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Google Analytics: User Id and multichannel sequences

Now they talk a lot about GA - User Id chips and multichannel consistency. I decided to test how they work together.

Take for example the following situation: a user, sitting at work, comes to you with contextual advertising, selects products in your online store, adds them to the basket, registers to pay ... and for some reason does not. However, when he arrives home, he consults with his wife and decides to still buy, which he does with success (but already from his home computer).

At the same time, we, of course, must use user Id, in order for Google to somehow connect them.
Will contextual advertising appear as a result in a multichannel sequence? Looks like no.

I conducted a simple experiment:

Made a visit from one source (highlighted cid and uid):


Then from another device:


In the second visit I conducted the transaction:


Next, create sources for multichannel sequence.


And, unfortunately, got this picture:


In a multichannel sequence, there is no source browser41 with associated conversion.
I hope that Google will soon finish this moment and we will be able to track multichannel sequences from different devices.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/242055/

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