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Apple Inc. and Apple Corp. reconciled

Over the past week, technology and music sites and blogs have been filled with rumors that in many years of enmity between Apple Inc. and Apple Corp., which owns the rights to the musical works of the Beatles group, put an end.

A popular site for fans of the group - Abbeyrd - with reference to an unnamed source reported that it became known: the music of Beatles will be on sale on iTunes on February 14, on Valentine's Day.

As an indirect confirmation of this information, discrepancies are given by representatives of the EMI record company and Ringo Starr himself. In addition, and most importantly, during the presentation of the iPhone at the Macworld conference on the screen behind Steve Jobs, it was impossible not to notice the cover of the Beatles albums, which were in the exhibition sample record library. And it was even more difficult not to notice that during the show the song of the “Liverpool Four” was playing.
If the rumors are confirmed, it will mean that the last frontier on the path of the total internetization of the music industry has fallen.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/2526/

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