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Global Game Jam Minsk 2015: how to make a game in 48 hours?

Global Game Jam is the largest international hackathon, in which participants from hundreds of cities simultaneously create games on a given topic. GGJ has been running since 2008, but has never been conducted on the territory of Belarus. On January 23-25, 2015 with the support of Game Stream JLLC, the Minsk Wargaming development center, the first Global Game Jam Minsk took place.
Hackathon results and tips for participants from Wargaming, HalfBus and GameJam experts under the cut.


In terms of performance and scale, the past Global Game Jam Minsk is not inferior to hackathons in cities of GGJ-veterans. 75 people from Minsk, Brest, Gomel, Bobruisk and suddenly Amsterdam took part in the 48-hour marathon. Of the 16 projects announced on the first day, 14 were submitted to a local competition.

Game Jam rules do not restrict participants in choosing a platform or technology to create a game. Despite this, 9 teams of 16 were used to develop Unity.
To begin with, we offer you to watch the video in order to better experience the atmosphere of Global Game Jam Minsk 2015:

And now about everything in order.

On January 23, the first day of the hackathon, at 5:00 pm the topic was announced. She, as always on GGJ, was extremely abstract and left room for imagination. After all, there are as many answers to the question “What do we do now?” (What should we do now?) As there are people on Earth.

Immediately after, brainstorming began, which resulted in the formation of 16 ideas and the participants began to break into project teams. Around nine in the evening someone went home to sleep, but the most hardcore teams continued to work: they coded, painted and worked through the design all night without leaving the room.
On Saturday morning, game designers and developers from Wargaming, Halfbus and GameJam shared their experience in creating and developing games that were born on other hackathons.

Game design: documentation and organization of the production process / Alexey Kalinin / Wargaming :

To Game Jam and beyond! / Dmitry Minsky / Halfbus :

The project from scratch - the problems of commercial and indie-razarbotki / Cyril Perekrest / Wargaming :

VHS Story: from game game to Greenlight / Nikita Kulaga / GameJam :

In parallel with the performances, the teams continued to work, being distracted only by snacking and playtests. At any stage of development, participants could seek advice from mentors - experienced Wargaming experts. They attended Jam for 48 hours and tried to help each team.

The third day of the hackathon became extremely tense for the participants. The forces were already running out, and there were still 2 serious tests ahead: uploading the final build to the official GGJ website and presenting games for a local competition.

Only 14 teams were able to prepare a demo version. They presented their projects to the jury, which included Wargaming experts: Sergey Burkatovsky (SerB), Levon Zakharchenko, Andrei Biletsky, Alexander Miroshnichenko and Ivan Radkevich. As a result of the open voting of the Jam participants themselves for the audience award and secret voting, the jury members were distributed as follows:

3rd place: Feed the cat
- What should we do now?
- Of course, feed the cat!
Platform: MS Windows, Android, iPhone, iPad
Technology: Unity
The protagonist of the game is a cute plump cat looking for fish that the cunning owners hid in the most unexpected places: on the closet, on the chandelier, behind the chair ... You have to feed the poor fellow, directing him to the right place with a laser pointer, sneaker, horn and other toys.
A month after the hackathon, the project team, despite all the desire, was not able to continue developing. Let's hope that the guys will definitely find time and make some more levels about the cat's adventures in other rooms.


2 place: Parapapa
- What should we do now?
- Run and do not stop!
Platform: Web
Technologies: as3
Parapapa is a Pacman inspired arcade game. The main task of the player is to lead his little brothers and sisters out of the castle's complete traps, not giving them time to think and understand the danger of the situation. After all, if you do not specify what to do now, the consequences can be fatal.
Two students from Amsterdam and Minsk throughout the month diligently continued to work on the game. Over the coming weeks, we will see a modified version of Parapapa with bosses, various opponents and new levels.


1st place: Kings of Washington
“What shall we do now, my King?”
- Do not annoy the dragon and un
Platform: Web
Technologies: JavaScript using libraries: Pixi.js Prototype.js SoundJs
The magical tornado brought a small medieval kingdom straight to modern Washington. Clearly, life in the kingdom will not be the same: the UN is protesting against killing the dragon, the knights hooked on fast food and no longer fit into the armor ... With all this, the King will have to figure it out, maintaining a balance of power and trying to stay in power.

The hackathon winners met several times and discussed options for further development of the game. Now they are trying to implement them in the demo version. After receiving a playable prototype, the guys plan to use their main prize - professional advice from Sergey Burkatovsky, Levon Zakharchenko and Alexey Kalinin.

Kings of Washington_Global_Game_Jam_Minsk_2015

Audience Award: Crisis
- What should we do now?
- Buy all the currency!
Platform: MS Windows
Technology: Unity
Team name: Vodka Games
The most topical game hackathon. After all, a currency crisis can turn a peaceful town into a real war zone. Your main goal is to buy as much as possible $ and nobody restricts you in the ways.

Now "Crisis" is being finalized. In the near future, the author will publish a new version of the game on his blog, and in the future, he may publish it in one of the social networks popular in the post-Soviet space:


Special Prize: The Village of Evil
- What should we do now?
- Protect your home village!
Platform: Board Game
Team name: Sandwich Games
The game is a simulator of saving the village of evil goblins from the invasion of noble heroes. A large number of humor and random make each party unique.
After Global Game Jam Minsk the game continued to develop. "Village of Evil" took part in the competition copyright nastolok on Igrokon in Moscow, was adapted for the Tabletop Simulator, and the release of the boxed version will be held at the Unicon convention in April.

About other games you can read below:
Arena: The Choice
- What should we do now?
- Defend and attack
Platform: Web browser with special plugins or packaged apps
Technologies: Unity, Photon Cloud
Status: At the moment, work on the game is suspended, but the development team does not deny the possibility of his return to the project.
GGJ page

Arena: The_Choice_Global_Game_Jam_Minsk_2015

- What should we do now?
- Run for the ball. The main thing is not to forget to breathe.
Platform: Web browser with special plugins or packaged apps, Android
Technology: Unity
Team name: Empty Stage
Status: At the moment, the team has returned to work on other projects. Catkenstein will also be finalized, but later.
GGJ page


- What should we do now?
- Survive in the elevator with a bum.
Platform: Web
Status: Additional information on the game is not available due to its traumatic and trash content. Obviously, the game will not be finalized.
GGJ page

- What should we do now?
- Save the Bun!
Platform: Web standard
Status: The game will not be developed further. But the hackathon experience was not in vain - now the author is writing another game using JavaScript and HTML5, but without frameworks.
GGJ page


Munchkin rush
- What should we do now?
- swing
Platform: MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux / Unix
Technology: Unity
Status: Further development will not be conducted. The team began work on a new joint project. The mechanics of the game will be similar to the Hotline Miami, but in the setting of America 20-40 years. Twentieth century.
GGJ page

Party sim
- What should we do now?
- Hanging over!
Platform: MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux / Unix
Technology: Unity
Status: Due to the difficulties of remote collaboration, the development of Party Sim is currently suspended. But one of the authors has a desire to transfer the game to the Web, so perhaps the party simulator still gets to the release.
GGJ page


Space Solution
- What should we do now?
- To plow open spaces of space.
Platform: MS Windows
Technology: Unity
Status: The authors of the game decided to expand the universe, arm themselves with 3D graphics and make a bias in humorous fiction. So, if you ever see the game Space Saga on Steam - you know, this game came with Global Game Jam Minsk 2015
GGJ page

- What should we do now?
- To escape from a maniac.
Platform: MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux / Unix, Android, iPhone, iPad, Microsoft Windows Phone
Technology: Unity
Status: The format of the survival horror turned out to be too harsh both for the developers themselves and for Jam as a whole. So the authors do not plan to develop it further.
GGJ page


You think you have a problem?
- What should we do now?
- Analyze yourself and others.
Platform: MS Windows
Technology: Unity
Status: The project team is actively working on the full version of the game. A pitch document was written, in the process of working out the game mechanics, the development of the UI concept was started. The process is not as fast as the participants themselves would like. But the most atmospheric game of the Minsk GGJ "You think you have a problem?" Is.
GGJ page


We will write about the further success of the participating games and other hackathons in our groups on Facebook and Vkontakte .

And finally, I would like to know what you think about hackathons? Tell us how you participated in the hackathons and what came of it? Well, or why do you consider such events a waste of time?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/252545/

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