

The main change can be considered a change in the course of development. Previously, Cloud Commander developed as a solid monolithic application that did not depend on third-party modules, could use them if they were available, but could do without them losing some of the functionality, but at the same time working stably.
There are several minuses in this approach:
The previous article said that Cloud Commander uses modules. And this is true, from the first days of development, the application was written in such a way that the code could be reused. Thus, the functionality that is reused was put into separate functions and files. But it was all implemented in the framework of a single project using the features unique to it. Accordingly, the code was not fully portable, it could not simply be taken and used in other applications. He was tied up on himself.

Realizing this, it would be very difficult to continue developing in the same manner. It was decided that the functionality that can be reused should be rendered into separate npm modules. Where they can be reused by other people who may want to improve the code, or find an error in it. In the end, everyone will benefit from this.


So, you should immediately say that version 2.0 means not a loss of backward compatibility, but a shift in the project's philosophy. The part that could be rendered gained a new repository, a place in npm and the ability to be used in other applications.

There were quite a few such modules, and we'll talk about them.


minify is a hodgepodge of modules that process: js, css, html and transfer images to base64. At the same time, the result is added to the tmp folder, for faster obtaining of the result, at the next call. This is done using the tomas module.


There are different ways to speed up the loading of a web page: merge files, minify, compile using browserify . join works differently, but its purpose is the same.

It sticks files together on the fly into one http request, minifishing them with Minify , if necessary. Connecting it is quite simple, since it is middleware compatible with express .

And this code is quite enough:
 app.use(join({ dir: __dirname })); 

Bonding, in turn, occurs as follows:
 <link rel="/join:/css/normilize.css:/css/style.css"> 


Restafary is a REST implementation for the CRUD file system, which is designed as middleware for express and can be used wherever there is a need for network file processing.



Console is another express compatible middleware.
Connects in a couple of lines: on the server and client.
Here is the server part:
 Console({ server: server, /* only one should be passed: */ socket: socket, /* server or socket */ online: true, /* default */ minify: true, /* default */ prefix:'/console' /* default */ }) 

And on the client:
 <div class="console"></div> <script src="/console/console.js"></script> <script> Console('.console', function() { console.log('console ready') }); </script> 

As a result, we get a console that can receive commands on the client and execute them on the server.


While we are talking about the execution of commands, I want to note spawnify . Add-on exec and spawn , which, among other things, generates a cd event, with which you can find out that the folder has changed, and respond to it in time.



Editor Edward , based on ace , also stood out in a separate module that can use not only Cloud Commander, but any other application, as this is also an express middleware . There are hotkeys out of the box, as well as minify and beautify . To get started using enough code on the server:
 app.use(edward({ minify : true, /* default */ online : false, /* default */ diff : true, /* default */ zip : true /* default */ })); 

And client:
 <div class="edit" data-name="js-edit"></div> <script src="/edward/edward.js"></script> 

 html, body, .edit { height: 100%; margin: 0; } 

 edward('[data-name="js-edit"]', function(el) { console.log('edward is ready'); }); 



Dword editor in terms of code, fully compatible with Edward. The main difference is that Dword is based on CodeMirror . Now, users of Cloud Commander have the opportunity to choose an editor to their liking. Both Ace and CodeMirror are quite mature projects. True, they both have flaws:
During the adaptation of CodeMirror to the possibility of becoming a full-fledged replacement for Ace, several plugins were written:
By the way, this article is partially written in the Dword editor, which is quite suitable for working with text of any kind.


The latest middleware for today will be mollify . It allows minifying js , css and html on the fly. For this, he uses the Minify described above.


When you need a really simple Rendy template engine, it can come in handy. It does one thing. Makes it as simple as possible. Works in all environments that support ES5. You can use this way:
 var Tmpl = 'hello {{ where }}'; result = rendy(Tmpl, { where: 'in browser' }); // returns 'hello in browser' 


In the comments to the previous article I was asked about the web server used. So here, this is Ponse . Simple web server. With express will not be, but copes with some things well.


When talking about data flows , there are a few nuances that need to be taken into account.

One of them is this: error handlers must be attached to each stream when using a pipe , otherwise, in case of an error, there will be crash. Pipe-io helps solve this problem by simplifying the syntax to a minimum.

It was like this:
 var fs = require('fs'), read = fs.createReadStream('README.md'), write = fs.createWriteStream('README2.md'), open = function(msg) { read.pipe(write); }, finish = function() { console.log('done'); done(); }, error = function(e) { e && console.error(e.message); done(); }, done = function() { read.removeListener('error', error); write.removeListener('error', error); write.removeListener('open', open); write.removeListener('finish', finish); } /*   */ read.on('error', e); write.on('error', e); /*      -   */ write.on('open', open); /*      ,     */ write.on('finish', finish); 

It became so:
 var fs = require('fs'), pipe = require('pipe-io'), read = fs.createReadStream('README.md'), write = fs.createWriteStream('README2.md'), error = function(e) { e && console.error(e.message); return e; } pipe([read, write], function(e) { error(e) || console.log('done'); }); 

There can be as many streams in the array as there is an error handler for each of them. If something goes wrong, an error occurs in the callback . At the end of the pipe function, all handlers are removed from the streams.


You can get a list of disks in Windows using a special win32 module. Systems from XP to 8- supported.


You can delete, copy, read and move folders using the flop module. This is its main purpose.


When you need to monitor the copy status, for example, the Copymitter module will be suitable for displaying the progress status. It will generate events on each copied file, or on a change in the status of progress, which can be from 1% to 100%. In case of an error, the process can be interrupted or continued.


The development process has not changed much; the main difference is that development is carried out not only in one global repository, but also in the repository of the module in which a bug is found or a new feature is needed. In the main repository, in the arsenal of code verification and documentation, two tools were added: jscs and yaspeller .

In the process of generating the .jscsrc using --auto-configure , it turned out that my code, with a few exceptions, most of all satisfies the Douglas Crockford agreements. With whom I, of course, was familiar before. But for some reason it seemed to me that we have with him much more differences.

I would like to say a few words about the latest wisdom module for today. It consists of several small modules, each of which simplifies and automates the routine work of a JavaScript programmer, such as:
All these tasks could be easily implemented with the help of Gulp . But once again copying gulpfile.js into a new project, I caught myself thinking that I was doing this too often, and this was not very convenient, all the time dragging it along. Wisdom does not require a configuration file. It simply does all the necessary things that are needed before the module is published. This is not a replacement for Gulp or Grunt . This is just a look from a different angle. My workflow automated this tool, simplified and made much more convenient.


Unfortunately, I have to admit: the installation process is a bit complicated. Since modules can be used not only for the backend, but also for the frontend, it does not make sense to duplicate the code, because its installation is possible in different ways. The code installed via npm will be in the node_modules folder, but no one guarantees how high, relative to the current directory, it will be located.

This is good for applications written in node.js or using browserify . For the rest, bower might be fine . It takes the files marked with the desired tag from the repository and places them in the modules folder (according to .bowerrc ). Thus, the updated module will be available for both the server and the client. This is the positive side. But there is also a negative one. To install Commander properly, Git and Bower must be installed. After that, just run the command in the terminal:
 npm install cloudcmd -g 

In addition, the reader can always take the collected archive with all dependencies (except for the Node) from the release page. Or take the latest version from the repository and execute the command:
 npm install -g 


Despite the fact that an application broken into modules is much easier to maintain, from time to time it happens that one application uses different versions of the same module. And the error corrected in one version continues to manifest itself in another. This happens rarely and happens mostly in the dev-version of the project, in which some node modules are symlinks to the corresponding repositories. As for the rest, it is much easier to work, reuse and develop with smaller particles.

I often have to explain to developers the benefits of modular development and sometimes this is given in a very complicated way. Apparently, some things become clear only when a person comes to this himself. In any case, as if the reader did not come to this, I really hope that the tendency towards small applications will prevail over frameworks that do a lot of work at once. And the latest observations in this direction fully justify my expectations, which is good news.

All typos, if found, please notify in a personal, or in a hidden repository branch.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/253437/

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