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Online Advertising Roulette: Yandex.Direct, Google AdWords

Any entrepreneur, be it a startup owner or market leader, needs to be advertised. For IT campaigns, the shift of advertising sites on the Internet is obvious. It is necessary to begin the search for placement opportunities, as an incredible amount of advertising agencies, aggregators, sites again falls on the beginning advertiser. And many get off, sign contracts, are conducted on free offers and tempting test periods. As a rule, this leads to an increase in advertising costs with a small or zero result. At the same time, there are few basic (and effective) ways of placing search and contextual display ads. In Russia, these are Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords, for those who are interested in advertising abroad, Bing and Yahoo networks are added.


I have gone the way of online advertising, stuffing a lot of cones on it and spending quite some money. In my post, I want to present basic tips that are likely to be useful to those who come out with advertising on the network for the first time and have too little budget to spend on experiments and unreasonably risk.


According to the latest data, the share of requests in Yandex is just over 60%, respectively, at first glance, the majority of the target audience of companies lives in Yandex. However, to argue this way is a direct way to a dead end: a lot depends on the age and interest of users, on the category of devices and so on ... There are many ways to determine where your audience lives, two main and simplest of them:
  1. compare the number and structure of relevant queries in the "Yandex" Wordstat and "Google" keyword selection tool;
  2. view Yandex.Merik and / or Google Analytics connected to your site and draw conclusions.

So, Yandex.Direct is a service for advertising on a search and in the Yandex advertising network. Allows you to be placed on various positions in the search results, in Yandex services (weather, mail, news, etc.), as well as on partner sites.
What is good about Yandex.Direct?

What's wrong Direct?

Tips for Yandex.Direct

Google adwords

Google’s position on search is somewhat weaker than on Yandex, but this does not detract from the possibility and necessity of advertising on Google and its network. First of all, because Google is used on Android mobile devices, Google Chrome continues to conquer users, Google AdWords can be advertised in apps and on YouTube. And this is a lot. In order not to be unsubstantiated, I will give my personal statistics, for obvious reasons, without reference to the company (for relevance, I’ll make a reservation that the sphere is IT, B2B services): almost 45% of site visitors come from the Google Chrome browser, with Google search - just over half of all visitors.

So, Google AdWords is a service for advertising on search and in the advertising network (CMS) Google. Allows you to be placed on various positions in the search results, in Google services (mail, YouTube), as well as on partner sites.

How good is Google AdWords?

What's wrong with Google AdWords?

Tips for google adwords

General tips and tricks

Reach your own employees for online advertising , not third-party agencies. First of all, because no one knows your campaign goals and product capabilities better than your employees. For example, for a manager from an advertising agency, the key word “boring wheels” is strict and unambiguous, and your employee “in the subject line” can easily replace it with “remove the tire from the wheel”, “remove the tire from the disk”, etc. ... It is clear that the agency will not understand the specific topics, much less in IT terminology - all the same, you yourself will occupy keywords. In addition, you can easily monitor both employees and budget. Do not be afraid of the difficulties of learning - with the help of sites and teaching webinars, in two months, all the necessary fundamentals are comprehended, in four - subtleties, then - jewelry jewelry professionalism increases.

Think like a consumer. Imagine that a person wants to change tires for winter tires. What will he score in a search engine? Rather, something like "change wheels" or "put winter tires" than "skortirovat wheels." Do not complicate your keywords - if the client is looking for something, he most often searches in human language and sometimes makes abstract queries that describe the object of the search, rather than designating it for sure.

At least in the first stage, abandon the budget planning online advertising. If you are a business owner and you are not stifled by a hundred shareholders and five executives, start working with the budget, and then plan it based on the obtained real data. Plans made by Google, Yandex, and even an advertising agency lie in both directions and practically do not coincide with reality.

Do not neglect the image in the network. Online advertising may not bring tangible conversions or money, obviously coming from ads, but it makes your brand recognizable. Get at least advertising banners of the KMC campaigns Google - your banners flash, the product name is lit, users have associations of the product with your brand. Even if you just give text advertising, it inevitably affects the growth of search, and it is precisely for branded queries.

Combine Direct and AdWords sites to cover more potential customers. Choose the site you need to expand with in-depth analysis of real data.

Use Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics. These systems, even with basic use (without screwing up interesting functionality through an API), provide irreplaceable knowledge about your site, and it’s best to use them in combination. Of course, there are discrepancies in the data associated, for example, with methods of calculating certain indicators, but in general, there is always an exact trend. The data obtained from these free web-analyst, with proper interpretation, will allow you to open incredible horizons for working with the site, customers and so on ...

Trust the Yandex.Direct and AdWords Help - these are the most comprehensive and relevant materials for learning and clarifying controversial issues.

Each business chooses its own set of "chips" and tools to promote the product - these are different channels online and offline, with different efficiency and different costs. If you are limited in budget or simply do not want to throw money into nowhere, I can give a short piece of advice that works: collect information, analyze information, draw conclusions, find problems, implement solutions. Do all this in a cycle - time changes, customers change, you should be at the center of these changes. A positive result will be a good reward for your attention to web-analytics and online advertising management.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/241951/

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