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An example of the implementation of calls to Asterisk CLI in PHP. Asterisk response structuring

There is a common misconception that the friendship between PHP and the Asterisk CLI is a crutch. Perhaps this is true, but sometimes, upon customer request, for integration, for example, with a CRM system, it is necessary to associate with VOIP, and most often it is Asterisk.

How to quickly and simply tie up several commands from the CLI, so much so that you can get ready-made arrays of data for transfer to the web application?

In fact, everything is very simple. A bit of routine work, a bit of logic and, voila.
To get the data, we will use the documented Asterisk ability to access the CLI from outside.

We read materiel:

asterisk -rx call to the CLI command from outside.
-r: Connect to the Asterisk server running in the background and access the CLI console
-x: In combination with the -r option, executes the Asterisk CLI command

Example: asterisk -rx "sip reload" - will restart sip.

Disable color output in the console.
The asterisk has another useful key:
-n: Disable ANSI color output support

But just as I did not try to turn off the color output, it didn’t work out for me, I’d see crooked hands.

To run the command, we will use two PHP functions, exec () and passthru ().

<?php function asterisk_cli_exec ($a) { exec("asterisk -rx '$a'", $b); return $b; } function asterisk_cli_passthru ($a) { passthru("asterisk -rx '$a'", $b); return $b; } ?> 

The result of running var_dump (asterisk_cli_exec (core show help manager)).
array (11) {
[0] =>
string (63) "manager reload - Reload manager configuration"
[1] =>
string (85) "manager set debug [on | off] - Show, enable, disable debugging of the manager code"
[2] =>
string (66) "show command manager - Show a manager interface command"
[3] =>
string (65) "manager show commands - List manager interface commands"
[4] =>
string (72) "manager show connected - List connected manager interface users"
[5] =>
string (70) "manager show eventq - List manager interface queued events"
[6] =>
string (63) "manager show events - List manager interface events"
[7] =>
string (64) "show event manager - Show a manager interface event"
[8] =>
string (62) "manager show settings - Show manager global settings"
[9] =>
string (63) "manager show users - List configured manager manager"
[10] =>
string (80) "show user manager - Display information on a specific manager user"

The result of the asterisk_cli_passthru (core show help manager).
manager reload - Reload manager configuration
manager set debug [on | off] - Show, enable, disable debugging of the manager code
show command manager - Show a manager interface command
show manager commands - List manager interface commands
manager show connected - List connected manager interface users
manager show eventq - List manager interface queued events
manager show events - List manager interface events
show event manager - Show a manager interface event
manager show settings - Show manager global settings
show users manager - List configured manager users
show user manager

As a result, we got two functions that give us 2 different options for issuing information:

exec () - as an array of strings;
passthru () - direct output.

The asterisk_cli_passthru () function can only be useful for creating your own CLI interface from a browser. Basically, direct output is not required. Web applications need arrays. At this stage, we will immediately forget about this "treat", since it is already fully implemented, and nothing more is required for it.

So go to the most interesting.

The next step is to divide the teams into “simple” and “complex”. Simple commands are those that do not output an associative array of data in their output.

Simple commands
manager reload
array (0) {

manager set debug
array (1) {
[0] =>
string (20) "manager debug is off"

manager show command WaitEvent
 [Syntax] Action: WaitEvent [ActionID:] <value> Timeout: <value> [Synopsis] Wait for an event to occur. [Description] This action will ellicit a 'Success' response. Whenever a manager event is queued. Once WaitEvent has been called on an HTTP manager session, events will be generated and queued. [Arguments] ActionID ActionID for this transaction. Will be returned. Timeout Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for events, '-1' means forever 

manager show event Status
 Event: Status [Synopsis] Raised in response to a Status command. [Syntax] Event: Status [ActionID:] <value> Type: <value> DNID: <value> TimeToHangup: <value> BridgeID: <value> Linkedid: <value> Application: <value> Data: <value> Nativeformats: <value> Readformat: <value> Readtrans: <value> Writeformat: <value> Writetrans: <value> Callgroup: <value> Pickupgroup: <value> Seconds: <value> 

Difficult teams
manager show commands
 array(137) { [0]=> string(42) " Action Synopsis" [1]=> string(42) " ------ --------" [2]=> string(61) " WaitEvent Wait for an event to occur." [3]=> string(71) " DeviceStateList List the current known device states." [4]=> string(73) " PresenceStateList List the current known presence states." [5]=> string(57) " QueueReset Reset queue statistics." [6]=> string(79) " QueueReload Reload a queue, queues, or any sub-section of" [7]=> string(46) " QueueRule Queue Rules." [8]=> string(77) " QueueMemberRingInUse Set the ringinuse value for a queue member." [9]=> string(69) " QueuePenalty Set the penalty for a queue member." [10]=> string(65) " QueueLog Adds custom entry in queue_log." [11]=> string(79) " QueuePause Makes a queue member temporarily unavailable." [12]=> string(62) " QueueRemove Remove interface from queue." [13]=> string(57) " QueueAdd Add interface to queue." [14]=> string(53) " QueueSummary Show queue summary." [15]=> string(52) " QueueStatus Show queue status." [16]=> string(41) " Queues Queues." [17]=> string(80) " ControlPlayback Control the playback of a file being played to" [18]=> string(79) " StopMixMonitor Stop recording a call through MixMonitor, and" [19]=> string(80) " MixMonitor Record a call and mix the audio during the rec" [20]=> string(71) " MixMonitorMute Mute / unMute a Mixmonitor recording." [21]=> string(78) " VoicemailRefresh Tell Asterisk to poll mailboxes for a change" [22]=> string(70) " VoicemailUsersList List All Voicemail User Information." [23]=> string(73) " PlayDTMF Play DTMF signal on a specific channel." [24]=> string(55) " MuteAudio Mute an audio stream." [25]=> string(80) " ConfbridgeSetSingleVideoSrc Set a conference user as the single video sour" [26]=> string(73) " ConfbridgeStopRecord Stop recording a Confbridge conference." [27]=> string(74) " ConfbridgeStartRecord Start recording a Confbridge conference." [28]=> string(63) " ConfbridgeLock Lock a Confbridge conference." [29]=> string(65) " ConfbridgeUnlock Unlock a Confbridge conference." [30]=> string(57) " ConfbridgeKick Kick a Confbridge user." [31]=> string(59) " ConfbridgeUnmute Unmute a Confbridge user." [32]=> string(57) " ConfbridgeMute Mute a Confbridge user." [33]=> string(58) " ConfbridgeListRooms List active conferences." [34]=> string(68) " ConfbridgeList List participants in a conference." [35]=> string(58) " MeetmeListRooms List active conferences." [36]=> string(68) " MeetmeList List participants in a conference." [37]=> string(55) " MeetmeUnmute Unmute a Meetme user." [38]=> string(53) " MeetmeMute Mute a Meetme user." [39]=> string(80) " PJSIPNotify Send a NOTIFY to either an endpoint or an arbi" [40]=> string(69) " PJSIPShowRegistrationsOutbound Lists PJSIP outbound registrations." [41]=> string(70) " PJSIPUnregister Unregister an outbound registration." [42]=> string(68) " PJSIPShowRegistrationsInbound Lists PJSIP inbound registrations." [43]=> string(77) " PRIDebugFileUnset Disables file output for PRI debug messages" [44]=> string(80) " PRIDebugFileSet Set the file used for PRI debug message output" [45]=> string(65) " PRIDebugSet Set PRI debug levels for a span" [46]=> string(59) " PRIShowSpans Show status of PRI spans." [47]=> string(80) " DAHDIRestart Fully Restart DAHDI channels (terminates calls" [48]=> string(64) " DAHDIShowChannels Show status of DAHDI channels." [49]=> string(80) " DAHDIDNDoff Toggle DAHDI channel Do Not Disturb status OFF" [50]=> string(80) " DAHDIDNDon Toggle DAHDI channel Do Not Disturb status ON." [51]=> string(72) " DAHDIDialOffhook Dial over DAHDI channel while offhook." [52]=> string(55) " DAHDIHangup Hangup DAHDI Channel." [53]=> string(57) " DAHDITransfer Transfer DAHDI Channel." [54]=> string(80) " SIPpeerstatus Show the status of one or all of the sip peers" [55]=> string(52) " SIPnotify Send a SIP notify." [56]=> string(71) " SIPshowregistry Show SIP registrations (text format)." [57]=> string(52) " SIPqualifypeer Qualify SIP peers." [58]=> string(62) " SIPshowpeer show SIP peer (text format)." [59]=> string(63) " SIPpeers List SIP peers (text format)." [60]=> string(57) " IAXregistry Show IAX registrations." [61]=> string(52) " IAXnetstats Show IAX Netstats." [62]=> string(49) " IAXpeerlist List IAX Peers." [63]=> string(49) " IAXpeers List IAX peers." [64]=> string(49) " Park Park a channel." [65]=> string(52) " ParkedCalls List parked calls." [66]=> string(60) " Parkinglots Get a list of parking lots" [67]=> string(77) " AGI Add an AGI command to execute by Async AGI." [68]=> string(62) " FAXStats Responds with fax statistics" [69]=> string(80) " FAXSession Responds with a detailed description of a sing" [70]=> string(59) " FAXSessions Lists active FAX sessions" [71]=> string(80) " PJSIPShowResourceLists Displays settings for configured resource list" [72]=> string(54) " PJSIPShowSubscriptionsOutbound Lists subscriptions." [73]=> string(54) " PJSIPShowSubscriptionsInbound Lists subscriptions." [74]=> string(66) " UnpauseMonitor Unpause monitoring of a channel." [75]=> string(64) " PauseMonitor Pause monitoring of a channel." [76]=> string(74) " ChangeMonitor Change monitoring filename of a channel." [77]=> string(60) " StopMonitor Stop monitoring a channel." [78]=> string(52) " Monitor Monitor a channel." [79]=> string(64) " PJSIPQualify Qualify a chan_pjsip endpoint." [80]=> string(80) " PJSIPShowEndpoint Detail listing of an endpoint and its objects." [81]=> string(56) " PJSIPShowEndpoints Lists PJSIP endpoints." [82]=> string(63) " BridgeKick Kick a channel from a bridge." [83]=> string(51) " BridgeDestroy Destroy a bridge." [84]=> string(65) " BridgeInfo Get information about a bridge." [85]=> string(70) " BridgeList Get a list of bridges in the system." [86]=> string(80) " BlindTransfer Blind transfer channel(s) to the given destina" [87]=> string(80) " Filter Dynamically add filters for the current manage" [88]=> string(80) " AOCMessage Generate an Advice of Charge message on a chan" [89]=> string(60) " ModuleCheck Check if module is loaded." [90]=> string(52) " ModuleLoad Module management." [91]=> string(65) " CoreShowChannels List currently active channels." [92]=> string(72) " LoggerRotate Reload and rotate the Asterisk logger." [93]=> string(54) " Reload Send a reload event." [94]=> string(65) " CoreStatus Show PBX core status variables." [95]=> string(71) " CoreSettings Show PBX core settings (version etc)." [96]=> string(58) " UserEvent Send an arbitrary event." [97]=> string(61) " UpdateConfig Update basic configuration." [98]=> string(63) " SendText Send text message to channel." [99]=> string(66) " ListCommands List available manager commands." [100]=> string(62) " MailboxCount Check Mailbox Message Count." [101]=> string(48) " MailboxStatus Check mailbox." [102]=> string(55) " AbsoluteTimeout Set absolute timeout." [103]=> string(54) " PresenceState Check Presence State" [104]=> string(57) " ExtensionState Check Extension Status." [105]=> string(63) " Command Execute Asterisk CLI Command." [106]=> string(51) " Originate Originate a call." [107]=> string(52) " Atxfer Attended transfer." [108]=> string(61) " Redirect Redirect (transfer) a call." [109]=> string(72) " ListCategories List categories in configuration file." [110]=> string(80) " CreateConfig Creates an empty file in the configuration dir" [111]=> string(54) " Status List channel status." [112]=> string(71) " GetConfigJSON Retrieve configuration (JSON format)." [113]=> string(57) " GetConfig Retrieve configuration." [114]=> string(76) " Getvar Gets a channel variable or function value." [115]=> string(76) " Setvar Sets a channel variable or function value." [116]=> string(71) " ShowDialPlan Show dialplan contexts and extensions" [117]=> string(49) " Hangup Hangup channel." [118]=> string(66) " Challenge Generate Challenge for MD5 Auth." [119]=> string(48) " Login Login Manager." [120]=> string(49) " Logoff Logoff Manager." [121]=> string(53) " Events Control Event Flow." [122]=> string(52) " Ping Keepalive command." [123]=> string(78) " LocalOptimizeAway Optimize away a local channel when possible." [124]=> string(74) " ExtensionStateList List the current known extension states." [125]=> string(77) " MessageSend Send an out of call message to an endpoint." [126]=> string(73) " Bridge Bridge two channels already in the PBX." [127]=> string(71) " DialplanExtensionRemove Remove an extension from the dialplan" [128]=> string(66) " DialplanExtensionAdd Add an extension to the dialplan" [129]=> string(66) " BridgeTechnologyUnsuspend Unsuspend a bridging technology." [130]=> string(64) " BridgeTechnologySuspend Suspend a bridging technology." [131]=> string(80) " BridgeTechnologyList List available bridging technologies and their" [132]=> string(61) " DataGet Retrieve the data api tree." [133]=> string(47) " DBPut Put DB entry." [134]=> string(49) " DBDelTree Delete DB Tree." [135]=> string(50) " DBDel Delete DB entry." [136]=> string(47) " DBGet Get DB Entry." } 

manager show connected
 array(3) { [0]=> string(132) " Username IP Address Start Elapsed FileDes HttpCnt Read Write" [1]=> string(142) " cxpanel 1426370041 5167 19 0 2147483647 2147483647" [2]=> string(18) "1 users connected." } 

manager show eventq
 array(16) { [0]=> string(11) "Usecount: 1" [1]=> string(16) "Category: 262144" [2]=> string(6) "Event:" [3]=> string(21) "Event: SuccessfulAuth" [4]=> string(23) "Privilege: security,all" [5]=> string(37) "EventTV: 2015-03-15T05:22:02.054+0600" [6]=> string(23) "Severity: Informational" [7]=> string(12) "Service: AMI" [8]=> string(15) "EventVersion: 1" [9]=> string(16) "AccountID: admin" [10]=> string(25) "SessionID: 0x7ff0f0000ad8" [11]=> string(35) "LocalAddress: IPV4/TCP/" [12]=> string(39) "RemoteAddress: IPV4/TCP/" [13]=> string(16) "UsingPassword: 0" [14]=> string(39) "SessionTV: 2015-03-15T05:22:02.054+0600" [15]=> string(0) "" } 

manager show events
 array(49) { [0]=> string(7) "Events:" [1]=> string(66) " -------------------- -------------------- --------------------" [2]=> string(51) " AGIExecEnd AGIExecStart AOC-D" [3]=> string(57) " AOC-E AOC-S AgentCalled" [4]=> string(55) " AgentComplete AgentConnect AgentDump" [5]=> string(63) " AgentLogin AgentLogoff AgentRingNoAnswer" [6]=> string(51) " Agents AgentsComplete Alarm" [7]=> string(57) " AlarmClear AorDetail AsyncAGIEnd" [8]=> string(62) " AsyncAGIExec AsyncAGIStart AttendedTransfer" [9]=> string(59) " AuthDetail AuthMethodNotAllowed BlindTransfer" [10]=> string(57) " BridgeCreate BridgeDestroy BridgeEnter" [11]=> string(59) " BridgeLeave ChallengeResponseFai ChallengeSent" [12]=> string(65) " ChanSpyStart ChanSpyStop ChannelTalkingStart" [13]=> string(60) " ChannelTalkingStop ConfbridgeEnd ConfbridgeJoin" [14]=> string(62) " ConfbridgeLeave ConfbridgeMute ConfbridgeRecord" [15]=> string(63) " ConfbridgeStart ConfbridgeStopRecord ConfbridgeTalking" [16]=> string(61) " ConfbridgeUnmute ContactStatusDetail CoreShowChannel" [17]=> string(54) " CoreShowChannelsComp DAHDIChannel DNDState" [18]=> string(53) " DeviceStateChange DialBegin DialEnd" [19]=> string(61) " EndpointDetail EndpointList ExtensionStatus" [20]=> string(62) " FAXSession FAXSessionsComplete FAXSessionsEntry" [21]=> string(55) " FAXStats FAXStatus FailedACL" [22]=> string(62) " FullyBooted Hangup HangupHandlerPop" [23]=> string(59) " HangupHandlerPush HangupHandlerRun HangupRequest" [24]=> string(62) " Hold IdentifyDetail InvalidAccountID" [25]=> string(62) " InvalidPassword InvalidTransport LoadAverageLimit" [26]=> string(66) " LocalBridge LocalOptimizationBeg LocalOptimizationEnd" [27]=> string(60) " MCID MWIGet MWIGetComplete" [28]=> string(57) " MeetmeEnd MeetmeJoin MeetmeLeave" [29]=> string(59) " MeetmeMute MeetmeTalkRequest MeetmeTalking" [30]=> string(58) " MemoryLimit MiniVoiceMail MonitorStart" [31]=> string(61) " MonitorStop MusicOnHoldStart MusicOnHoldStop" [32]=> string(54) " NewAccountCode NewCallerid NewExten" [33]=> string(63) " Newchannel Newstate OriginateResponse" [34]=> string(63) " ParkedCall ParkedCallGiveUp ParkedCallTimeOut" [35]=> string(65) " PeerStatus Pickup PresenceStateChange" [36]=> string(61) " PresenceStatus QueueCallerAbandon QueueCallerJoin" [37]=> string(62) " QueueCallerLeave QueueMemberAdded QueueMemberPause" [38]=> string(66) " QueueMemberPenalty QueueMemberRemoved QueueMemberRinginuse" [39]=> string(54) " QueueMemberStatus RTCPReceived RTCPSent" [40]=> string(52) " ReceiveFAX Registry Reload" [41]=> string(65) " RequestBadFormat RequestNotAllowed RequestNotSupported" [42]=> string(58) " SIPQualifyPeerDone SendFAX SessionLimit" [43]=> string(63) " SessionTimeout Shutdown SoftHangupRequest" [44]=> string(52) " SpanAlarm SpanAlarmClear Status" [45]=> string(61) " StatusComplete SuccessfulAuth TransportDetail" [46]=> string(52) " UnParkedCall UnexpectedAddress Unhold" [47]=> string(52) " UserEvent VarSet VarSet" [48]=> string(8) " VarSet" } 

manager show settings
 array(17) { [0]=> string(0) "" [1]=> string(16) "Global Settings:" [2]=> string(16) "----------------" [3]=> string(32) " Manager (AMI): Yes" [4]=> string(31) " Web Manager (AMI/HTTP): No" [5]=> string(41) " TCP Bindaddress:" [6]=> string(31) " HTTP Timeout (minutes): 60" [7]=> string(31) " TLS Enable: No" [8]=> string(37) " TLS Bindaddress: Disabled" [9]=> string(41) " TLS Certfile: asterisk.pem" [10]=> string(17) " TLS Privatekey:" [11]=> string(13) " TLS Cipher:" [12]=> string(32) " Allow multiple login: Yes" [13]=> string(32) " Display connects: Yes" [14]=> string(31) " Timestamp events: No" [15]=> string(15) " Channel vars:" [16]=> string(31) " Debug: No" } 

manager show users
 array(8) { [0]=> string(0) "" [1]=> string(8) "username" [2]=> string(8) "--------" [3]=> string(5) "rinat" [4]=> string(5) "admin" [5]=> string(7) "cxpanel" [6]=> string(19) "-------------------" [7]=> string(27) "3 manager users configured." } 

manager show user admin
 array(9) { [0]=> string(0) "" [1]=> string(25) " username: admin" [2]=> string(25) " secret: <Set>" [3]=> string(23) " ACL: yes" [4]=> string(115) " read perm: system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,dtmf,reporting,cdr,dialplan,originate,message" [5]=> string(115) " write perm: system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,dtmf,reporting,cdr,dialplan,originate,message" [6]=> string(23) " displayconnects: yes" [7]=> string(23) "allowmultiplelogin: yes" [8]=> string(19) " Variables:" } 

Now we start the debriefing.

Simple functions will not be processed, we will give them as is to our client.

Let's start coding.

 <?php function asterisk_cli_exec ($a) { exec("asterisk -rx '$a'", $b); return $b; } function asterisk_cli_passthru ($a) { passthru("asterisk -rx '$a'", $b); return $b; } function cli ($a) { /* : trim -        strtolower -      str_replace -    */ $a=str_replace(" ", " ",trim(strtolower($a))); /*  $b      switch */ $b=-1; /*           */ $result = array (); /*     cli  */ $ar = array ("manager reload", "manager set debug", "manager show command ", "manager show event ", /*    ,   â„– 3 */ "manager show connected", "manager show eventq", "manager show events", "manager show settings", "manager show users", "manager show user "); for ($i=0;$i<count($ar);$i++) { if (strpos($a,$ar[$i])!==false) { $b = $i; } } switch (true) { case $b==-1: /*              */ $result[0]["Name"] = "Error"; $result[0]["Function"] = "cli"; $result[0]["Number"] = "00001"; $result[0]["Description"] = "  CLI "; return $result; break; case $b<=3: return asterisk_cli_exec($a); break; } } var_dump(cli ('manager set debfsugfsdf')); /*    */ var_dump(cli ('manager set debug')); var_dump(cli ('manager reload')); ?> 

Execution result
 array(1) { [0]=> array(4) { ["Name"]=> string(5) "Error" ["Function"]=> string(3) "cli" ["Number"]=> string(5) "00001" ["Description"]=> string(38) "  CLI " } } array(1) { [0]=> string(20) "manager debug is off" } array(0) { } 

Well, let's continue further data analysis coming from Asterisk.

A quick look allows you to find "similar" responses to commands.

Personally, I made up several groups:

1 group
manager show eventq
manager show settings
manager show user
(similarity consists in the separation of keys by the symbol ":" - a colon)

2 group
manager show commands
manager show events
(similarity consists in the separation of keys with a space symbol (lam))

and without groups
manager show users
manager show connected

In this regard, we need to restructure our array, where we store the CLI commands, as follows:

 $ar = array ("manager reload", "manager set debug", "manager show command ", "manager show event ", /*    ,   â„– 3 */ "manager show eventq", /* 1  */ "manager show settings",/* 1  */ "manager show user ", /* 1  */ "manager show commands", /* 2  */ "manager show events", /* 2  */ "manager show users", /*   */ "manager show connected" /*   */ ); 

Let us proceed to the structuring of the received data from 1 group.

 <?php function asterisk_cli_exec ($a) { exec("asterisk -rx '$a'", $b); return $b; } function asterisk_cli_passthru ($a) { passthru("asterisk -rx '$a'", $b); return $b; } function cli ($a) { /* : trim -        strtolower -      str_replace -    */ $a=str_replace(" ", " ",trim(strtolower($a))); /*  $b      switch */ $b=-1; /*           */ $result = array (); /*     cli  */ $ar = array ("manager reload", "manager set debug", "manager show command ", "manager show event ", /*    ,   â„– 3 */ "manager show eventq", /* 1  */ "manager show settings",/* 1  */ "manager show user ", /* 1  */ "manager show commands", /* 2  */ "manager show events", /* 2  */ "manager show users", /*   */ "manager show connected" /*   */ ); for ($i=0;$i<count($ar);$i++) { if (strpos($a,$ar[$i])!==false) { $b = $i; } } switch (true) { case $b==-1: /*              */ $result[0]["Name"] = "Error"; $result[0]["Function"] = "cli"; $result[0]["Number"] = "00001"; $result[0]["Description"] = "  CLI "; return $result; break; case $b<=3: return asterisk_cli_exec($a); break; case $b<=6: /*  isset -     unset -   count -    explode -      ,     */ $t = asterisk_cli_exec($a); /*        $t */ while (isset($t[0])) { if ($t[0]!="") /*       */ { unset($m); /*           */ $m = explode(":", $t[0]); /*        ":" */ if (isset($m[1])) /*    ,                        */ { $n = $m[1]; /*      */ for ($i=2;$i<count($m);$i++) { $n.=":".$m[$i]; /*          */ } $result[trim($m[0])]=trim($n); /*        */ } } array_splice($t, 0, 1); } return $result; break; } } var_dump(cli ('manager show user admin')); var_dump(cli ('manager show eventq')); var_dump(cli ('manager show settings')); ?> 

Execution result
 array(6) { ["username"]=> string(5) "admin" ["secret"]=> string(5) "<Set>" ["acl"]=> string(3) "yes" ["read perm"]=> string(91) "system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,dtmf,reporting,cdr,dialplan,originate,all" ["write perm"]=> string(91) "system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,dtmf,reporting,cdr,dialplan,originate,all" ["displayconnects"]=> string(3) "yes" } array(8) { ["Usecount"]=> string(1) "1" ["Category"]=> string(1) "1" ["Event"]=> string(8) "Registry" ["Privilege"]=> string(10) "system,all" ["Timestamp"]=> string(17) "1426383271.261620" ["ChannelType"]=> string(3) "SIP" ["Domain"]=> string(13) "" ["Status"]=> string(10) "Registered" } array(16) { ["Global Settings"]=> string(0) "" ["Manager (AMI)"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["Web Manager (AMI/HTTP)"]=> string(2) "No" ["TCP Bindaddress"]=> string(12) "" ["HTTP Timeout (minutes)"]=> string(2) "60" ["TLS Enable"]=> string(2) "No" ["TLS Bindaddress"]=> string(8) "Disabled" ["TLS Certfile"]=> string(12) "asterisk.pem" ["TLS Privatekey"]=> string(0) "" ["TLS Cipher"]=> string(0) "" ["Allow multiple login"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["Display connects"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["Timestamp events"]=> string(3) "Yes" ["Channel vars"]=> string(0) "" ["Debug"]=> string(2) "No" ["Block sockets"]=> string(2) "No" } 

The algorithm develops further in the same direction and using these commands. Unfortunately, Aster codecs often change the output of command results, sometimes even several times during the same version. For non-repeating command results, the algorithm branch is written separately.

This article does not cover group 2 and non-recurring commands. But the main idea with the implementation is visible.


It is possible to write a module for the connection of the Asterisk with the web application and it does not require deep knowledge in Zvezdochka or PHP. I hope this article will help you understand which way to go and how to connect the server part of the application with Asterisk.

ps Of course, the easiest way to implement everything on sockets and AMI, but with the CLI functionality at the initial level of familiarity with Asterisk, so far nothing can compare. Is that direct editing configuration files or SQL.
I will say to the defenders of ARI and its derivatives immediately my opinion, which does not claim to be the ultimate truth, the implementation of applications for them requires a deeper understanding of Asterisk.

Please do not throw stones, I just shared my experience. By the way, novice coders and VOIP-programmers - “fully working code”, tested on Aster 13 versions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/253351/

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