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SummaryJS Release 4

Greetings to you, amateurs and professionals javascript.

In the last issue, 2 surveys were conducted. In the first, it was decided that it would be more convenient for most to get a new release on Friday. Made by The second question was about opening links in the new tab. Unfortunately, I did not know then that they are prohibited on Habré. But I hope that in this case Cmd + click on the Mac or Ctrl + click on other systems will help you.

There was a gigantic amount of tools in this release. Enjoy.

Videos and podcasts

Glen Maddern: A GIF odyssey
Using React to record JSON videos
JS Jabber # 149: Passenger Enterprise with Node.js
FiveJS # 65



Articles, style guides

React lifecycle chart
JavaScript - Just another introduction to ES6
Introduction to the React JavaScript Framework
TDDBin is open source, supports ES6 and moves on
Reverse Words In A String Using JavaScript
The site from scratch on a full stack of BEM technologies. Yandex Methodology
Boost the Performance of AngularJS Application Using Immutable Data
A JS framework on every table
Create an IBM Watson explorer with React
A JSON editor with React and Immutable data
The ReactJS Reading Club
Ditch the [] .forEach.call (NodeList) hack
React: Reuse Constant Value Types like ReactElement
HTTP2 for front-end web developers
React Community Round-up # 25
React Native - The Killer Feature That Nobody Talks About
A ReactJS and Foundation Framework Reveal Modal
No promises: asynchronous javascript with only generators
Making your jQuery plugin work better with npm tools
Writing Command Line Tools with Node
Persistent State of ReactJS Component

Tools, Libraries

game-sprite - library for working with sprites in games
react-slug - a simple react-component that truncates unwanted characters
antwar is a static site generator using React and Webpack
template-helpers - a set of helper for template engines
canvasBlurRect - high-performance blur effect, like on iOS
react-blog - React and Flux blogging engine
grunt-warn-friday - plugin for Grunt, which warns about funny deployments on Friday
react-headroom is a component for React that hides the header when scrolling down and shows it when scrolling up. Like Chrome for iOS.
xr - simple wrapper over XMLHttpRequest
markmin.js is another wiki markup language. Inspired by Markdown
ngWebAudio - AngularJS module for using WebAudio API
fuzzysearch - small and fast search
react-pstate - react-mixin for working with the persistent state of components
shipboard - application development planning tool
ngLoader - load animation in AngularJS
mac is a hybrid OSX application made with Meteor
to-fast-properties - forcing the use of fast properties in V8
nock - http moki in NodeJS
eyeglass - brings the power of npm to Sass
react-resolver - “isomorphic” library for lazy loading in react-components
jQuery.imgx is an extension for using high-definition images on desktop and mobile devices
unorphan - fix word wrap in long text blocks
AngularTypeScript - AngularJS, TypeScript, Azure AD, Office 365 - all in one bottle

New versions

espree 1.10.0
lodash-fp 0.3.0
eslint-plugin-backbone 1.0.1
babel 4.6.4
orbit.js 0.6.0
node yeoman generator 0.7.0
ReactJS.NET 1.4
eslint-friendly-formatter 1.0.1
react v0.13 RC2
ember Glimmer engine
yeoman 0.18.10
chalk 1.0.0
flummox 2.13.0
ember-orbit 0.6.0
io.js 1.5.0

AngularJS 2.0

fast start


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/252327/

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