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Sviaz-Expocomm 2008

A regular annual exhibition, Svyaz-Expocomm, is currently taking place in Moscow. By chance, she has to be on it all the time. Impressions are strange. Given the absence of the majority of major mobile players and a huge number of our Chinese brothers, this event can already be called the “ Great People’s China Svyaz-Expocomm Exhibition ”;)

Among the variety of Chinese goods and services, here and there, the stands of familiar trademarks are still looking through - the same Siemens, for example, or Panasonic. Sometimes there are also domestic manufacturers. But in any case, there is practically no “mobility” in this exhibition in the sense in which its end users expect it - that is, we are with you.

But what pleased us was the mention of VoIP support in their devices, including mobile and / or home devices, flashing here and there as a competitive advantage. Siemens, for example, gives you free calls to anywhere in the world using SIP. All this only confirms the fact that VoIP (and, of course, mVoIP) is the future and it has almost arrived;)


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25298/

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