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We stamp windows: automated deployment of Windows virtual machines to Hyper-V using Vagrant (part 3)

In previous ( one , two ) publications I told how to prepare a hypervisor and box for subsequent automated deployment. In the last part of this trilogy, I would like to reveal the theme, in fact, of deployment and provisioning of the prepared boxes. Also here I will summarize the work done and at the end you can find all the links on the topic.

After the box has been added to Vagrant, we can quickly “revive” it by lifting a car (or several) from it. All metadata about it will be stored in the same directory, next to the images of hard drives. Let's go through this simple procedure.

What happens at the shell provisioning stage? If, after booting, the system has fully risen (and not stuck on some question that was forgotten to be answered in the unattend.xml file), the Vagrant connects to the VM, creates a temporary folder on the system disk (usually C: \ Tmp), throws There the script and locally runs under the user specified by us. You can do a lot of useful things in the script file, I just want to show what I wrote there (the listing is available on Gist ):
 #  Chocolatey  .       ,      ,        .  ,         ,         iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1')) #  Boxstarter    cinst boxstarter $env:Path+=";"+$env:AppData+"\Boxstarter" $env:PSModulePath+=";"+$env:APPDATA+"\Boxstarter" Import-Module Boxstarter.Chocolatey $Boxstarter.AutoLogin=$true #     Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowFileExtensions #    RDP Enable-RemoteDesktop #   Far  7-zip choco install far,7zip -y #    Classic Shell,      Start choco install classic-shell -installArgs ADDLOCAL=ClassicStartMenu -y #     del C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\*.lnk #     Install-WindowsUpdate -AcceptEula -SuppressReboots Restart-Computer 
In principle, nothing special, except that some commands, including Install-WindowsUpdate, are Boxstarter modules (for which we love it).

Ideally, after that you can shove our script into the folder to execute the coveted vagrant up command. However, after that there may be some difficulties. I would like to immediately warn about them:

That's all! Now you can stamp virtual machines in any quantity (well, how much hypervisor resources are enough, of course). If you do not rename the instance name (and it is taken from the box), then the name simply adds “_1”, respectively, another one will have “_1_1” at the end (and not “_2”): the import_vm.ps1 file is written.

If something did not work out and everything did not go smoothly, you can always try working with someone else's box. Unfortunately, I can’t give my own (I have already got license keys and certificates), but you can use the box of Mat Rock, which was already mentioned in the article; since this box is available publicly from the Internet, you can add it with one command (by default, Vagrant searches for boxes in its cloud):
vagrant up mwrock / Windows2012R2 --provider hyperv

Raising about several cars

Well, in the end, we got a raise of the VM by pressing a few buttons. What to do when you want to install the whole environment at once? Of course, to do this, you need to script a little, but you don’t have to take up Powershell right away. Fortunately, the configuration files are written in Ruby, which allows you to pick up several machines at once from one Vagrantfile, with one command, and you can even specify several different boxes in one file. The procedure is described in detail in the documentation . With proper knowledge of the language, you can perform real miracles: for example, automatically, taking from the JSON file, assign network settings and host names to all machines, as well as roll Chef recipes on them depending on the role in the same file (for example, so ). However, this is far beyond the scope of this already-spread article.

Well, what did we get as a result? The system of rapid deployment of Windows machines in their native environment, raising a ready virtual machine and customizing it according to our requirements.
How did this help our company? This significantly saves time on raising the new infrastructure: earlier installation of the system from an ISO file, setting up and updating all the software could take half a day, now it is a matter of minutes. Even cloning machines from System Center templates usually takes longer, not to mention the listed drawbacks such as inheriting virtual hard disk files. It is also a great tool for our developers and testers, who were able to quickly pick up on a local system (even on workstations with Windows 8.1) some kind of test environment. For this, I wrote a simple short instruction, so they do not need to delve into the details and distract from the workflow.
What's next? Now we are actively working on the analysis and documentation of existing environments, then to describe them in the form of recipes Chef. Our services are planned to be installed and rolled out as packages. This will automate many processes, get rid of a lot of routine and errors associated with the human factor. In general, what the doctor DevOps prescribed. Also plans to master Packer, if you need to quickly prepare a lot of different images. Support for Hyper-V and Azure appeared in it quite recently, but it looks very promising. Also in the plans is work on the quick synchronization of folders between the VM and the host - unfortunately, the usual sharing works rather slowly for a large number of files and active operations (for example, build).
If this article was useful and the topic as a whole is interesting, I will gladly make a separate publication about our subsequent victories and failures in this field.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/252645/

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