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DUMP-2015 Conference: Serverside.Experience and Serverside.Knowledge section

Continues a series of posts about the DUMP conference review of two sections - Serverside.Experience and Serverside.Knowledge. Below is about what awaits server developers on March 20 in Yekaterinburg.

DUMP is a conference for very different IT people. We have a lot of tracks for every taste: for developers, managers, designers and testers. But such “wide-profile” conferences as DUMP always have a big problem: the developers are very different.

Some write in PHP, others in C #, and others in Python. Some are developing sync buses for enterprise systems, others are cutting Saas, and some are corporate sites. Someone uses MySQL, and someone uses Hadoop. One is a programmer in a startup of two people, and the second works in an outsource.
And what is interesting to one is not at all interesting to others. And we want to make the technical track DUMP really useful. So that our audience was, for what stuck throughout the day, and not on three reports from 50.

How did we address this difficult task in 2015?

Firstly, we decided to make not one, but two tracks dedicated to backend development. That each listener always had a choice on what report to go. We thought for a long time how to separate these tracks and how to name them. By technology stack? By difficulty level? Just red and blue? In the end, we decided that it would be Serverside.Experience and Serverside.Knowledge. The first track is about the unique experience and solutions that the teams found in their work. The second is educational and review reports about technologies, tools and practices.

Secondly, we attracted to the selection and preparation of reports not one program director, but a whole team. The guys are very different and each is different in his own way. Thank them for their work!


Let me introduce them:

Alexey Spiridonov , CTO at JetStyle. Stack - PHP and Python. In our conference represents the interests of web developers from studios.

Daniel Skrobov , leads the development at Nevesta.info. Extensive development experience in PHP. Represents the interests of small start-up teams, developers of their own projects and those who are constantly looking for new solutions.

Pavel Egorov , Deputy Head of Human Resources Development at SKB Kontur. Technological stack - C #. Pasha knows what is interesting for a developer from large product companies and for those who write in languages ​​with static typing.

Andrei Fefelov , Technical Director of Abak-Press. Technology stack - Ruby. Andrei is a specialist in high-load projects on the web.

There was one javist in this company, but he had too much work, so he could not participate in the formation of the program until the end :) Anyway, Kostya Beklemishev, thank you for the advice that concerned the Java world!

It was interesting to discuss the reports as part of such a “grand jury”. And we hope you enjoy our program.

So, what reports on the back end will be this year on the DUMP:



Svetlana Isakova , the developer of the Kotlin language, offers to look under the hood and find out how the type inference algorithm works in languages ​​with static typing. There will be examples from Kotlin, Java and other languages. And most importantly, the report will help to better understand the general concepts that underlie programming languages.

Alexander Makarov, free of charge and without SMS, will tell us the story of the creation of HHVM, about its further development and its alternatives. He will tell you about the support of modern frameworks and whether it should be used in your projects. A small part of the report will be devoted to the language Hack, as an alternative to PHP.

During his career, the programmer often has to radically change the stack of technologies. For example, a C # developer decided to try Ruby. He thinks Ruby is the same C # with only duck typing and a slightly different syntax. But it is not so! If you try to write code in Ruby in the same way as in C #, you get a real horror. On examples, Alexey Mogilnikov will show how old habits go with the developer to where they are not needed and how to get rid of such an unnecessary inheritance.

Georgy Bazhukov will compare Redis with Memcached, talk about the intricacies of the work and describe the principle of the cluster in Redis 3.

Many of us at least once thought about quickly verifying that a user entered a promotional code, bank account, or barcode. Does the algorithm for calculating the check digit always give one hundred percent result of fidelity, and is there any at all? A little higher mathematics in simple words from Alexey Kirpichnikova will let you know the answer to this question.

At the word "Legacy" every programmer shudders. How to write code so that it doesn’t bleed from the eyes and doesn’t crawl, and the code written by you does not become legacy a couple of weeks after writing? When you can do ctrl + C ctrl + V instead of creating unnecessary abstractions we learn from the Evil Martian Sergei Fedorov .

A glimpse into the wondrous world of functional programming languages ​​will be possible on the report of Evgeny Palmov , a speaker charmed by Scala. But seriously, the report will be especially useful for those who have experience in Java and think whether it is worth or not to move towards Scala. Worth it!

Dmitry Kiselev from the OpenStreetMaps team in his report “Fuzzy geospatial search” will tell you what the address is and what you have to deal with when working with them. And describe how to write your geocoder using ElasticSearch.



Our special guest, an expert on the creation of Erlang Erlang Oleg Tsarev from Mail.ru, will tell about solving a deceptively simple task: show a text teaser next to the game banner from Odnoklassniki, "Cat Matroskin plays this game and 5 more of your friends" ( from friends on Odnoklassniki). If we take into account that in the graph of connections there are 200 million peaks and 13 billion connections, and we must respond quickly, the answer becomes really interesting.

Dmitry Kalugin-Balashov from Mail.ru will talk about how email search differs from regular full-text search and what non-standard technical solutions are used to organize it. Caches, tokenization, indexes, that's all.

Maxim Pashuk, developer from 2GIS, will talk about something that a technical conference in 2015, DevOps, cannot do without. As in Siberia, they built a bridge of friendship between developers and administrators, and all changes in the code began to reach testing and production without loss.

Three developers from Contour - Alexander Kazakov, Ivan Dashkevich and Ivan Burmistrov will share their product development experience in the service-oriented architecture paradigm. They will show what lies behind the theoretical calculations in fact and what unobvious consequences of architectural decisions they had to face.

Mikhail Khrushchev from the Kontr.Focus team will talk about how they searched, ordered, guarded and checked the turnout and passwords of all legal entities of Russia scattered throughout the Russian Internet. What pain they faced, how they overcame it, and what indicators of relevance they achieved - we find out in his report.

Dmitry Ustalov , a real scientist from the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, will talk about “artificial artificial intelligence” - crowdsourcing. A method that allows you to quickly and inexpensively obtain a sufficiently high-quality set of data for almost any task. The report will talk about how to properly use the "wisdom of the crowd" without the side effect of spammers and lazy people.

Report-fire from Stepan Kamentsev about how using Scala and Akka to perform all sorts of trendy things with huge amounts of text data (SVD, LSA, clustering) in a situation where the time for the entire project is a month, and there is no admin with knowledge of any bads .

Here is a program.
Come, it will be interesting. DUMP is calling :)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/253391/

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