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Orb. DIY news server

Hello to all!

Before closing Google Reader in 2013, I wanted to write something of my own on this topic. So that it collects news from RSS and it was clear that it was reading and what was not. Plus there was a desire to work with GAE and Angular. Later, after several disappointments in their own CSS cross-browser skills, IonicFramework joined this company. That, in the end, turned out to be quite convenient, in my opinion, is used by me daily and, perhaps, will also be useful to someone.

I invite everyone under the cut to collect and run their own news aggregator on Google servers.



The details

Downloading source:

git clone -b latest https://github.com/igors48/nmdService.git 

Before assembly, you need to customize the individual parameters of the assembly of your server instance. To do this, copy the file build.properties.template in the root directory of the project, call the copy build.properties.local . Open in any text editor and write the values ​​for such parameters:

The remaining parameters can still be left as is.

Save, close.

Build and Run

For verification, let's try to raise the server locally. To do this, run dev_server.bat . If everything goes well, the server should respond to localhost: 8080 . After checking, the local server must be stopped with Ctrl-C . If you just close the window, then the server will hang on port 8080 by a silent reproach and you can kill it only from the process manager. At least under Windows it is.

Now the final step. "For the sake of this, everything was written (c)." Deploy on GAE. To do this, run ant update . Before you deploy, Ant will ask you for your GMail account password. If the deployment hovered, which sometimes happens, then you need to stop it with Ctrl-C and execute ant rollback . After that, you can try again ant update .

If everything went fine, your personal news server will be available at % application.identifier% .appspot.com . Admin, with logs, charts and base, at appengine.google.com . I wish you a pleasant use!


In addition to the RSS, you can pull the news from Twitter. To do this, you need a twitter account and keys - consumer key and consumer secret . You can get them here .

The resulting keys must be stored in build.properties.local in the variables twitter.apiKey and twitter.apiSecret , respectively. After that, the server needs to be redone.



Category List:


List feeds in category:


List of news in the feed:


Display news announcement:


Project page on GitHub here .

I will be glad to comments, suggestions, questions and criticism. I still have a number of ideas for the implementation of this project, but perhaps someone will tell something else.

Thanks for attention.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/242099/

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