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Mikrotik: configuring IPsec to automatically update the VPN server address

When configuring IPSec, sooner or later, everyone is faced with the fact that you can only set the IP addresses of a remote VPN server. Specifying DNS records in the IPsec Policies and IPsec Peers settings is not supported.

This can cause certain inconveniences in cases where on the VPN server:

Taking even the simplest scheme, it becomes clear that we will have to change the settings of the three router clients of the VPN server:

And in each of the three routers change the values:

In reality, when there are tens and hundreds of customers, the automation of this process becomes a necessity. Consider how to implement this using the standard features of Microtik: DDNS, Scripts and Scheduler.

For the interest of a little complicate the scheme. Let the central VPN servers have two routers to which our clients connect.

We turn on the DDNS provided by the company on both VPN servers. Mikrotik provides DDNS as a free service to RouterOS customers.

ip cloud set ddns-enabled=yes 

Other DDNS Providers
I use the paid DynECT service from DynDNS, but the scheme of work does not change.

We can see the result: the received A-records in the domain sn.mynetname.net , pointing to our VPN servers.

  > ip cloud print ddns-enabled: yes public-address: dns-name: 111111111111.sn.mynetname.net status: updated 

We turn to the routers, which act as clients.

In the IpSec / Policy and IpSec / Peer settings, in the comments for each line, we will sign the DNS names of the VPN servers:

Next we add the SetIpSecDstAddrFromDns script, which will receive the DNS names of our VPN servers from the comment and compare them with the values ​​in the settings:

 :if ([:len [/system script job find script=SetIpSecDstAddrFromDns]]>1) do={ :error } :local DnsNameFromComment :local ResolvedIpFromComment :local ResolvedIpWithMaskFromComment :local IpDstAddr :local IpSaDstAddr :foreach IpSecPolicyCount in=[/ip ipsec policy find] do={ :set DnsNameFromComment [/ip ipsec policy get $IpSecPolicyCount comment] :if ($DnsNameFromComment!="") do={ :do { :set ResolvedIpFromComment ([:resolve $DnsNameFromComment]) :set ResolvedIpWithMaskFromComment ($ResolvedIpFromComment . "/32") :set IpDstAddr [/ip ipsec policy get $IpSecPolicyCount dst-address] :set IpSaDstAddr [/ip ipsec policy get $IpSecPolicyCount sa-dst-address] :if ($ResolvedIpWithMaskFromComment!=$IpDstAddr or $ResolvedIpFromComment!=$IpSaDstAddr) do={ :log warning ("[SetIpSecDstAddrFromDns] Change IpSec policy dst-addr from " . $IpSaDstAddr . " to " . $ResolvedIpFromComment) /ip ipsec policy set $IpSecPolicyCount dst-address=$ResolvedIpWithMaskFromComment sa-dst-address=$ResolvedIpFromComment } } on-error={ :set ResolvedIpFromComment "unknown" :log error ("[SetIpSecDstAddrFromDns] Cant resolve name " . $DnsNameFromComment) } } } :local IpPeerAddr :foreach IpSecPeerCount in=[/ip ipsec peer find] do={ :set DnsNameFromComment [/ip ipsec peer get $IpSecPeerCount comment] :if ($DnsNameFromComment!="") do={ :do { :set ResolvedIpFromComment [:resolve $DnsNameFromComment] :set ResolvedIpWithMaskFromComment ($ResolvedIpFromComment . "/32") :set IpPeerAddr [/ip ipsec peer get $IpSecPeerCount address] :if ($ResolvedIpWithMaskFromComment!=$IpPeerAddr) do={ :log warning ("[SetIpSecDstAddrFromDns] Change IpSec peer addr from " . $IpPeerAddr . " to " . $ResolvedIpFromComment) /ip ipsec peer set $IpSecPeerCount address=$ResolvedIpWithMaskFromComment } } on-error={ :set ResolvedIpFromComment "unknown" :log error ("[SetIpSecDstAddrFromDns] Cant resolve name " . $DnsNameFromComment) } } } 

Add a task to the scheduler, which will run the script every 30 seconds and check if the addresses of our VPN servers are relevant and update them if necessary.

Thanks for attention.

PS The article is not designed for beginners, so the simplest things, such as setting up a VPN-tunnel or a description of the script language Mikrotik, I dropped.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/252917/

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