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Report from Integrated Systems Europe - what did you miss in technology if you did not get to ISE-2015

Interactive bar counter responds to glasses and can display ads, for example, offers to try something new.

ISE is one of the largest exhibitions in the world for AV specialists and system integrators. It shows a new iron like screens, projectors, LED solutions and various other display tools and their components. ISE takes place in the corresponding strange atmosphere of Amsterdam. Here comes the whole of Europe, plus a lot of our compatriots. For comparison, in the same past American Infocom, there were about a couple of dozen Russians, not 2-3 hundreds.

Well, let's go show what most memorable in particular are the recently released laser projectors. Well, the TV, which stands as an apartment.

Why is all this necessary

As such, exhibitions like ISE are an opportunity to touch the equipment alive, about which you have only read before at the vendor in private announcements (if lucky) or which are shown for the first time. Plus, see the good old stuff with a new interesting software. The last couple of years, by the way, this has become a feature of ISE - for example, at the Samsung booth, there may well be a screen with some impressive software solution of a small startup - and Samsung has shown its technologies in relation to reality, and the startup has fallen into the “big world”.

Normal stand (Crestron - one of the flagships of control systems and automation)

But the most important thing, of course, is communication. All in one place, everything can be discussed with vendors directly, if necessary - to arrange a three-way meeting, which is simply irreplaceable. From here, by the way, and traditions — at the end of the first day, for example, do not rush to leave — they are poured at almost every stand to strengthen established business ties. At Mitsubishi Electric at 16:00 on the stand - herring and Heinicen. So, in such an environment, you can immediately find out all the questions.

Yes, and the city is good

In general, ISE is like the second new year for manufacturers, you can show new products and achievements. Great such a useful holiday for all. Every year the exhibition grows: I caught when there were 4 pavilions (they say, at first there was either one or two) - and now there are about 12.

One of the pavilions of the exhibition

When the exhibition began in 2004, it lasted only two days, then three, but from next year it will be four. And it is obvious, after all, such an international scale. And the main thing is that this is without taking into account master classes and seminars that are read before the official opening.

This year, many small start-ups began to arrive, which are displayed in the corridors without a stand - it looks a little ridiculous, but they come across very cool. As a rule, they are not very far from the cash register, they are bought by large vendors and develop the theme together. From the examples - the same Chinese guys who made a seamless video wall (more precisely, the seams between the panels are filled with LED ribbons to match the color of the content). There is a budget solution for 3D mapping. Now any large project can be implemented without the use of expensive equipment. And many more interesting solutions.

What happened

At each exhibition there is an unspoken competition on the screens - who will bring the LED screen with a step between the LEDs less. This year this “TV” won:

By the way, the same LED screen with a pixel pitch of 1.1 mm from Samsung. They are often used as virtual fitting rooms, in museums, and of course there are many more.

LED screen with a gap between the 1.2 mm LEDs Mitsubishi Electric. We have the first application - situational centers and "command centers" for emergency situations.

And these are not LEDs, but the most expensive LCD panel of this size today. If you have an unnecessary apartment in Moscow, you can sell it and buy just such a thing in your hostel to watch football in 4K resolution:

The most expensive LCD panel to date, Samsung (105 inches, side 21: 9). Works 24/7. Installation is possible anywhere. Most likely, it will be chosen by large corporate customers for VIP meeting rooms, conference rooms.

Traditionally, there are many solutions for VIP-rooms of negotiations. Here it is, for example, a monitor and microphones that can hide in a table. If necessary, leaving almost no marks on the surface:

Motorized screen and microphones

Funny robots of the future (FUTURE ROBOT) with video conferencing and interactive content. Like the last time, they pester visitors to the exhibition and try to make contact. It is assumed that, for example, in a restaurant, a mobile robot waiter can independently drive up to a table, accept an order from customers via a touch interface, and pay using a smartphone or a bank card. They can also be used in advertising, retail, hotel business. We have already laughed here that in the offices they will find the right employee themselves and talk to him as if a colleague came up. And in the smart house they will come to the bathroom themselves with the words: "Lady, your husband is on the phone."

The developer stated that “the FURO robot can guess the intentions of users by observing their movements, facial expressions and voice, and then start an appropriate dialogue using the expression of their“ face ”, their own movement and the necessary information in its process.”

Fortunately, they haven't yet learned how to turn the door handles.

And these are the latest CISCO Telepresence systems:

The new generation of integrated solutions, they are pleasantly cheaper by 1.5-2 times. A multifunctional solution that turns any negotiation room into a HQ studio. Built-in camera auto-guidance system for participants. Corporate clients and state corporations always have an interest in this.

Another special Olympiad is the contest “create the most crooked cluster”. In this case, the first place is taken by the technology of combining screens into one common. This is not a novelty, but a very good design solution. Often this is necessary in retail, for museums, hotel business, shopping centers.

Capabilities of TV ONE processors for creating creative video walls

LG brought hotel TVs. They are no different from the usual, just perfectly sharpened by the tasks of the tenant. The main thing here is software: greeting a new visitor, reminders, an alarm clock, information about a hotel, city, services, etc.

Hotel TV in action at the LG booth

Here are all sorts of screens that are designed to appear near the shelves with the goods. They put the product on top - and the screen explains what to do with it and how. You may have already seen such in stores with small expensive products, for example, in jewelry or boutiques with designer shoes.

Interactive screens of various configurations for Digital Signage in retail

A large segment is occupied by engineering solutions for situational centers. Here is a classic:

Classic dispatching room with display on Mitsubishi video cubes as well as a table for Winsted personnel

Special solution for the airport:

The solution for monitoring traffic (here, as elsewhere, software is important):

Ergonomically correct workplace of the situation center employee:

At the exhibition you can communicate with some serious uncle, and then go to another stand and get into the theater. For example, a presentation from Huawei - they always do something not very familiar to Europe. And on the Rock showed tricks.

For those who love infographics on refrigerators, this transparent film is offered. You can use it at home to show the hitpoints of a bottle of milk, or you can in retail, where, in fact, advertising of drinks is done.

Transparent film with dynamic content for the refrigerator

We have such a long time. The frame is made of the material chosen by the customer (even an artificial stone), the screen is 47 inches (IPS 1920x1080), the showcase is 1280 mm x 750 mm, the minimum depth is 250 mm, there are smaller options. Up to 32 touches simultaneously, 3000Lum LED illumination, built-in computer with * nix, Android or Win-application, more often - to scale the exhibits of the showcase and get additional data on them (as in the photo). For example, this case - coins for banks. Coin increases in almost the entire showcase, under it shows the cost and history.

Let's go back to the exhibition. Here are the traditional interactive menus:

Here you can order products directly from the touch panel, and then pick up those already packed at the checkout:

Again the attraction “repaint the car with one click” - video mapping on Panasonic projectors:

These installations are often entertaining in nature: light shows, theatrical performances, sports shows, etc.

There are also such "household" things:

Can be used as panels for meeting rooms that are attached to the wall in front of the entrance. They display the schedule. We in CROC already have similar ones.

And here is the main character - the miracle of a laser projection, a terribly secret device. They promise a very bright picture and an insane amount of working hours:

Can serve as an excellent alternative to expensive video walls. To be used for budget installations, for installations in large rooms, rooms with a complex layout - the projector can be rotated, tilted.

Actually, if you're interested, this is Sony, model 3LCD WUXGA 4000 lm. 20 thousand hours without maintenance, 1920 x 1200 at 16:10, contrast 8000: 1, traditional adjustments, you can put the pro-rector at any angle (at least on one side), there is a built-in alignment of edges for cross-links for super-large images, it is possible to specify a surface curvature map for image deformation compensation (it will be very important for projections in shopping centers), a special mode for medical images on GSDF and DICOM.


I was on ISE for the fifth time. In general, almost everyone who is somehow connected with display systems and screens wants to go to the exhibition in Amsterdam. Amsterdam is not only professional interest, but also cultural and aesthetic. Immediately I answer the most frequent question: I did not smoke, it simply did not work out. But right in front of our hotel there was a building with built-in cultural shock: there were public houses on the first and second floors, and above the apartment. Mistaking the door is dangerous for mental health.

In the air there is a light aroma of burnt rags, a distant laugh is heard

In Amsterdam, everything is quite expensive, especially at the current rate. Breakfast, for example, 15 euros, and it includes a croissant, coffee and juice and ham. Experienced colleagues showed a supermarket “for destitute and Russians” Hema, where you can eat for the earth’s 1-2 euros.

The city is very cute, but it always comes across something that is against the usual traditions in Russia. After a couple of days you get used to it - as you get used to outdoor advertising in Moscow - and the tolerance of local residents begins to amaze. They are generally very calm.

Klompy - a symbol of the city

The locals are very, very friendly, always ready to help and respond. They speak almost perfect English. Bus drivers greet you when you come in, very nice.

In one of the small towns near we were lost. After fifteen minutes of wandering, we were met by a crowd that could be mistaken for football fans from afar. Powerful guys like that a lot. We asked for directions. The guys showed in great detail, then they thought - and just in case they did it.

At ISE, you need to make an invitation, or rather, pre-register. I fatally forgot this valuable piece of paper, which almost hit 100 euros for an entrance right away. In this case, I advise you to find familiar colleagues / employees from manufacturers who take part in the exhibition, they have a secret how to hold a partner to the exhibition for free. A wardrobe is another three euros, but we left our jackets on the stands of our acquaintances. Admin's sweater helps a lot - the wind from the river in the city is almost the same as the cold corridor of the data center, and even in the pavilions it is cool in places.

If it is interesting to see the whole exhibition, one has to come to the opening from the far end, row by row to walk. By the way, about walking, my advice is to take comfortable shoes, since you will have to walk a lot, huge pavilions, sometimes you have to run around them several times a day, from meeting to meeting. The same applies to the city of Amsterdam. The city itself is not big, all the most interesting, as is usually located in the very center, but it is usually historical, therefore it is laid out with uncomfortable paving stones. Also regarding the exhibition, I advise you to prepare a program for yourself in advance - master classes or special presentations in the spirit of "but our engineer with a screwdriver can go on large stands, and now he will disassemble your phones with closed eyes and assemble them back." On the tour three days pass unnoticed. We usually come as a team, everyone goes around his site, plus we communicate with key vendors and we make new interesting connections with potential partners.

Something like that. Now you have been to ISE.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/252581/

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