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Life in Algo Ritma

You are familiar with the situation when things are not at all cranky, and you are lazy and do not have time to do anything? And you try in vain to make yourself work - laziness still takes its toll. Whatever you do, if you are too lazy to do something, you will always find something more interesting for yourself. However, it would be more correct to say not you, but your subconscious, organism. Yes, your thoughts because you want to work, and the subconscious leads you aside to something else.

Why is this happening? First of all, due to the fact that the body is easier to do something interesting than to figure out what to do at work. What is important is the question "What to do?". The body basically strives to follow the path of least resistance, so any, perhaps even the procedure already done dozens of times, a familiar procedure is much easier to do than something new that requires thinking. For example, it is much easier to play in the tennis (if there is a racket and where to play, of course) than to fight over the solution of the task.

But the body can be deceived. You can keep in your head a clear algorithm for how you will solve the problem. This is the most difficult. Force yourself and at least mentally build an algorithm. The more little things (up to opening the editor program and then opening the necessary file, if your activity is connected with the computer, of course), the better. Having prescribed an algorithm, and then follow it, you exclude to a maximum the brain work connected with the analysis of what needs to be done - after all, you have already thought of all this beforehand, and at the same time you send all your energy to a strict adherence to the algorithm, thereby not give place to thoughts about shirking.
In any activity, the proposed solution should be suitable. Those involved in athletics or other sports know what it is to fight fatigue and keep moving on. If you try to completely turn off your mind while running and follow exclusively the “run in a circle” algorithm, intentionally concentrating on it, then you won't even stop to visit your head, and you can run for a long time.

The more the brain is involved in solving the tasks, the more difficult it is to concentrate only on work, because the algorithm has to be thought out on the move, hence the brain works, and therefore, thanks to associative thinking and a powerfully developed subconscious, thoughts and impulses will do something else . Even if you are able to deal with them, you will need energy and, possibly, time, and in this case, the work will be done more slowly.

It is clear that when, by the nature of the activity, you have to constantly think and analyze something, the proposed method can be overly difficult - you can’t think up in advance an algorithm for solving a math problem for which you haven’t sat down yet. But experience shows that in this case even the construction of an algorithm of the following form helps: “Go to the table. Sit at the table. Get a notebook in the right upper shelf. Open. Solve №321. Write the answer. Solve the number №325. Write the answer. ... " If one of the points of the algorithm is too voluminous (for example, “Solve problem # 322”), then you can try to split it into several parts (for example, “Write condition. Solve OLDU. Write OU. Find the particular solution of NLDU. ...”). Performing each step of the algorithm, you will know that the next is ahead, and this will surely spur you to quickly complete the current step and proceed to the next.

Conclusion: When performing any work related to any type of activity, one should think over the algorithm for solving the set tasks as clearly as possible and with attention to detail. This increases work efficiency, i.e. performance.

This is a technique developed by me personally. I find it effective.

Igor Kuzmin, 2008
PS Please, if will be reprinted, specify the name of the author and a link to the source.
Cross post in my blog

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/25233/

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