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Adapt BDD for development on 1C together with cucumber and 1Script

Who pays for testing solutions? Especially in cases where the customer (internal or external) asks to start the accounting system, and does not indicate how bad the system needs it? This question causes a rather large wave of "holy wars" in any development, any decisions. They are written on 1C or not on 1C - this is the eternal “fight”: nobody likes to test, everyone loves to “code” new and interesting tasks.

But in order to at least try to get off the ground, it is necessary to understand that testing as a concept refers to the development process. So all the same will have to test the developers. But how to do it as convenient as possible?


BDD, DDD, TDD, PDD, SDD and the rest DD

Reflecting on the problem of testing, or rather on the problem of the quality of solutions, smart and not very people, basically break their spears. Over the following contradiction

“It is necessary to test, but it is necessary to develop, but not to test”.

Also added to this is another contradiction.

“All possible actions of the future user should be foreseen, but ALL actions of the future user cannot be foreseen”

Everything gets worse when we add to this a huge number of approaches to design and development. For example, how do I classify it when I need to explain the nature of the problem.

Domain DD is a development method when the customer’s goal is formulated as the basic entities of the future system: “I want Goods, Inventory, Acts of debiting and crediting”

Report DD - development method, when the goal of the customer is formulated in the form of final reports with data analysis: “I want a report on profits and losses”

User Interface DD is a development method when the goal of the customer is formulated as a final user interface: “I want just such a mold for an employee at the entrance hall to issue permits”

Behavior DD is a development method when the customer’s goal is formulated as the final process expected in the system, or even a group of interrelated processes: “When we fix the car shipment from Moscow, then the order status needs to be changed and the time of shipment is fixed, and indirect costs must be taken into account for transportation in the cost of the order ”

Separately, it is worth highlighting another 3 approaches that are usually not described anywhere.

Sabotage DD is a development method when the customer’s goal is formulated as an accelerated timeline requiring development directly in Production systems: “Urgently add the Boolean = Chamomile = props to the form” . Used when a customer attempts to build controlled chaos in a development team — used for political purposes.

Moratorium DD is a development method when the customer’s goal is not to launch the functionality, but to comply with the regulations and standards approved by the company: “Any change in the system must be coordinated with <Agreement Sheet>, any design, development and prototyping work cannot be carried out without project instructions and its feasibility study ” .

Pain DD is a transitional way of development when the goal of the customer is to improve the quality of solutions without reducing the timeline for functionality: “I want you to do comprehensive testing, but by the way, do not forget to launch the WMS system on the first day, God forbid you break the deadlines. And by the way, they cut us a payroll this year - you won't get dedicated testers. ”

And this is not “trolling”
If it seemed to someone that these last 3 approaches were singled out and described in the order of “banter”, then I will immediately say - this is not so: in certain cases, such approaches give a certain amount of efficiency, though not to the IT department. IT specialists, here “most often in loss”.

The classification is of course clumsy and very down to earth, but it’s sufficient to prepare a specialist to read smart books on this issue.

There is also FeatureDD (development when the customer’s goal is formulated as a small lightweight functionality), and ModelDD (development when the customer’s goal is formulated as a final table with fields), but I don’t usually use them for the following reasons:

Suddenly, who does not know what these abbreviations are:

DD - Driven Development (development “through” or development “from the goal”) is one of the ways to organize the development process in software engineering. Included in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_development_process as separate methodologies.

BDD Developer Environment for eDSL

Those who are familiar with the eDSL world, and as I understood from the previous article, there are quite a lot of them on Habré, most likely guessed where I lead. For those who do not understand, I will say: in the 1C world, due to the fact that the customer is not the final businessman, but any user of the enterprise: any of the approaches will de facto apply. Someone wants a report, someone's behavior, someone in general is strange. Therefore, in the community of ordinary 1C specialists, they use the wording xDrivenDevelopment - where x : any approach, depending on the goal of the customer. Authorship belongs to one of the community members and initially sounded like yDrivenDeveloment , where y is a certain target function performed by the developer.

But back to testing. So, at the entrance we have the following data:

We want to try to create an opportunity to develop through behavior on the 1C platform.

To work we need:

as well as a conceptual reflective approach to testing a 1C solution through behavior:

as an additional submodule we will use

Having reached this place, some 1C specialists will make “wide-open eyes” and possibly close the article. For the rest we continue, I note the following points:

I expect that when installing msgit you made it so that it was installed in $ PATH not only by itself, but also with all utilities (this 1C-nick needs to get used to console utilities from * nix world - touch, mv, rm, grep and t .d.)

ruby we need to install "cucumber"
python - is used to work with git hooks (the fact is that to get the source files, we use interception to place binary 1C files in the repository: after all, the source code repository still has to be the source code).

For those who are currently in pain from the abrupt transition from theory to practical work, I propose to accept and continue reading:

The first thing you need to understand is that tests are code too. And for the code, we just have to make the code storage. Therefore:

$ mkdir EnterpriseAccounting $ cd EnterpriseAccounting $ git init./ $ mkdir features $ mkdir tests $ mkdir src $ touch README.md 

now you just have to figure out where to store the tests on the git server

 $ git set origin https://dev.example.com/foobar/EnterpriseAccounting $ git push 

who is this touch and what is this team
if you have installed msgit correctly, then you have this command already present, help on it can be viewed via touch --help

All the rest are typical commands when working with source codes:

  • create local directory
  • initialize the repository inside it
  • create directory structure
  • make a reserve for future documentation for the team
  • specify the central server
  • send to the center (share with the team)

Testing the final task, it is not testing the function algorithm

Let's go directly to the task. Here again you have to be distracted a little and say that when you launch the development of automated testing 1C, the main problem is just a misunderstanding of “how to test” the final business functionality. It is also possible that the name of the famous xUnit project is playing the “evil thing” - which refers us to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XUnit , where we read a lot of buzzwords, but they are too far from the final testing of a business problem.

And here the novice developer who has been assigned the task of automated testing begins “breaking stereotypes”, the fact is that the 1C Configurator allows you to immediately implement the resulting expected behavior without needing to think about it and ask the question “why” and “who” need functionality. Initially, it is believed that all business customers and eDSL language specialists are as “as possible” as possible. For one behavior, this is most likely true, but for a set of expected behaviors and complex scenarios, no brain can keep the entire scenario in the context. This is exactly where we begin to treat the expected behavior as a code.

The usual typical process for the developer

The task from the customer (in the task accounting system) sounds as follows:

“It is necessary that the money was counted as an advance if the client paid more than we shipped to him”

Now let's see how it looks in reality and estimate what we need for BDD in 1C:

Next comes a rather important and very obligatory step in “developing through behavior” - we write the expected behavior scenario (or analysts for us, or a competent customer). In fact, Gherkin, and we will use it, will save us here, because we have a DSL language to describe a group of future test scenarios. Probably you were surprised that I said about future tests? But you have to reconcile - after using BusinessReadableDSL to describe the scenario, you understand what you really need to test, and what you really need to implement (you are looking for Martin Fowler’s article on this topic).

So, we have a feature file, which we write based on the original formulation of the problem, as follows:

 $ touch ./feature/account_loan.feature $ notepad++ ./feature/account_loan.feature 

 :                          ,           ,    :    ' 3.0 ()'    ' '    '   1'    02.01.2014    '   2'    03.01.2014     :          ' '  2   2 ' '   1000  300      ' '   1100       '62.01'  '   1'   1000      '62.01'  '   2'   100    '62.01'  '   2'     200  

How I created such a feature file
I just answered a typical set of questions from Gherkin, a little more detailed by interrogating the customer on the following list:
  • What is the functional
  • What is the role
  • What is the purpose
  • What behavior scenarios are we expecting?
  • In what context is this functionality necessary?

Run vanessa-behavior.os with the “GenerateEpf” parameter and get the output processing file for testing:

 $ oscript.exe vanessa-behavior.os --GenerateEpf --ProjectPath="<   Feature >" --1cConnectString="File=<1>" 

and we get it for the sake of which all this was started - the processing of testing based on the behavior, which we then fill in using the code in the embedded language 1C

As you can see, the following happened:

A procedure was created for each line of the feature file.

For example, the string

    ' 3.0 ()' 

evolved into


The parameters for calling these procedures (number, string, date) were defined, and also so-called snippets were defined, for example:

Let's see what you can do with this good.
The first thing that catches the eye is that the name of the parameter ParamString is not very visual. Well, we take and change his name, say, on the Name of the Configuration . Yes, and the name of the procedure is replaceable with There is a Configuration .
It turns out:


But there may be a situation that if you try again to generate 1C processing for the same feature file, the program will not be able to find the procedure with the old name and everything will stop working. But here comes the snippet.


by which we can always determine which method to call (though for this we will have to parse the processing sources, and build a table of snippets and real procedure names, but such little things do not frighten us).

The second thing to notice is that there were two similar lines in the feature file:

    '   1'    02.01.2014    '   2'    03.01.2014 

But for them only one method was created:


This is not surprising, because for both lines the snippet will be the same. Thus, it may seem that code reuse is brewing here. Iiiiiiiii ... Yes! This is it! If somewhere in this feature file (or in any other of the same project) we write something like:

     '-  '    '- ' 

it turns out that this testing code has already been implemented in the method There is a ContractAgreement of the Agreement .

Moreover, it may turn out that this method was implemented by someone else before us. And we just reuse it. And it will happen by itself. Is this not the dream of any programmer! The customer writes what he wants (and this is our feature file) - and half of the code is already implemented, tested (ie, covered with a test) and will be picked up on the fly!
Welcome to the BDD, my friend!

Let's summarize the mini total.

Within the framework of one article it is difficult to cover such a large topic as BDD and how to adapt it to the world of 1C. I hope there will be a separate article entirely devoted to this subject, but with already more detailed examples.

Inventory functionality and technical debt

Usually, those who study this material, as I said in the first article, refuse to start writing through tests.

This happens for two reasons:

A bit of history, for not at all knowledgeable
We should also say how it all began and how it developed. In my version it was like this (although older comrades can correct me).

Began to test the concept of xDD (or rather with TDD), back in 2004 and on the 1C 7.7 platform. It is believed that the leaders here are the Moscow School for Testing - including the project www.1cpp.ru and Izhevsk School for Testing www.kint.ru

With the release of version 1C 8. * no one was going to abandon the already established processes, but the closeness of the platform led to the inability to port things in a direct way. The process has stopped a bit.

But Yandex and the head of the testing department saved everyone here ;-) (Yes, yes - Yandex was also there or still has 1C).

As a result, the first draft of infostart.ru/public/15492 appeared to be very efficient, and already when several developments were combined, the project github.com/xDrivenDevelopment/xUnitFor1C was born, to develop the quality of its solutions developers on the 1C platform. The leader in this product is Arthur Ayuhanov with a team of like-minded people .

But one can not forget about the Izhevsk school testing 1C solutions. At the moment, the main frontman here is Izhevsk testing of systems - the team here has built a testing monetization scheme and is already developing its line of commercial products.

The vanessa-behavior project is a continuation of the development of the xDD concept, but with a different approach - now not from tests, but from the behavior requirement.


Q: I tried, I did not succeed. How to use it at all?
A: The project is working on the latest (develop) version of 1Script and is waiting for the release of release 1.0.9 , and will also be systematically refined for current tasks. So do not worry - everything will be.

Q: What to read on this topic?
A: There is a lot of materials, but:

Q: Why is Gherkin here?
A: DSL language Gherkin to describe requirements is a direct reference to the problem of requirements management and how it is solved automatically.

Q: Why test typical functionality of a typical 1C solution?
A: As I have repeatedly stated, automated testing is a “long game”. The presence of the expected behavior from the system being introduced will help simplify the update to the new version of the standard 1C configuration and also conduct its development based on the typical configuration. True, this problem is already from another “opera” (for those who know English) . At the same time, I strongly recommend to peep in the “lobby” , where there is already the possibility of expansion, which will have to be developed taking into account your tests.

Q: And when will the publication about xUnitFor1C?
A: after a long discussion, we decided that the xUnit publication should be done by a group of authors from the xDrivenDevelopment organization, we can only share the initial eight-hour video course and the Infostart publication, the xUnitFor1C publication should still be done by the leader of this product

Q: What is the next post?
A: It will still be a Docker for 1C, after the official release of docker-compose and docker-machine , as well as the development of docker to 1.5, now it will really be useful to the respected HabrCommunity.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/252473/

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