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CLRium # 2: ASP.NET and DNX (.Net Execution Environment) - on the latest CoreCLR core. Soul rest on Enterprise with Roslyn

What can we dig up on the Internet about the most recent, about which there are only rumors? Our answer is nothing to shed light on the question. For example, what is DNX? The project repository tells us:

DNX (.Net runtime) - contains the code needed to load the application and its operation, including the build system, SDK, and CLR of the host.

Personally, until recently, I didn’t say anything, just like you. But this is the future of ASP.NET .
Or, for example, many do not understand why everyone is going crazy about the possibility of running ASP.NET 5 on Linux under the newest CoreCLR core ... But not today - tomorrow, ASP.NET developer jobs for Linux will start appearing and we all suddenly realize: we are old people, and young people have already studied and know, capturing all expensive vacancies.

And generally ... How many rantaymy now? Where did the world go with the one and only CLR, and why did he suddenly stop arranging everyone ??

The tasks of the speakers of the CLRium are to dig up so much fresh that you leave it in disarray: what should you do tomorrow? And, gaining spirit, they began to study all this just as we did: devoting all free time to a new hobby

Andrey DreamWalker Akinshin




Stanislav Sidristij Sidristy

The magic of working with types

A warm-up report that, like the CLRium # 1, is full of controversial ideas, but very interesting from that.


Many people say that openness of the .NET Framework for the community and providing the community with opportunities for free editing is bad and is fraught with endless bugs, careless code and unstable API. Is it so?


Roslyn - extensions for compilers and MS Visual Studio - for design needs

In my practice, very often there are requirements to do some kind of routine, and constantly remember about something. As the first example that comes up in the head, it is necessary to insert checks for correctness of arguments at the beginning of each public method of a public class. This is correct, but sometimes you forget, and CodeReview delays. It would be convenient to have an analyzer for this case. Or, for example, instead of the code if(x != null) x.DoSomething() , so that you can write x.Eval(x => x.DoSomething()) - our analog ?. from C # 6. Code analyzers are suitable for all tasks of this kind, which are not as difficult to write as it seems.

For example, for SpecFlow-based testing automators, it would be convenient to have an analyzer that would search for all feature files, and check if they contain the steps that are announced in the code. And if there were no such steps, I would have cursed and asked to remove the extra method.

I hope the program turned out as tasty as possible.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/253035/

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