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SEO Wordpress Plugins

Plugins will be useful not only for SEO specialists, but also for any blogger.


Meta Robots WordPress plugin - automatically adds meta tags to posts

Aizatto's Related Posts - Adds links to " related posts" to posts on the blog and in the feed.
Sitemap Generator - automatically creates an HTML sitemap.
Google (XML) Sitemaps - automatically creates an XML sitemap and pings to various sitemap services

HeadSpace 2 is a powerful plugin for editing headlines, meta tags and more.
SEO Title Tag - if you don't need all the power of Headspace, then use this plugin
SEO Slugs - prevents the creation of too long URLs

Other Utility

Secure Form Mailer - creates and integrates various forms into pages
FeedBurner FeedSmith - integrates feedburner
Feed Footer - allows you to add ads, copyrights and any other messages in the feeds

Flickr Photo Album - integrates photos, albums, groups with flickr
flickrRSS for WordPress - add photos from any RSS feed flickr to your blog
Future Posts Calendar Plugin - a calendar that shows future posts - convenient for team blogs
Full Text Feed - allows you to use "read more" (cut) on the blog, while giving full-text feeds
GoCodes Redirection Plugin - adds short URLs

Got Banners - makes managing banners easier and faster, no need to go into templates
Highlight Author Comments - allows you to set a separate design comments blog blog
Objection Redirection! - allows you to easily make a large number of 301-x redirects
Wordpress Organizer - makes it easy to work with pictures
Who Sees Ads - allows you to set the conditions for displaying advertising or other elements

Absolute Comments - simplifies commenting and comment management.
Photo Dropper - makes it easy to add Creative Commons licensed flickr images to your blog
Search Pages - searches not only by posts, but also by pages
Permalink Redirect - closes URLs with parameters from indexing
404 Notifier 1.2 - notifies of visits to non-existent pages (Russian description: 404 Notifier 1.2 )

WordPress Mobile Edition - makes a lightweight version of the blog for users from mobile phones
Wordpress Automatic Upgrade plugin - automatically updates wordpress
WordPress Database Backup - automatic backup of the blog database

Social networks

Increase Sociability Wordpress Plugin - displays special messages for users coming from social sites like Digg and stumbleupon

Share This - adds social buttons (description in Russian: ShareThis 2.1 Plugin )
Subscribe to Comments - adds the ability to subscribe to comments
What Would Seth Godin Do - displays special messages for new blog users
Twitter Tools - integrates twitter functionality into your blog.


Close Old Posts - closes comments on old posts, thus protecting them from spam
Search and Replace - allows you to easily replace pieces of text throughout the database

Reports and Analytics

Blog Metrics - shows statistics by month, authors (description in Russian: Blog Metrics Plugin )

Google Analytics and Feedburner Reports - adds feedburner and google analytics to the wordpress admin area
Search Meter - shows what users are looking for on your blog
For the basic list of many thanks Michael Gray . Additions and translation - Dimok .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25337/

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