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How to make profitable design development sites (part 3)


In previous articles, we examined the problems of everyday life and their solution for the topic of " meetings ". Today we consider the solution to the next problem.

The topic today is “Task setting”

I would agree with you, but then we both will be wrong.

Let me remind you of the problem. You have a signed contract. In your head you have thoughts that resemble storm-stirred water. Lots of ideas to draw. A lot of thoughts, how to surprise the future visitor of a new resource, so that he would come in and say “WOW, its cool”, and send it to friends or like. You have already thought about how thefwa award, awwwards or cssdesignawards (.com) will be awarded. Sometimes there is even a moment when you exit with a contract in your hand and prepay for a bank account: the music is playing, the sun is shining, everyone is smiling around you.

Task analysis

You come to the office (home / office), and then comes the moment of realizing how much you need to do. You sit down and start thinking: where to start ?, how would you not forget everything ?, “but we discussed this ... or forgot?”, Etc. You need to tell everything to the designer (leader / performers). We call and begin the story: "we need to make a project ...". Everyone listens, then they put in their “5 kopecks,” sometimes they listen and write, sometimes they just listen and nod. It happens that they catch on to something and the topic goes the wrong way, humor is added. The result the next day - no one really remembers what needs to be done. At best, the next day or every other day, the designer will bring the first ideas and ask: “what’s on the next pages?”.
Then I would like to say: “We read TK together with you, drew page layouts on the board, discussed the functionality ...”. But the fact remains. Firstly, if you are a developer, then you have all the responsibility, you know your business better, and secondly, we are all human, and we tend to forget something (if we talk about staff, then they never forget what cafe, when and when they want to drink tea and what movie they don’t want to miss due to your presentation of a new project). Again, after this, you are right, offended or want to say that you do not have such staff. If so, then you are lucky!

Let's stop repeating the structure of the project, which pages it includes, which of them need to be drawn. Of course, there are places that just need to be discussed and re-discussed. For example, the main page or page of the service, which should be clear to everyone and sell - the key pages of the service.

Structure work from the first minute

What you need? Talked to the client - get Google.document right away. Yes, someone needs to deal with it. But those 30 minutes that you spend (do it right now) will pay off with the first client. Registering a Google account, creating a document, assigning a name to a document, setting a 9th point, single indents around the perimeter, A4 format - all this can be done quickly and easily. Do not forget to put down the page numbering, this will allow you to reduce the time when you want to refer to the document: “here is the link docs.google ... you wrote in the comment on the 3rd page ...”. Also learn how to use short links and give the client a short URL ( https://goo.gl ). (_! _) Send the link to the client or ask him for gmail mail, and if the client is harmful, immediately open the document for access by the link. Do not forget to use the comments.

“If a person cannot write what he needs, he does not know what he needs,” I always speak openly to clients and it works, it hurts the person and he goes on to the principle (if someone else said this phrase before me to me).

Next: you need to overcome yourself and learn to write in this document EVERYTHING that you want to do for the client. And make your client write EVERYTHING he wants in it. Let's remember the article from ( part 2 ) and the fact that we need to save our time and client time. This file does not limit the client, it does not push him to tell you something right now, to give you an answer right now. A person can get a link in the afternoon, read the answer in the evening and write in the morning. Benefits, tremendous features, support on all devices, group work and auto - update - all these advantages of google. Document you can google. You do not need to send or write letters, keep track of versions ... and generally do something - give a link, and the client will be happy. Recall another point from ( part 2 ): the client immediately sees that you own advanced tools. He does not care what version of Photoshop you have or the amount of RAM - he sees your awareness, which is transmitted through the tools of interaction with him.

What gives us a "common document"

Freedom! You can let a client, his assistants, your employees into it even before starting work on the project. Make it up right away right away. Do not dump it. Follow the design. The client does not understand the rules for the design of the text. Make out for him, he will see and appreciate it. If you even have an order in a document, it means that your work has been completely refined. Do not let not the slightest chance to doubt it.

Then the cards in your hands ... How do we keep our documents? Differently. But there is something in common in them:
Other services give similar freedom.
which we will look at later
for example (m) maquetter, mock flow


At the exit you have a signed contract and an advance payment on the account. You have structured information from the client at the moment, which you have to fill up every time he sends you something new. The advantage is available to all your employees at once.

The contract and other Google documents you have in the same place. You are sitting at a friend’s place, sleeping with your mistress, relaxing on a day off. Then the client calls you and says that he takes the first stage of work from you, and if you give him the bill in 5 minutes, he will sign it, and the accounting department will pay for it. Otherwise, you will need to wait for him 21 days from the warm edges in the winter cold. What you need is to sit at the computer, tablet, and even copy the document from the phone and send the link as an SMS. And rest on.

Shared Google document with which you will come to the office and simply share the link. You go to drink tea while everyone is reading. You have already sweated over everything to get together, put it on the shelves and give it on a silver platter with a google border. After reading you, of course, answer the questions. Understand everything on the board. And what will you do? Fix everything in the same document. Write here all the ideas, questions for the client. Equip all with pictures and screenshots, if necessary (the board can be photographed). And tell the client: “look at the questions on the 3rd page of Google Docs”. EVERYTHING (_!_)

In the next chapter we will talk with you about prototyping, why it is needed and how it will help save time and make money.

Previous parts: Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5 .

ps (_! _) I remind readers: the questions “how, what and why to draw” are not considered here, I describe here only organizational issues. If you have not yet received the answer you expected, wait for the following articles. If you already know how to use it, fine, I'm glad for you, let others listen. Those who have not yet applied something described - act. Sit down and try right now. And let the experienced help you in the comments.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/242387/

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