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EyeCare - relieving eye strain, treatment of myopia, accommodation spasm

application icon for the treatment of myopia and spasm of accommodation EyeCare In Russia, between 30 and 100 percent of the population has vision problems. Moreover, about 28% of children suffer from myopia (myopia). In public and private clinics in our country, various methods of treating myopia in adults and children are practiced - from prescribing vitamins for eyes or drops to laser surgeries. Recently, doctors began to prescribe a combination treatment based on drugs and work in special certified medical simulators. This treatment is not able to fully restore vision, but it improves it temporarily due to the removal of eyestrain. I myself took a course of such treatment in my childhood. Existing programs used in such treatment are very expensive, in state hospitals they are usually not free, attendance at private clinics is even more expensive than buying a program.
We decided to develop our own program for the treatment of myopia, spasm of accommodation, relieve fatigue from the eyes and post it for free.

As a basis for our application, we took the well-known among ophthalmologists program “Relax! 2 " . The choice was due to the fact that several ophthalmologists, with whom we spoke, recommended her, the program was certified, has been used in medical practice for more than 10 years, and was included in the mandatory structure of the children's eye protection room. The program simply displays a programmatically generated video series, which the patient must watch for 5 minutes once a day for at least two weeks. When studying it, we immediately discovered a number of flaws:


Having considered all of these drawbacks, we decided to release our application for mobile and desktop platforms. Distribute naturally through app stores. As a result, we have implemented a program based on Qt5 and OpenGL ES, the entire UI is overlaid on QML. All work was carried out on the basis of the dissertation of A. Belozerov “Development and implementation of computer functional methods in ophthalmology”. The first versions are now available for Android tablets and Windows 8.1 .
The program implements a universal UI, allowing it to be used both on touch screen devices and on desktops with a mouse.

The app shows special stimuli that positively affect the retina.

We hope our application will be useful to people. We are planning to develop a complex of ophthalmologic programs and certify it in Russia. In our next post, we will talk about the EyeTraining application for the treatment of children's strabismus.
We will be grateful for any critical feedback about our application, a large number of IT specialists live in Habré - it is always interesting to hear their opinion about their brainchild.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/242187/

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