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The Japanese are developing mechanical parts of the body that are controlled by the brain.


Yesterday we wrote about Honda's “cybersorts” helping people to walk, but today we have even more interesting news. By the way, judging by the amount of such news, from the Japanese in about 20 years only the brain and mechanical limbs, controlled by thought and supported by “mechanical shorts”, will remain :). But joking aside: scientists known for their technical advances at Osaka University are developing robotic human limbs that can be controlled by the power of thought. It is useless to talk about the usefulness of this invention, unfortunately there are many people in the world who have lost any part of their body as a result of an accident, an act of terrorism, etc. Get yourself a mighty iron hand (a la Jax from Mortal Kombat) and take revenge on everybody - what's the reward for the years of suffering to type the text with one hand in ICQ :)?

However, at present, scientists face a very interesting problem. All the equipment has been ready for a long time and is waiting for volunteers at the university hospital, where they will be closely watched by experienced doctors, the software that decodes the signals is being successfully developed by the Faculty of Precision Engineering of Tokyo University. brain. The “sheet” with electrodes can be attached from without trepanning, however, only in the case of direct contact of the electrodes at least with the cerebral cortex above the center responsible for human motor functions, it is possible to achieve 80% accuracy in the actions of the cyber manipulator.
Naturally, the greatest accuracy can be achieved by implanting electrodes directly into the brain, but scientists have so far decided not to take that risk. They have already conducted a series of experiments, registering the waves that the brain emits when performing a particular movement. Currently, scientists consider the hand as the “first limb”. They measured brain signals arising from various movements with a hand, elbow or fingers. At this stage, not only the accuracy of the brain signal decoding will be checked, but also the influence of the presence of electrodes in the cranium on the experimental state of health, and whether it will cause epilepsy or other side effects. And a no-brainer that if the experience with the hand proves successful, the creation of “cybernog” is a matter of technology. And then the creation of a cyber is just around the corner ...;)
source: " http://techlabs.by "

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/24245/

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