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RIF, RIT and KIB 2008. Participant's impressions

It was in April at RIF, RIT and KIB. I read the reports of Pavel Lotsevich , Partizana and other authors of Habr and decided to add my impressions.

I'll start with RIF. There were many people. Alas, this characterizes not only the possibility of live communication, but also a constant violation of the conference schedule. Therefore, we were constantly late for coffee breaks and lunch. This irritated, especially, those like me (ruined my stomach - now I live by the principle: “war is war, and lunch is on schedule”). When conference attendance is high, this is certainly a big plus for organizers, but visitors should not suffer. IMHO, they are wrong.

In general, an easy "pop" action was present. Noise made the emergence of the elected president. Far from everyone allowed to the press conference with his participation, many journalists frustratedly went to a cafe and desperately tried to catch something from the TV. Medvedev actively tried to appear his own, made an advertisement for Odnoklassniki.ru and spoke about his “clones” on the network (Popkov and sat on the plenary next to it ). What can I say, well done! If the president treats “banter” and “Bear” with humor, it means that everything is not so bad in our country. Now, just think now, the truth is being said about Odnoklassniki affiliation or in vain does this topic disturb the minds? .. So why promote a commercial website, the implementation of which is not very different from other similar resources (from the same Yandex Moy Krug and Mail.ru My world)? I am already silent about Vkontakte.ru, which at times exceeds usability, speed, and most importantly, what is already a fact, in popularity among users. But Durov was not seen near Putin. Why explain to me?

"Access to the body" Medvedev, in contrast to a number of journalists, managed to get Kaspersky and "Bitrix", I do not know for what such merits. A masterpiece on the RIF - Medvedev with two Ryzhikovs ! Incidentally, an exacerbation of star disease Ryzhikov happened on RIT, and his cardboard statue in the pose of Napoleon appeared on the stand of “Bitrix”. The disease apparently spread to Sidorenko. At the CMS section, he stated that “Bitrix” was the first to invent CMS SaaS. All this was said in the presence of Vasiliev from NetCat, who was telling how he did there and then closing the sitemanager.ru service many years before the term “SaaS” appeared. Skromnyaga Vasilyev did not answer anything to Sidorenko who had been turned out to be flushed, and Kotyrev from UMI had long been “hoch” on this topic (a caustic type).

Terekhov glimpsed on all konfs with his Tagline Studios rating. True, the other boy is now responsible for the rating, but he was mostly silent, and Terekhov had to speak himself. Terekhov did not say anything important, except for sacramental recognition, that there was no rating algorithm and he did not know how to improve it. Most of the questions on the rating were in the style of "well, what the x ..." and "well, what the x ...". It was interesting to hear about the regional ratings of studios (which often do not correspond to the logic of the federal) and the distribution of use by CMS studios. Bitrix is ​​losing the market. Comparing Tagline for 2007 and 2008 , you can get the following conclusions: Bitrix lost 21% of the market, Netcat added 1% to 16%, and UMI.CMS appeared immediately with 6%, the rest of the paid CMS gradually merge from the market, free ones do not grow.

Unlike RIF, at RIT-2008, the organization was better at times. There was no problem with sound, Wi-Fi, food and drink, but the lack of forks during lunch was a big surprise. And still shocked the abundance of migrant workers, who stood on the distribution of food, who did not understand Russian. Distinguished at RHS Microsoft, on their stand in plain view was the Mac. What is it for? By the way, it turns out I was not the only one surprised . As usual, they were pleased with the XBOX - people could not be dragged away from them. Those who could not play, with pleasure "stuck" on the poofs from Rambler .

The weather and the boarding house on the CIB were excellent. The atmosphere was informal, even too much. Recall at least jokes, jokes on the section at Sebrant and outright banter of people in the presidium. There were depressing, almost familiar problems with food, more precisely with the food itself, there were no overlays, but the prices are astronomical. The boarding house “Bor” stood on the ears all the days of the conference - the people played the drums (video) , sang, the mini sections smoothly turned into night vigils in the corridors, for the morning the cultural militiamen awakened asleep following conversations; friend's eyes and tried to remember "what happened?". In general, at KIB, the people came off to the fullest. And others tried to capture it, now it is called "buhting". Here, you can admire the drunken Anton Nosik (video) . Tusovka for OWN and a great opportunity to meet all the right people in one place, and in general the same RIT, only “in profile”.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/24227/

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