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Hakaton Skolkovo and IBM Mobile Applications

IBM, the Skolkovo Foundation and the Apps4All community of developers are invited to take part in the hackathon on the development of mobile applications with a backend on the IBM Bluemix cloud platform.

Developments are accepted in four key categories:
● corporate mobile apps
● applications for wearable electronics
● Augmented Reality Applications
● IoT solutions

Within 24 hours, teams will be able to either adapt an existing application or come up with, design and develop their own unique application that our expert jury will rate.

Regardless of the category chosen, we expect applications targeted at business user tasks in the B2E (business-to-employee) or B2B (business-to-business) segments.
The corporate mobility market is considered by many to be one of the most promising, as evidenced by the increasing interest of venture funds and private investors in business application development projects for business users (B2E).
It is also worth noting that applications in the field of wearable electronics and additional reality are becoming increasingly popular in the B2B segment due to the rapid development of data in the IT industry in recent years. In addition, the progressiveness of these areas for the corporate mobility market is noted along with applications for business users.

Over the past few years, we have seen many convenient end-user-oriented applications for domestic help, as well as just for fun. The problem is that the corporate world of mobile applications cannot boast of the same quality of the User Experience, since historically the corporate software was primarily focused on collecting and providing accurate and relevant information to the company's manager, while designing the interaction of a specific employee with The application has been given secondary attention. We suggest you look at this task from the other side, putting the User Experience of an ordinary company employee at the forefront.

For our part, we are ready to assist you in creating easy-to-use mobile applications for business users in such areas as retail, e-commerce, finance and banking, agriculture, telecommunications, marketing and merchandising, personnel management, procurement and supply chain.

We know that a hackathon is not only endless coding, but also communication with experts, mentors and colleagues, master classes, food and drinks. Therefore, during the event, you will have the opportunity not only to try out the rich capabilities of the IBM Bluemix platform, but also to present your project to the expert team, work with mentors, discuss options for possible monetization of the project and its promotion to the market.

So, one of the possible options for cooperation with IBM could be placing your application in the IBM Cloud, which will subsequently place it on the IBM Cloud Marketplace, which presents the IBM cloud service portfolio and its partners, available to IBM customers from around the world. Another collaboration option is to host the application as a Bluemix service, which will allow other developers to use it as part of their applications.

The event will be held March 28-29, 2015 in the building of the Skolkovo Innovation Center Hypercube.

IBM Bluemix is ​​an open standards-based cloud platform (PaaS) designed to rapidly develop various types of applications using a wide range of technologies (Node.js, Liberty, Ruby, Python, PHP, etc.) and numerous services.

In addition to popular technologies such as MongoDb, Redis, Mysql, Postgresql, CouchDB, the platform includes IBM’s unique services, including IBM Watson, MobileFirst, IBM DevOps, Cloudant and IBM Big Data Analytics.

IBM Watson is able to understand natural language (currently only English), as well as process huge arrays of big data using powerful predictive and visual analytics.

MobileFirst provides services for mobile application developers to help accelerate cross-platform application development, as well as improve their quality through automated testing and continuous integration with external data sources in the enterprise or in the cloud.

IBM DevOps services provide developers with tools for rapid prototyping of software applications that allow them to create and release software products on a regular basis on a regular basis.

Cloudant is a high performance NoSQL cloud database as a service.

IBM Big Data Analytics services provide the ability to use powerful tools for analyzing and visualizing large amounts of data, including data from tweets and geospatial data, in their applications.

In more detail about these and other Bluemix services we will tell on mitap which will take place on the eve of hakaton. Date, time and place of the meeting, we will notify you later.

Check out the full IBM Bluemix service catalog.


● Participation is free by prior registration with confirmation from the organizers.
● All rights to created applications remain with the authors.
● The result should be a mobile app for iOS or Android with a Bluemix backend

Who is it for?

Energetic and talented developers of mobile applications, backend services, UI designers, both as part of a team or a young startup, as well as individually are invited to participate in the event. We are sure that you will find an interesting task for you and a purposeful team right on the hackathon!

The ideal team will be a team with already existing practices, wishing to master the possibility of IBM Bluemix.

What will winners get?

● The ability to use IBM Cloud resources ranging from $ 1,000 to $ 10,000 per month as part of the IBM Global Entrepreneur Acceleration Program
● IBM Personal Mentor
● Assistance in completing the development of the application and placing it on the IBM Marketplace site in the partner solutions section
● Business mentor of the project from the Skolkovo Foundation
● Project packaging for filing an application to the residents of the Skolkovo Fund
● Access to analytical materials and Apps4All reports
● Support for the Skolkovo Foundation’s Mobile Technology Center (coworking, hackspace, acceleration program)

What do you need to participate?

● Register for the event before March 15 via the UPD link (application deadline is extended until March 22)
● At least one team member must be able to publish applications in leading stores (Google Play, App Store, etc.)
● For developers' backends - IBM Bluemix account is desirable (you can register for free at bluemix.net)

Attention! Participation in the hackathon is free by prior registration with confirmation from the organizers. Limited number of seats.

Receipt of applications is extended and ends on March 22, after which a preliminary selection of participants will take place during the week. A week before the hackathon, a mitap is planned. We will notify you of the date, time and place of the meeting.


Moscow, Hypercube of the Skolkovo Innovation Center
Innograd Skolkovo, 1

How to get there?

By car
Public transport

What to study?

- www.ng.bluemix.net/docs
- developer.apple.com/library/ios/navigation
- www.ibm.com/design/language/index.shtml
- www.ibm.com/design/language/framework/experience.shtml

Project evaluation criteria:

In general, the best use of the Bluemix platform services in developing a mobile application for business users, originality and relevance of the idea will be evaluated.

Short program:

Saturday, March 28, 2015
09:30 - Registration of participants and welcome coffee
10:30 - Opening remarks.
10:40 - Announcement of the Skolkovo Mobile Technology Center.
11:00 - IBM Bluemix Workshops and Training
12:30 - Lunch
13:15 - Opening hackathon: project presentation and team building
15:00 - Start of work on projects
19:00 - Dinner
Sunday March 29, 2015
09:00 - Breakfast
10:00 - Work on projects
12:30 - Lunch
15:00 - Completion of work on projects
16:00 - Demonstration of projects
18:00 - Summing up and awarding of winners

Any questions?

For all questions, please contact Ivan Degtev at the Skolkovo Foundation, mobile@sk.ru, or Alexey Polunin at IBM, alexeypolunin@ru.ibm.com.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/252797/

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