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Information braces or what innovative operating room could be

In this article, you will learn what “clips” are in the interface, recognize the growing up consciousness of Internet users, recall the Occam's razor and at the same time find out if people need websites at all.

We all remember how the first Windows looked and how many entities had to be produced when reaching the document deeply hidden in the folders. The desktop became simply clogged with open windows. However, as time goes on, people become smarter, and now comes the understanding that it is more interesting for people not to play with windows, folders and menus - but to receive information. Moreover, if the information is regularly updated, then you should not force the user to regularly get into the network on their own and download all updates. This decision was inherently revolutionary, since today Windows 8 with the help of live images allows any user to be aware of everything that is happening, without opening the browser every second.


What will be next? When installing the new Windows 10 technical preview, many hoped that the simplification of human interaction with information would continue, and such a thing as a browser would disappear from the operating system. But, unfortunately, Microsoft didn’t dare to take another revolutionary step; rather, they again went back down, starting to return static desktops with wallpaper instead of “live icons”. And instead of removing the term “browser” as a fundamentally superfluous lining between a person and information, they began to develop another one.
You can regard my article as a wish that the operating systems of the future do not have the right to score user experience with unnecessary entities and empty operations that do not lead directly to the achievement of the goal. And for starters, let's look at the typical user process for extracting information from the Internet:

1. Click on the browser icon;
2. See an empty window with the query string;
3. Enter the request;
4. Get a list of matching results;
5. Examine the list, opening all new and new tabs;
6. Examine each tab, be horrified by each design of each individual site, often not subject to any standardization and the beginnings of common sense;
7. Make a choice and get the necessary information;
8. Close all tabs;
9. Close the browser.

How many of these items are really needed by the user? Only item number 6, and all other items do not give any tangible benefits, but he is forced to do them, since this requires the process of obtaining the necessary data.

So, when today they talk about user-centered design, we must clearly understand that for now this is just another fashionable word that has nothing to do with the existing reality, when 90% of operations performed by a user today are just a ritual, and only the remaining 10% really help people get what they want.

Not so long ago, in one interesting article, a revolutionary concept was proposed for the user to self-create all the templates for displaying the information he needs. Unfortunately, not everyone understood this interesting idea to the end and considered it to be another blow to the fan. Let's try to develop in this article this is certainly an excellent idea.

Let's start with the realization that the users of information systems do not stand still - they develop, learn, grow up and acquire a huge amount of new experience. What seemed complicated and unacceptable in interfaces 5 years ago is well-being and well-being today. And, as it usually happens, with the accumulation of a certain amount of knowledge and experience, users begin to develop an understanding of their own needs and assessments of convenience and satisfaction from interfaces.

For example, I, as an experienced user, no longer want to see the constant riot of colors from designers gushing with creative on my screen: animation, company colors and styles, fonts, the basket on the right, the basket on the left, above, below, in the center - please, I don’t have time for this, I didn’t come to the performance gallery of modern art, I just need a damn vacuum cleaner.

My goal is to get information in the most convenient form for me, and this view in 99% of cases does not coincide with the fact that I nested another “genius” in Photoshop. Moreover, in 99.99% of cases I cannot influence this situation in any way, I cannot reach the customer of all this madness and demand to bring everything to a digestible form. I can manage only my own laptop, and my own operating system - and that is why I have long demanded that I impose any layout of any information flows on me. All I need is to be able to create my own templates for displaying news, shopping, communication, etc. Let's call them for simplicity “braces”, as these templates will tie the entire ocean of styles into a single form when transmitting information. Below in the picture is an approximate prototype of my desktop in the process of choosing a robot vacuum cleaner using the “My purchases” clip:


The case here will be something like this: I press the search button on the keyboard, or I activate the voice query and, without opening any extra windows, right inside my clamp, right on the desktop I make a request to “buy a robot vacuum cleaner”.
Further, the operating system itself downloads data from the network that is relevant to my region, and structures it clearly according to my request: “Cheapest”, “Top-rated”, “Bought friends” (from Facebook and mail), “More pictures”, “ Video in the process of work "- that's right in blocks. The sites, browsers, tabs, http-addresses and pop-up windows with the proposal to call back in 20 seconds - I no longer see. Once again I will repeat my thought, it is so important for understanding the idea of ​​custom clips - all other nonsense: logos, corporate styles, seo-texts, banners, contacts, the company's mission - at this stage of choosing a product I don’t want to see yet. Maybe later, thanks. This is my deliberate choice as a buyer - consider it.

I agree that only a lazy article did not write about card issuance of information, but the essence of the idea was not in the cards as such. I personally like the card, and the child may like the arrangement of elements in the form of a fractal spiral (more natural and natural for perception). And no one in the world should forbid him to see cartoons and communicate with friends around the kindergarten in the form in which he (or his parents) personally wants.


Now, thousands of millions of man-hours, experts around the world spend on finding the perfect display of data output - in online stores, when searching for air tickets and anywhere, trying to find a common solution that will suit everyone at once. No, not satisfied, you can stop and calm down. The modern user is already mature enough and accustomed to begin to make the first decisions on the type and form of the perceived information. Figuratively speaking, today the online childhood is over, and the teenager user is already beginning to ask the Pope for the steering wheel. A person no longer wants to perform empty actions on opening-closing unnecessary windows, applications and tabs - he wants to continuously be in the information space, not leaving him for a moment and automatically loading the necessary data to any point in space-time on his working panel.


I also ask you to note that I do not impose my personal braces on anyone. I do not care what the conversion of the same display option will give among the managers of Saransk or Brooklyn portfolio investors. The important thing is that for me this arrangement of elements gives the maximum convenience and conversion, and as soon as I get tired of all this, I myself will change the interface depending on whether it is new needs, without involving third-party designers, usability gurus and whatever .

Do I have to say that, to pay for goods, let's say via Webmoney I again don’t want to go anywhere, launch applications or browsers. It is important for me to carry out the entire process of ordering From and To on a single working panel.


Then the template is folded and open another - Communication. For someone here, an animated slider will be convenient, the creeping line is different for your health, but personally I would do this:


A normal user is not so important what it looks like the interface of the Inbox or the updated Skype. Why would he bother with all this information? Give each person the right to build his life, his information space, his braces, let the users grow up. Any person must interact with the necessary information on the network continuously and continuously, from any application, anywhere in the interface, at any time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/252285/

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