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30 wonderful libraries for PHP programmers

I offer Habrakhabra readers a translation of the “30 Amazing PHP Libraries for Programmers and Developers” publication. The authors have collected some amazing PHP libraries that will help implement some cool things without making a lot of effort. The purpose of the review is to present something new, so the list does not include popular libraries.

30. Goutte


Goutte is used for scraping websites and extracting data. License - MIT. Provides an extensive API for crawling websites / blogs and extracting data from HTML / XML.

29. GoogChart

GoogChart is a PHP class for creating dynamic charts using Google Charts. Does not cover the entire Google Charts API, but makes them very easy to use.

28. GifCreator


The name speaks for itself. This is a PHP class that generates animated gifs from multiple images. You just need to specify the images and the duration of their display, that's all. Size and transparency are determined by the first frame.

27. dBug


dBug is a PHP version of ColdFusion sfdump. It displays color and well-structured information about a variable in tabular form. Styles can be edited, the table can be collapsed / expanded. dBug can also be made to change the output of certain types of data. For example, you can customize the output of an object variable as an array.

26. Alice


Alice allows you to instantly generate hundreds of fake data (fixtures) for testing purposes. You can generate complex data with restrictions that are easy to read and edit. Allows you to control fixture ranges, optional data, object values ​​and unique constraints.

25. PHPGeo


PHPGeo is a simple library for measuring the distance between two coordinates with high accuracy. She uses the formula of Gaversinus and Vincent to calculate the distance. You can integrate it with any application associated with maps or locations.

24. Geocoder


If you are planning to develop a geo aware application, take a look at Geocoder. This extensible PHP library is divided into 2 parts: Provider and HttpAdapter. It also offers an additional level of abstraction for geocoding.

23. Purl


Purl is an object-oriented library for working with URLs. You can easily create URL instances and chain methods after creating a URL. The library supports manipulations by path, fragment and query.

22. Snappy


Snappy allows you to create snapshots, thumbnails and PDF by URL or HTML page. This library uses wkhtmltoimage and wkhtmltopdf based WebKit, available for Windows, OSX and Linux.

21. ShellWrap


ShellWrap is a library that allows you to use powerful Unix / Linux tools in PHP. You can easily invoke commands using simple syntax and error handling with PHP exceptions. All arguments are properly escaped, paths to executable files will be resolved automatically.

20. Unirest


Unirest is a collection of lightweight HTTP libraries that are ideal for numerous applications. Performs PUT, DELETE, PATCH, GET and POST requests. Supports gzip, basic authentication, file uploads, forms, custom timeouts, and default headers for each request.

19. IniScan


IniScan is a tool designed to scan php.ini files for security. Searches for common security bugs and reports results. You can set a threshold for scan rules to find errors above the specified level.

18. PHP Captcha


PHP Captcha can be used to generate audio and video captcha. Supports symbol rotation, font size selection, character set selection, random or specified background, optional display text, and shadow characters.

17. Ratchet


Ratchet is a loosely coupled PHP library that offers various tools for real-time development, bidirectional application communication between a server and a client through WebSockets. There are many easily accessible components. You can write your own chat application in minutes.



TCPDF - PHP class (open) for creating PDF documents. It supports all standard page formats, custom page formats, UTF-8, PDF annotations, including links, text rendering mode, a set of fonts, text stretching and spacing, page compression, TrueTypeUnicode and OpenTypeUnicode.

15. Munee


The Munee library can be used for on-the-fly compilation of CoffieScript, Less, SCSS, image resizing, JS & CSS compression, and caching the result on the server and client side, without changing the assets in the template. In general, it is a good option to achieve lightning-fast queries and save bandwidth.

14. HTML Purifier


HTML Purifier is an HTML filtering library designed to remove all malicious code. It can be used to protect the code from XSS attacks. This library uses robust whitelists, aggressive parsing, and makes sure that the resulting markup meets the standards.

13. Detector


Detector is an open library for defining numerous user / visitor information. This can help you build accurate web analytics. It displays the user agent, device type, browser used along with its HTML and CSS capabilities. Also informs who requested the data - person or bot.

12. Whoops


Whoops helps you work with errors and exceptions in a less painful form. Provides a great interface that gives you detailed information about errors and exceptions present in the code (with backlighting). It also supports JSON, XML, SOAP and AJAX.

11. Gaufrette


Gaufrette provides a file system abstraction layer that allows you to develop applications without having to know where and how media files will be saved. Also allows you to change the location of files without changing the source code, in addition to defining the file system.

10. Imagine


Imagine, is a rich object-oriented library for working with images. It can handle various operations, such as opening, saving, creating, resizing, watermarks, creating a collage, making a reflection of the image, etc. Imagine coordinate system allows you to draw different shapes on images. The color class helps create RGB values ​​for applying colors to images. It also supports layers and manipulations for animated gifs.

9. Idiorm


Idiorm is a lightweight ORM and flexible query builder for PHP5, which is a superstructure over PDO. You will not need to write long and routine SQL queries with it. In addition, it does not require XML settings, no model classes, no code generators.

8. phpFastCache


As the name suggests, this is a high performance caching system. It is designed to accelerate dynamic web applications by reducing the load on the database. It supports several caching methods (the period can be explicitly defined), including MemCache, Memcached, files, wincache, mpdo, pdo, and apc. You do not have to rewrite your PHP class for caching again when changes are made on the servers.

7. JpGraph


JpGraph - PHP library for creating object-oriented graphs. It has more than 200 built-in country flags, 400 named colors, and additionally supports Gantt charts, several Y-axes, alpha blending, and internal caching (with timeout). This library allows you to build line charts, histograms, pies, maps, candles, polar, radar, pie and contour charts of any size.

Read: 20+ Useful online tools for creating graphs and charts .

6. SEOstats


SEOstats is a powerful open source library that provides various SEO related indicators, such as a detailed analysis of backlinks, page rank, site trends, keywords, traffic statistics, Alexa rank and more. It collects data from Alexa, Google, Moz, open site explorer, SEMRush, Facebook and Twitter.

5. PHP Parser


PHP Parser is written in PHP to simplify static code analysis and manipulation. It converts PHP source code into an abstract syntax tree. The syntax tree helps you easily analyze code problems and errors. In addition, you can turn the syntax tree back into PHP code. An example is shown in the image, where the white part represents a simple code, and the black region contains the generated syntax tree.

4. PHP Error


PHP Error is a library that is used to convert ordinary error messages into more visual ones with full syntax highlighting and with code snippets. It fixes some error messages that are simply incorrect and applicable to AJAX. In addition, you can manually turn it off or on, launch individual sections without error messages, and ignore selected files.



PHP-CPP is a C ++ library that can be used to develop PHP extensions. It is built using easy-to-use and well-documented classes to create your own extensions for PHP. This can speed up your program because code written in C ++ is faster than PHP.

2. Eden


Eden is a set of reusable components that works with almost all PHP frameworks and CMS. Covers components for autoload, cache, file systems, web services, templates, internationalization, payment systems and cloud technologies. Works with major web services, including Google, Facebook, Yahoo, PayPal, Tumblr, Foursquare, and Amazon Web Services.

1. Locust


Locust is an easy-to-use user load testing tool. It can be used to find out how many simultaneous users the system will endure. Allows writing scripts in Python. Locust has a great interface (HTML + JS) that displays important data in real time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/252851/

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