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Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Beta & .NET 3.5 SP1 Beta Released

On the 11th, on the ado.net developer blog, there is information about the release of preliminary versions of service packs for VS2008 and the .net framework 3.5. You can download them here msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vstudio/cc533448.aspx .

Today, ado.net developers have shared information about their innovations in these releases. I will highlight the most interesting:

Entity designer

- Entity Designer has been changed, including the format of EDMX files, as a result, it is necessary to regenerate old EDMX files;
- improved ability to update the model from the database, improved usability;
- added the ability to print a conceptual model;
- Numerous improvements in the design, such as validation, navigation errors and other things;
- fixed more than 200 errors;
- Support for SQL Compact 3.5 SP1 databases.

SQL 2008 support

- full support for new types of 2008 server;
- partial support of the FileStream type.

Added EntityDataSource for ASP.NET

- declarative binding;
- support for the designer;
- Support ASP.NET Dynamic Data.

About the remaining changes can be read in the original.

useful information, without translation
IF YOU HAVE INSTALLED SILVERLIGHT TOOLS make sure you can remove the KB949325.

very interesting article on ScottGu

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25288/

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