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Overview of the video on Go c FOSDEM 2015

One of the most popular open-source projects conferences, FOSDEM , was held January 31 - February 1, and, besides many dev-rooms, there was a dev-room entirely dedicated to Go . Videos from this conference have already been posted in public, reports of 30-40 minutes each, and I must say, the reports are very worthy - a familiar and boring intro for beginners in the style of “What do I like in Go?” Or “How to test in Go” here did not have.

I myself know that reviewing 7+ hours of technical speeches is far from being realistic, especially if you don’t really know whether to watch it at all, so I prepared brief remarks on each report that can help you choose what is worth seeing and what to skip. The remarks, of course, are purely subjective.

In total there were 8 reports for 30-40 minutes, and one and a half hours of the so-called Lightning talks - short reports, one after another.

Immediately provide links to playlists:

Youtube: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtLJO5JKE5YDK74RZm67xfwaDgeCj7oqb
FOSDEM http: video.fosdem.org/2015/devroom-go

So, in the order of speeches.

Go at CoreOS [29:54]
Kelsey Hightower @kelseyhightower
URL: coreos.com
One of the most interesting and fun reports is the author is a rather cheerful comrade, but everything is in moderation, without silly jokes. It is interesting to tell about the details of using Go inside the company (dependency management, building everything with CGO_ENABLED = 0, that's all), and goes through the core projects of the CoreOS team - etcd, fleet, flannel, rocket. I recommend if you hear these things, but you didn’t have time to find out more about them.

Download MP4: video.fosdem.org/2015/devroom-go/go_at_coreos.mp4 (102M)

Finding Bad Needles in Worldwide Haystacks (Go & Web security scanning) [35:04]
Dmitry Savintsev dimisec
This report was viewed through pain - the author has the wildest Russian accent, and, apparently, very little experience in public speaking. I wish him to specifically focus on the accent - because there is a desire to speak at conferences and there is something to tell, but not everyone can stand the test of a bad Indian or Russian accent.
In fairness, the report is one of the worst in terms of presenting the material - it is difficult to follow the thought, the examples do not work the first time and so on.

I liked the moment when the author changed the status of the repository from private to public right at the conference:

Download MP4: video.fosdem.org/2015/devroom-go/go_web_security_scanner.mp4 (122M)

Moving MongoDB Components to Go [40:31]
Norberto Leite @nleite
URL: mongodb.com
A MongoDB technical evangelist report on how and why mongo-tools were rewritten to Go, as well as about the company's internal software to Go. An interesting report, although a bit dragged out - the author himself is not a techie, an evangelist after all, but he listens easily and interestingly.

Download MP4: video.fosdem.org/2015/devroom-go/mongo_go.mp4 (140M)

CockroachDB - A scalable, Available, Transactional DB [44:04]
Tobias schottdorf
URL: cockroachdb.org
A report on the design of a new (another) database trying to fill the niche of SQL databases for distributed systems. Something like Google Spanner, but accessible not only to Google. An open-source project, and not tied to a specific type of storage for a node (RocksDB, LevelDB, etc).
Probably, the report will be of most interest to those who are interested in database design, but even for general development it is useful to listen to an intelligent person who asks the viewers with some caution “are everyone familiar with the CAP theorem?” :).
The project is not yet ready for production, but definitely interesting.

Download MP4: video.fosdem.org/2015/devroom-go/cockroachdb_go.mp4 (163M)

HTTP / 2 for Go [46:02]
Brad Fitzpatrick @bradfitz
URL: http2.golang.org
The most hardcore report here is a lot of code and technical details, Fitzpatrick explains the details of implementing the HTTP2 protocol in Go, which will appear in Go1.5 (at the time of the report, the HTTP / 2 specification was not even finally approved). He speaks a little quickly and shows that it may be difficult at once to keep track of the code, but interestingly enough. Plus a good intro, in contrast to HTTP / 2 from HTTP / 1.1.

Download MP4: video.fosdem.org/2015/devroom-go/http2_go.mp4 (183M)

Go & modern enterprise [27:25]
Peter Bourgon @peterbourgon
URL: soundcloud.com
Also a good report on the author's vision of the role of Go in modern enterprise systems (what he means by this - he explains). Especially on the trend of avoiding monolithic programs for microservices (and “picoservices”, for fun) and experience in SoundCloud. In general, it is clear that comrade has good experience in this topic and many considerations are interesting enough to listen to.
In addition, there are interesting appeals to the Go community that it’s time to stop writing blog posts about the next http multiplexer and tell about larger usage stories.

Download MP4: video.fosdem.org/2015/devroom-go/go_modern_enterprise.mp4 (135M)

Bleeve - Text-indexing for Go [39:40]
Marty Schoch @mschoch
URL: github.com/blevesearch/bleve
Quite an interesting report on the text search system Bleve, an analogue of Elasticsearch, Lucene and Solr, but written entirely on Go. With code examples, insights, especially text search issues. The project looks very worthy, the report is heard easily and interestingly.

Download MP4: video.fosdem.org/2015/devroom-go/bleve.mp4 (145M)

The State of Go [37:06]
Andrew Gerrand @enneff
A report by one of the guys from the core Go team, Andrew Gerrand. He tells about the state of affairs of Go at the beginning of February 2015. About plans in Go 1.5, moving to Git and Github in particular, about Gopher Gala and so on. Interesting enough for a general understanding.

Download MP4: video.fosdem.org/2015/devroom-go/state_of_go.mp4 (125M)

Go Lightning Talks [1:45:00]
1. The State of Camilstore (Mathieu Lonjaret) - a report on the state of affairs in the project Camilstore (universal storage of all different content)
2. restic - Backup done right (Alexander 'fd0' Neumann) - presentation and demo utilities for efficient backups
3. The diameter protocol (Alexandre Fiori) - intro to the Diameter protocol (rdc6733) and its implementation on Go, with interesting points in the implementation.
4. Go enums and JSON encoding (Francesc Campoy) - an interesting demo of applying code generation and using go generate
5. Can Go fix Windows cmd - a slightly messy report of a friend who did terminal emulator on Go, for their custom SSH server under Windows.
6. Go on Mobile (David Crawshaw) - examples of real code on Go for Android and details of development on Go for mobile platforms.
7. Phenakistoscope in Go (Alex Plugaru) - a demo of the phenakistoscope on Go - a rotating wheel with pictures, creating an animation effect.
8. Go appengine (Valentin Deleplace) - intro in Google App Engine and the specifics of working with GAE on Go.
9. REST & Hybrid Cryptography (Eleanor McHugh) - about symmetric encryption for a REST backend on Go.

Download MP4: video.fosdem.org/2015/devroom-go/go_lightning_talks.mp4 (405M)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/252447/

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