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Optimization of cash costs (recalculation in hours and back)

In the fall of 2014, I sorely lacked time and went into deep minus on loans. Then I had a problem: how do I learn to save time and money. The answer was simple: you need to save time and money at the same time . After all, it often happens that saving money - you spend a lot of time, or saving time - you spend money. Then it took to transfer time to money and back to optimize their consumption.

For simplicity of calculations, we will assume that we live in Moscow, our average salary per month is 100,000 rubles, which is always paid in full without delay. All numbers will be rounded to 5. We will also assume that there is some level of comfort that suits us.

So 2 most obvious solutions:
  1. Calculate how much you earn per hour. And to translate time-money use this figure. In this case it will be:
    100,000 (rubles per month) / 160 (working hours per month) = 625 (rubles per hour)
  2. Take your salary per month, divide by the number of days in a month, and the number of hours per day and get how much is an hour of our time:
    100,000 (rubles per month) / 30 (days in a month) / 24 (hours per day) = 140 (rubles per hour)

These formulas are good for quick calculations, but they do not reflect the whole situation and are almost 5 times different from each other. In addition, they will not allow to optimize time and money.

For a start, let's figure out how much time we get income and how much time we spend.


It is believed that on average a month of 160 working hours is exactly the time that we spend to convert time into money. Yes, by working we translate time into money. If during the year there were prizes, then they increase the rate. If there were unpaid processing or fines - the course decreases.

For example, a bonus of 10% per year increases the cost of an hour by almost 1% (up to 630 rubles), and the 13th salary - by 8% (up to 675 rubles). 1 hour of processing per week reduces the cost per hour by 2.5% (to 610 rubles per hour)
I used to process 4 hours a week and more, without thinking about these figures. But such processing will not override even the 13th salary.

How to deal with vacations, business trips, hospital? Holidays usually do not affect the amount of wages - they only add time to expenses, so we will consider them later. Travel and sick leave depends on each individual firm and person and can both change income and change the time for expenses.

Additional sources of income could be considered - business, investment, annuity, annual, dividends, etc. But all this is beyond the scope of the article, since there are many of them and each source has its own peculiarities and calculation algorithms.

And finally, there is such a thing as inflation. From the beginning of the 2000s, it ranged from 6 to 20% per year. It is on these percentages that the purchasing power of the money earned decreases each year. For recalculation, you can use inflation calculators (you can find on the Internet). For example, through a calculator, I found out that in 5 years of work, my salary level dropped by 30%, dropping below salary for a trial period. Over the 8 years of my life in Moscow, my salary has even caught up with my first salary. But during this time my salary has grown 2.5 times - it turned out that this is just an illusion and the salary has not changed.

Total general algorithm for income is:

 = 160;  = ( - ) / 12;  =  * 4;  =  +   =  / ( + ); 

With income figured out. It's time to deal with costs.


First, let's figure out how much time we have to spend. A total of 30 months (days) * 24 (hours per day) = 720 hours . During work we do not have time to spend money, so you can deduct them. And now let's remember about the holidays. By law, a person can be on vacation for a calendar month. Those. 160 hours a year instead of working people will rest, it is about 15 hours per month. Total we have 720 - 160 + 15 = 575 hours per month. In rubles it will be 100,000 (rubles per month) / 575 (hours per month) = 175 (rubles per hour for expenses)

And here the most interesting begins. We have fixed costs, which each month take away from us both time and money. Everyone can have their own expenses, so it’s difficult to foresee everything. The biggest expenses in Moscow are for rental housing, so we’ll sort it out using the example of rent.

Suppose I rent an apartment for 40 000 rubles. How to understand, is it a lot or a little? It all depends on how I use it, how much time I spend, i.e. what am I crying for? The main thing that I do at home is sleep. It takes 6-8 hours a day, i.e. about 50 hours a week and 200 hours a month.

It turns out that while I sleep the time spent turns into 175 (rubles per hour) * 200 (hours per month) = 35000 (rubles per month) . It would seem that I overpay 5,000 rubles a month for an apartment.

But in the apartment I not only sleep. Every day, an average of 2 hours I sit on the Internet and 10 hours on the weekend, it turns out 30 hours a week or 120 hours a month. It turns out I spend 120 (hours per month) on the Internet * 175 (rubles per hour) = 20400 (rubles per month) And I pay extra 600 rubles per month (I need a good channel).

Total sleep + Internet I get (in terms of time for money) at 56,000 rubles. Well, it turns out I save as much as 20,000 a month in an apartment. True, I spend 320 hours a month on sleep and the Internet.

And how much money to spend on food? First you need to find out how much money and time we have left.
575 (hours out of work) - 200 (hours to sleep) - 120 (hours on the Internet) = 225 (hours)
100,000 (rubles of income) - 40,000 (rubles for an apartment) = 60,000 (rubles for expenses)

If we divide 60,000 by 225, we get 260 rubles. But let's not hurry. Personally, I still have loans, say 20,000 rubles a month. In general, it is advisable to postpone non-unexpected expenses and savings to 10-20% of salary per month. Therefore, from the remainder subtract 20% of the salary (ie, 20,000 rubles)

Now we can assume: 40,000 (rubles per month) / 225 (hours per month) = 180 (rubles per hour)
Lunch usually takes an hour, so the best price for lunch is 180 rubles.
If you count on 3 meals per day, you get 540 rubles per day or 540 * 30 = 16200 (rubles per month) . I only have 10,000 rubles a month for food. This is due to the fact that making homemade food, we spend time on cooking, but save money.

Great, with food, everything is clear. How many do we have left?
225 (hours) - 3 * 30 (hours per meal) = 135 (hours per month)
40,000 (rubles) - 10,000 (rubles for food) = 30,000 (rubles per month)
30,000 (rubles per month) / 135 (hours per month) = 225 (rubles per hour)

These hours and money can already be spent on everything else.

So we figured out the costs. In fact, the costs are more complicated - they are not as linear as it may seem. But this is only a basic model for ease of understanding. Further to each type of expenditure, you can add a factor. Which over time will begin to change, turning into a course (say, the rental rate by the hour of sleep). But let's not complicate.

Total general algorithm for expenses is:

  = 12;  = 30;  = 160;  =  * ;  =  -  + ( / );  = ;  =  - ; for each ( in ) {  =  / ;  =  * ;  =  - ; } 


This algorithm is difficult to apply in mind (although it would be possible to make an application for a smartphone, but not willing to do this). Therefore, using a simplified model. I know how much I spend an hour of consumption. Comparing the price of any product or service - I estimate how much time I will use it. Multiply the duration of use in hours on the price of an hour of consumption - I get the optimal price. Then I compare it with the real price and draw conclusions.

Thanks for attention. May you always have time and money for the most important thing!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/252543/

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