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Three ways to do projects # 2

Abstracts laid out earlier , now with explanations.

You can do any project in a completely different way. A project can be understood as a business as a whole (startup), and the creation of a separate website, promotional material, or anything else at all.

Often a lot of effort and money is spent when the project is not done at the level that is needed for this particular case. Often a lot of time and effort is spent if the customer and the contractor sees the execution of the project at different levels. Therefore, starting something, you should ask yourself: “how will I do it”.
There are several models:
1. Prepared seizure territory.
2. A good level without stars from the sky.
3. Entrepreneurial approach.

1. Prepared seizure territory.

When there is an investment (or the client is willing to pay), everything is first designed “from above” to the last bolt, done as it should, then it starts.
- the customer has the illusion that this is the final project - one estimate, one iteration at the level of project creation, that’s done, launched, works. It is good in large companies when efficiency is not so important, and the covered backs of the managers who are responsible for the project are important.
- it is possible to link quite a lot of meanings into one whole system. Let's say creating a website in isolation from the marketing system is nonsense. Until the sales system is built, the attraction system, the site (and he is only an intermediary here) will always be about anything. There will be a beautiful brochure on the Internet that nobody needs. If you build a system as a whole, then you can design it quite clearly and coherently, then each of its parts will enhance the other and the effect may be many times more than in other cases.
- Everything is beautiful. All projects and TZ have a sane and finished look, everything is complete and logical.
- Such work is usually long and if the company operates in a very fast market, then the external environment has time to change while the project is being designed and implemented. In this case, hitting targets will be medium, low.
- A large amount for the entire project, which is not for all customers.
- Requires large system brains, a good team. Not everyone can design large related things, systems, especially to implement them. On a big stage, a bad game looks very stupid.

2. A good level without stars from the sky.

First, we do it right, but without any additional chips. The simplest version of the system, but with high quality. Then we hang up tuning to improve and optimize. The normal approach for most new companies.
- Initial budgets are not so high.
- The speed of implementation is much higher.
- A much higher response rate to changes in the external environment
- Consistent implementation of all chips and features. You can see how each affects the results.
- Much more feedback and greater decision making adequacy. The main engine is not own assumptions, but real data from real users.

- The project takes the form of a process. New goals constantly emerge, new problems lie in their way, which require new solutions and constant efforts / money / time.
- The planning horizon is smaller than in the first case, therefore the coherence of the system is not so high. There is a constant patch of holes.
- Requires a high level of project managers, both from the developer and from the client, the speed and adequacy of communication.
- A lot of time and effort is lost at the interfaces between the parties (client – ​​developer – user), for analysis, conclusions, statements, questions and answers.
- Constant payment from the client for seemingly like the same thing - “We already paid for the design !? We already paid for the design? ".
- If the customer does not understand the process very well, or they want to save on consulting, design, development and implementation (do they all want to save?), Then there will be a lot of financial hemorrhoids.

3. Entrepreneurial approach.

When nothing matters except money now. Minimum expenses, do only what makes a profit. Everything is done on the knee, the minimum working system is assembled, and then the development proceeds along the way. Minimum investment, only practice, practice, and practice. Head against the wall, and to the bitter end, until the wall collapses.
- Minimum costs
- Maximum speed of implementation
- The fastest response to changes in the external environment, feedback.
- Ability to check a lot of assumptions (at the expense of speed) and find working options.
- You can start, make and run the project today. Today!
- Requires some entrepreneurial acumen. To take and do, without studying the issue, without analysis, without everything - just to do and test. Then remake, then another and another, until victory. So can only a few.
- It works poorly in a competitive market (at the emotional level), does not work at all at the level of products and services of the Luxury level (social level)
- Allows you to log in only from the bottom. For a long time will have to endure all the disadvantages of this state of affairs.
- There will be no profit at all, or it will be minimal, at the subsistence level, until you gain a foothold, do not break through, deserve it, become familiar, and so on and so forth. The work is for growth, not profit.
- With sufficient competition in the market, or an unskilled entrepreneur, the growth rate will be lower than the market development speed, so time will go, you will develop, and the overall situation will only get worse :(
- We need a large margin of safety, the ability to endure pain for a long time.
- If the market is already developed, then it will be very difficult to involve professionals in such a business.
- In a developed market with decent competition, customers will have to issue Mega-bonuses to convince them to work with you.

There is another 4th option:

Design the first way, some things to implement the second, some third - depending on what, for whom and how we do.
Combines the advantages of all options, of the minuses implies high qualification from two sides, a strategic partnership, a very high level of trust.
Related link:
1. Three levels of positioning something . Cast from PR training.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25236/

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