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Automate Cisco IOU from console

He thought about the publication of the article for a long time, and when he did decide, he devoted it to an interesting Cisco IOU emulator. Or rather, the launch phase of any complex scheme, without resorting to graphical tools such as GNS3 or IOU Web.

I will not invent a bicycle and take the @Avtandiko article “ Raising a simplified provider network at home” as a basis, especially in the author’s comments they asked to share a stand.

The author used the images i86bi_linux-adventerprisek9-ms.152-4.M1 and i86bi_linux_l2-ipbasek9-ms.jan24-2013-B, but, in fact, is not the point. I would like to propose an alternative option, unfortunately, that works only in ArchLinux. This is to build your IOU package.

Of the advantages: there is no need to carry with them images, a unified approach to the launch of various stands. I will not tell you in detail how to collect packages in ArchLinux, there is enough information on the Internet on this subject. I will give only PKBUILD and install. Additional components iou2net.pl, CiscoIOUKeygen.py, IOUsniffer, wrapper-linux are freely available.

pkgname=iou pkgver=1.2 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Cisco IOU" arch=("any") url="http://www.cisco.com/" license=("custom") depends=("libpcap" "cryptsetup" "lib32-openssl" "perl-net-pcap") options=("emptydirs") install="${pkgname}.install" source=("${pkgname}.install" "iou2net.pl" "CiscoIOUKeygen.py" "IOUsniffer.tar.gz" "wrapper-linux.tar.gz" "i86bi_linux-adventerprisek9-ms.152-2.15.T" "i86bi_linux_l2-ipbasek9-ms.jan24-2013-team_track") build() { cd "${srcdir}/IOUsniffer" && make || return 1 cd "${srcdir}/wrapper-linux" && make || return 1 } package() { install -Dm 0755 "${srcdir}/iou2net.pl" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/iou-live" install -Dm 0755 "${srcdir}/CiscoIOUKeygen.py" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/iou-keygen" install -Dm 0755 "${srcdir}/IOUsniffer/iousniff" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/iou-sniff" install -Dm 0755 "${srcdir}/wrapper-linux/wrapper-linux" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/iou-wrapper" install -Dm 0755 "${srcdir}/i86bi_linux-adventerprisek9-ms.152-2.15.T" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/iou-router" install -Dm 0755 "${srcdir}/i86bi_linux_l2-ipbasek9-ms.jan24-2013-team_track" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/iou-switch" install -dm 0755 "${pkgdir}/usr/lib32/" ln -s "/usr/lib32/libcrypto.so.1.0.0" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib32/libcrypto.so.4" } md5sums=('SKIP' 'SKIP' 'SKIP' 'SKIP' 'SKIP' 'SKIP' 'SKIP') 

 post_install() { grep xml.cisco.com /etc/hosts > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo ' xml.cisco.com' >> /etc/hosts fi /usr/bin/iou-keygen } post_upgrade() { grep xml.cisco.com /etc/hosts > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo ' xml.cisco.com' >> /etc/hosts fi } post_remove() { grep xml.cisco.com /etc/hosts > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 1 ] then sed -i '/xml.cisco.com/d' /etc/hosts fi } 

Next, go to the scheme. Let me remind you (network diagram image is taken from the above article):

The most thorough stage in this process is to make NETMAP correctly.

1: 0/1 3: 0/1 1
2: 0/1 3: 0/2 1
2: 0/3 5: 1/1 1
2: 0/2 7: 0/0 1
2: 0/0 6: 0/1 1
2: 1/0 15: 0/0 1
6: 1/0 15: 0/1 1
5: 1/0 6: 0/2 1
6: 0/3 7: 0/1 1
6: 0/0 8: 0/0 1
3: 0/0 4: 0/0 1
3: 0/3 5: 0/0 1
4: 0/2 5: 1/2 1
5: 0/3 7: 1/0 1
7: 0/2 8: 0/2 1
8: 0/1 12: 0/0 1
4: 0/1 9: 0/0 1
5: 0/1 10: 0/0 1
5: 0/2 11: 0/0 1
7: 0/3 11: 0/1 1
9: 0/1 10: 0/2 1
9: 0/2 13: 0/0 1
10: 0/1 13: 0/1 1
11: 0/2 14: 0/0 1

In principle, nothing new, except for the number “1” at the end of each line. It is required for IOUSneffer, indicates the type of connection. In this case, Ethernet.

Well, the most interesting thing in the end is the stand launch script itself:

 #!/bin/bash WRAPPER="/usr/bin/iou-wrapper" ROUTER="/usr/bin/iou-router" SWITCH="/usr/bin/iou-switch" IOUSNIFF="/usr/bin/iou-sniff" DUMPDIR="./dump" DUMPDIRTMP="${DUMPDIR}/tmp" DUMPFILE="${DUMPDIR}/dump-$(date +%F-%T).pcap" DELAY="5" MODE=${1:-"--help"} # Name Type ID Port Serial Ethernet DEVICES=( "R-01" "R" "1" "10001" "0" "1" "R-02" "R" "2" "10002" "0" "2" "R-03" "R" "3" "10003" "0" "1" "R-04" "R" "4" "10004" "0" "1" "R-05" "R" "5" "10005" "0" "2" "R-06" "R" "6" "10006" "0" "2" "R-07" "R" "7" "10007" "0" "2" "R-08" "R" "8" "10008" "0" "1" "R-09" "R" "9" "10009" "0" "1" "R-10" "R" "10" "10010" "0" "1" "R-11" "R" "11" "10011" "0" "1" "SW-12" "S" "12" "10012" "0" "1" "SW-13" "S" "13" "10013" "0" "1" "SW-14" "S" "14" "10014" "0" "1" "R-15" "R" "15" "10015" "0" "1" ) start-iou() { for ((index=0; index < ${#DEVICES[@]}/6; index++)) do if [ "X_${DEVICES[${index}*6+1]}" == "X_R" ] then ${WRAPPER} -m ${ROUTER} -p ${DEVICES[${index}*6+3]} -- \ -s ${DEVICES[${index}*6+4]} \ -e ${DEVICES[${index}*6+5]} ${DEVICES[${index}*6+2]} &> /dev/null & else ${WRAPPER} -m ${SWITCH} -p ${DEVICES[${index}*6+3]} -- \ -s ${DEVICES[${index}*6+4]} \ -e ${DEVICES[${index}*6+5]} ${DEVICES[${index}*6+2]} &> /dev/null & fi done } start-konsole() { touch ./tabs for ((index=0; index < ${#DEVICES[@]}/6; index++)) do echo "title: ${DEVICES[${index}*6]};; command: telnet localhost ${DEVICES[${index}*6+3]}" >> ./tabs done konsole --tabs-from-file ./tabs &> /dev/null rm ./tabs &> /dev/null } reset-konsole() { for ((index=0; index < ${#DEVICES[@]}/6; index++)) do sudo kill -SIGHUP $(fuser -n tcp ${DEVICES[${index}*6+3]} 2>&1 | awk '{print $2}') done } start-sniff() { [ -d ${DUMPDIR} ] || mkdir -p ${DUMPDIR} &> /dev/null mkdir -p "${DUMPDIRTMP}" &> /dev/null ${IOUSNIFF} -f -o -i /tmp/netio$(id -u) -n ./NETMAP -s ${DUMPDIRTMP} &> /dev/null & } stop() { ps -e | grep "${1}" | awk '{ print $1 }' | xargs sudo kill "-${2}" &> /dev/null } case "${MODE}" in --start) start-iou sleep ${DELAY} start-konsole ;; --stop) stop "iou" "SIGKILL" ;; --start-iou) start-iou ;; --start-konsole) start-konsole ;; --reset-konsole) reset-konsole ;; --start-sniff) start-sniff ;; --stop-sniff) stop "iou-sniff" "SIGINT" fdupes -d -N ${DUMPDIRTMP} &> /dev/null mergecap -w ${DUMPFILE} ${DUMPDIRTMP}/*.pcap rm -rf ${DUMPDIRTMP} &> /dev/null ;; --help|*) echo -e "\nUsage: ${0} [OPTIONS]" echo -e "\nOPTIONS:\n" echo -e "\t--start \t- Start" echo -e "\t--stop \t\t- Stop" echo -e "\t--start-iou \t- Start IOU" echo -e "\t--start-sniff \t- Start Sniff" echo -e "\t--stop-sniff \t- Stop Sniff" echo -e "\t--start-konsole - Start konsole" echo -e "\t--reset-konsole - Reset konsole" echo -e "\t--help \t\t- Help\n" ;; esac 

The presented script is configured to work with the current stand. If you use it in another scheme, you only need to correctly fill in the DEVICES array:

 # Name Type ID Port Serial Ethernet DEVICES=( "R-01" "R" "1" "10001" "0" "1" "R-02" "R" "2" "10002" "0" "2" "R-03" "R" "3" "10003" "0" "1" "R-04" "R" "4" "10004" "0" "1" "R-05" "R" "5" "10005" "0" "2" "R-06" "R" "6" "10006" "0" "2" "R-07" "R" "7" "10007" "0" "2" "R-08" "R" "8" "10008" "0" "1" "R-09" "R" "9" "10009" "0" "1" "R-10" "R" "10" "10010" "0" "1" "R-11" "R" "11" "10011" "0" "1" "SW-12" "S" "12" "10012" "0" "1" "SW-13" "S" "13" "10013" "0" "1" "SW-14" "S" "14" "10014" "0" "1" "R-15" "R" "15" "10015" "0" "1" ) 

The one-dimensional array of DEVICES consists of six pseudo-columns (this approach has taken root in me since the time of use of C, I do not exclude a more elegant solution of the problem).

  1. Name - The conditional name of the device that will be used when signing tabs konsole;
  2. Type - Type of device: R - router, S - switch;
  3. ID - Device ID, also used in NETMAP;
  4. Port - The port number through which telnet can connect to the device console;
  5. Serial - The number of cards installed in the device with serial ports;
  6. Ethernet - The number of cards installed in the device with Ethernet ports.

In conclusion, the article will open the script start options:
  1. --start - Full start of the stand with simultaneous connection to the console;
  2. --stop - full stand off;
  3. --start-iou - Run all devices without additional connection to them on the console;
  4. --start-konsole - Connect to all devices on the console;
  5. --reset-konsole - If the console hangs, and this sometimes happens. You can use the current option to reset all connections without rebooting devices;
  6. --start-sniff - When the need arises for sniffing, then you need to run a script with this option. To sustain the period of time during which the packet is captured. Next, you need to stop packet capture with the --stop-sniff option and you will receive a full dump of your network in the ./dump folder;
  7. --stop-sniff - Stop packet capture mode.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/253272/

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