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Cisco. Certification paths

Cisco certification is considered one of the most prestigious IT certifications. This is due to the fact that, unlike the certification systems of many other vendors, the Cisco certification exams will include, in addition to standard tests for questions, simulations and configuration of virtual equipment.

Generally speaking, Cisco allocates five levels of qualification (there are nine different directions):

Entry (Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician) is an entry level that confirms that a specialist has basic knowledge of network technologies. This level exists in two directions of Cisco - CCENT (Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician) and CCT (Technician). The first direction is common to all nine steps, created for professionals who are starting their way in the field of Cisco networking technologies.
The second is most likely created for service centers - CCT specialists should be able to diagnose, recover data, repair and replace components in Cisco devices. There are three areas in CCT:
CCT Data Center - for professionals working with data center equipment (Data Centers) equipment - Cisco Nexus family, Cisco Unified Computing System (Cisco UCS) equipment, Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (Cisco ASA) firewalls.

CCT R & S - for professionals working with core networks — Cisco Catalyst switches and Cisco core ISR routers, Cisco ASA firewalls, Cisco Aggregation Services Routers (Cisco ASR) provider class routers, and others.
CCT TelePresence - for professionals working in the field of unified communications equipment - that is, video conferencing and telephony systems.

All certificates have a validity of three years.

Associate (Cisco Certified Network Associate) - a basic level that confirms the availability of knowledge and skills for designing, configuring equipment, managing and supporting small and medium-sized networks. Designed for professionals working with equipment from one to three years. At this level there are nine areas: Routing & Switching, Design, Data Center, Security, Service Provider, Service Provider Operation, Video, Voice, Wireless. There are no requirements for passing the Associate level exams (no CCENT is required). All certificates are valid for three years.

Professional (Cisco Certified Network Professional) - professional level. The presence of the Professional level certification indicates that the specialist has deep knowledge in this area and extensive experience with enterprise level equipment. To obtain the status of Professional at the time of the exam - there is a mandatory requirement - the presence of Associate status, without which the status of Professional cannot be obtained. This means that even with the fulfillment of requirements (passing examinations at the Professional level), in order to obtain status, you will need to pass the examination (or exams, depending on the direction) at the Associate level. At this level there are eight directions: Routing & Switching, Design, Data Center, Security, Service Provider, Service Provider Operation, Voice, Wireless. For the Video direction (which came after all), CCNA Video is currently the highest status. All certificates have a shelf life of three years.

Expert (Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert) - expert level. Certification appeared in 1993 and at the moment is the most prestigious technical certification. The CCIE exam usually consists of two parts: the written (in the Pearson VUE testing center) and the practical (the Cisco laboratory). There are no mandatory requirements for the exam - that is, you can take it without having Associate or Professional status. At this stage, as well as on the previous one, there are eight directions: Routing & Switching, Design, Data Center, Security, Service Provider, Service Provider Operation, Collaboration, Wireless. As you can see, unlike Professional, there is no Voice - which was combined with Video and this direction was called Collaboration. Unlike the previous steps, all certificates have a shelf life of two years.

By the way, according to statistics, only about 3% of certified specialists reach the CCIE level. There are about 50,000 specialists in total with CCIE status (taking into account the fact that some have statuses in several directions, while a quarter of all have inactive certification).

Architect (Cisco Certified Architect) - the highest level of certification. It appeared in 2010, there are about a dozen people in the world with this status (at the beginning of 2013 there were 7 people). To obtain this status, you must write a kind of diploma and protect it before the commission. This level includes Design, R & S, Wireless, Security. A mandatory requirement for delivery is a CCDE (Cisco Certified Design Expert) certification.
The term of certification is five years.

Specialist Certifications (Cisco Specialist Certifications) - specialized certifications in various fields, Associate - Professional level.
Some exams from these certifications are required to get Associate - Professional status. The main task of these specializations is to obtain certain statuses and competencies in certain areas by partner companies. There are eight areas that can be identified: Business Certifications, Data Center Certifications, Internet of Things Certifications, Network Programmability Certifications, Operating System Software Certifications, Security Certifications, Service Provider Certifications, Video Certifications.
Validity of these specialties is usually two years.

General scheme for the main steps of Cisco:

Now let's take a closer look at the directions.

Routing & Switching .
The oldest and most popular direction (it used to be the only one) is devoted to routing and switching network equipment in networks built on Cisco equipment.

The first step - CCNA Routing & Switching consists of two parts:

To obtain status, you must pass either two exams: 100-101 ICND1 and 200-101 ICND2 , or one general 200-120 CCNA .

For preparation there are courses:

Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1 ( ICND1 );
Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 2 ( ICND2 );
Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices: Accelerated ( CCNAX ).
Similarly, you can take two courses (each for 40 hours), and you can take one accelerated course (60 hours).

All certificates are valid for three years, for recertification (renewal of status) you will need:

Pass the CCNA exam again, or pass a higher grade exam (Professional or Expert), or any technical Cisco Specialist Certifications exam.

The second step is CCNP Routing & Switching.
This stage consists of three exams: ROUTE, SWITCH, TSHOOT.
As the names imply, the first exam is devoted to routing in networks, the second switching in networks, and the third troubleshooting in networks. In the summer of 2014, new versions of examinations appeared, it is possible to pass the old versions before January 29, 2015 inclusive.

To obtain the CCNP R & S status, you must pass all three exams respectively:

642-902 ROUTE or 300-101 ROUTE
642-813 SWITCH or 300-115 SWITCH
642-832 TSHOOT or 300-135 TSHOOT .

From these exams TSHOOT can be distinguished. it is not similar to other exams in its format, it does not have a theoretical part and various drap & drop. It is purely practical, to solve problems in the network (network simulation).
Until January 29, you can take any exams to obtain status (for example, two old editions and one new one), after January 29th only new editions of exams will remain.

For preparation you can take courses:

Implementing Cisco IP Routing ( ROUTE v2.0 )
Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks ( SWITCH v2.0 )
Cisco IP Networks Troubleshooting and Maintaining ( TSHOOT v2.0 )
It is worth considering that each exam is valid for one year, i.e. it is necessary for the year to have time to pass another one - so that the previous one does not lose its relevance. After passing the second, the term for both will be extended for a year from the date of passing the second exam.
The very status of CCNP is valid for three years. For recertification, you must pass the Professional level exam - or the Expert level; you usually take the written Expert level exam.

Third Stage - CCIE Routing & Switching.
It consists of two parts - a written exam and laboratory.
The 400-101 CCIE written exam is taken at the Pearson VUE testing centers.
But with the laboratory work more interesting - it can not be passed in the usual testing center - the passage of the laboratory is possible only in Cisco testing centers. The first attempt at passing the laboratory must be made no later than one and a half years from passing the written exam - the written exam is valid for three years (if during this time the laboratory test is not passed - the written exam will need to be re-passed).
Option One: passing the exam abroad. R & S can be passed in India (Bangalore), China (Beijing), Belgium (Brussels), the United Arab Emirates (Dubai), Hong Kong, the USA (San Jose and RTP), Australia (Sydney) and Japan (Tokyo).
Option Two: Mobile Lab. Several times a year (usually two or three times), a Cisco mobile laboratory arrives in our country — in which it is also possible to take a laboratory. Sign up the best in advance, since the number of seats is limited, and the demand is large enough. Learn more about what dates the mobile lab will arrive on at the Cisco learning network site.
In the summer of 2014 a new version of the laboratory work CCIE R & S - v5 was released.
At the moment, the exam consists of the following sections: two hours troubleshooting on an unfamiliar booth, half an hour diagnostic section, five and a half hours setting section.
In the summer of 2014 a new version of the laboratory work CCIE R & S - v5 was released.
At the moment, the exam consists of the following sections: two hours troubleshooting on an unfamiliar booth, half an hour diagnostic section, five and a half hours setting section.
For training, you can take Cisco CCIE 360 training, and in many Training Centers there are various boot camps for training.
CCIE certification is valid for two years, for its extension it is necessary to pass any CCIE written exam or CCIE lab exam, or CCAr.

Design .
Direction in the field of design of computer networks based on solutions for network infrastructure.
The first stage - CCDA consists of one single exam:
640-864 DESGN
The exam is more theoretical - which is logical, since this is the direction of design.
To obtain status, you must have CCENT certification, or CCNA R & S, or any CCIE.
To prepare for the exam there is a course:
Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions ( DESGN )
CCDA status is valid for three years, for re-certification you must re-take the CCDA, either any Professional or Expert level exam, or any Cisco Specialist Certifications technical specialization.

The second stage - CCDP consists of three parts:
642-874 ARCH
642-902 ROUTE or 300-101 ROUTE
642-813 SWITCH or 300-115 SWITCH

Here, similarly with Routing & Switching, new exams came out and until January 01, 2015 it is possible to pass both new and old versions of exams.
For training, it is recommended to take appropriate courses:
Designing Cisco Network Service Architectures ( ARCH )
Implementing Cisco IP Routing ( ROUTE v2.0)
Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks ( SWITCH v2.0)
To obtain CCDP status, you must have CDDA and CCNA R & S status or any CCIE status.
CCDP status is valid for three years. For recertification it is necessary to pass any exam of Professional level - or Expert level.

The third stage is CCDE.
It consists of two parts - a written exam and laboratory.
The 352-001 CCDE written exam is taken at the Pearson VUE testing centers.
The laboratory room is available only on a certain day (about once every three months) and only at Person Professional Center - the closest to us are located in Turkey (Istanbul), Germany (Frankfurt), Greece (Athens), France (Paris), England ( London).
At the moment, the current version of the exam v2. The lab is an eight-hour exam where you need to demonstrate your requirements analysis skills for design, design development, design optimization and validation as recommended by Cisco. At the same time, the exam is purely theoretical, that is, there is no need to make adjustments in it - but there is a need to write explanations why exactly these or other approaches were chosen during the design process.
CCDE certification is valid for two years, for its extension it is necessary to pass any CCIE written exam or CCIE lab exam, or CCAr.

Data Center .
Direction for professionals involved in the equipment (both network and server) data processing centers. Courses and exams related to this certification program are devoted to the fundamental concepts of data center organization, including Unified computing and Unified fabric.
The first step is CCNA Data Center.
Consists of two exams:
640-911 DCICN
640-916 DCICT
For preparation there are courses:
Introducing Cisco Data Center Networking ( DCICN )
Introducing Cisco Data Center Technologies ( DCICT )
All certificates are valid for three years, for the renewal of the status it will be necessary to:
Pass the CCNA DC exam again, or the CCNA R & S exam, or take a higher grade exam (Professional or Expert), or any Cisco specialty exam for Cisco Specialist Certifications.
The second step is CCNP Data Center.
This level consists of four exams:
Two mandatory 642-999 DCUCI and 642-997 DCUFI
Two of a choice of 642-998 DCUCD and 642-996 DCUFD or 642-035 DCUCT and 642-980 DCUFT

That is, mandatory examinations on general topics on network equipment and server data center equipment, and one of the directions to choose from - design or troubleshooting.
For preparation you can take courses:
Implementing Cisco Data Center Unified Computing ( DCUCI )
Implementing Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric ( DCUFI )
Designing Cisco Data Center Unified Computing ( DCUCD )
Designing Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric ( DCUFD )
Troubleshooting Cisco Data Center Unified Computing ( DCUCT )
Troubleshooting Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric ( DCUFT )

To obtain CCNP DC status, you must have CCNA DC status or any CCIE status.
CCNP DC status is valid for three years. For recertification, you must pass the Professional level exam - or Expert level.

Third Stage - CCIE Data Center.
It consists of two parts - a written exam and laboratory.
The 350-080 written exam for the CCIE Data Center is taken at the Pearson VUE testing centers.
The laboratory exam is taken at Cisco testing centers: India (Bangalore), China (Beijing), Belgium (Brussels), United Arab Emirates (Dubai), USA (San Jose and RTP), Australia (Sydney), Japan (Tokyo). In the mobile laboratory there is no possibility of passing this exam.
Lab is an eight-hour exam in which you need to show skills
The CCIE DC certification is valid for two years. To extend it, you must pass any CCIE written exam or CCIE lab exam, or CCAr.

Security .
Direction for professionals involved in security in network infrastructure, including security gateways, service gateways, remote access, interconnection in networks.
The first step is CCNA Security.
Consists of one exam:
640-554 IINS

For training it is recommended to complete the course:
Implementing Cisco IOS Network Security ( IINS )
All certificates are valid for three years, for the renewal of the status it will be necessary to:
Take the Associate Level Exam (except ICND 1), or take a higher level exam (Professional or Expert), or any Cisco Cisco Specialist Certifications technical exam.

The second step is CCNP Security.
This level consists of four exams:
300-208 SISAS
300-206 SENSS
300-209 SIMOS
300-207 SITCS

For preparation you can take courses:
Implementing Cisco Secure Access Solutions ( SISAS )
Implementing Cisco Edge Network Security Solutions ( SENSS )
Implementing Cisco Secure Mobility Solutions ( SIMOS )
Implementing Cisco Threat Control Solutions ( SITCS )

To obtain CCNP Security status, you must have CCNA Security status or any CCIE status.
CCNP Security status is valid for three years. To extend certification, you must pass the Professional level exam - or Expert level.

Third Stage - CCIE Security.
It consists of two parts - a written exam and laboratory.
The 350-018 CCIE Security written exam is taken at the Pearson VUE testing centers.
In CCIE Security, as in CCIE R & S, laboratory testing is only possible at Cisco testing centers. The first attempt at passing the laboratory must be made no later than one and a half years from passing the written exam - the written exam is valid for three years (if during this time the laboratory test is not passed - the written exam will need to be re-passed).
And also two different options for delivery.
Option One: passing the exam abroad. Security can be passed in India (Bangalore), China (Beijing), Belgium (Brussels), the United Arab Emirates (Dubai), Hong Kong, the United States (San Jose and RTP), Australia (Sydney) and Japan (Tokyo).
Option Two: Mobile Lab.
The laboratory is an eight-hour exam in which you need to show the skills of working with network security in various variations.
The CCIE Security certification is valid for two years. To extend it, you must pass any CCIE written exam or CCIE lab exam, or CCAr.

Service Provider .
Direction for professionals working with networks of service providers. The referral has replaced the CCIP (Cisco Certified Internetwork Professional) direction.

The first step is the CCNA Service Provider.
Consists of two exams:
640-875 SPNGN1
640-878 SPNGN2

For training it is recommended to complete the course:
Building Cisco Service Provider Next-Generation Networks, Part 1 ( SPNGN1 )
Building Cisco Service Provider Next-Generation Networks, Part 2 ( SPNGN2 )

All certificates are valid for three years, for the renewal of the status it will be necessary to:
Take the Associate Level Exam (except ICND 1), or take a higher level exam (Professional or Expert), or any Cisco Cisco Specialist Certifications technical exam.

The second step is CCNP Service Provider.

This level consists of four exams:
642-883 SPROUTE
642-887 SPCORE
642-889 SPEDGE

For preparation you can take courses:
Deploying Cisco Service Provider Network Routing ( SPROUTE )
Deploying Cisco Service Provider Advanced Routing ( SPADVROUTE )
Implementing Cisco Service Provider Next-Generation Core Network Services ( SPCORE )
Implementing Cisco Service Provider Next-Generation Edge Network Services ( SPEDGE )

To obtain the status of CCNP SP, one of the following requirements must be met: have the status CCNA SP, or CCNA R & S plus one of the old CCIP examinations (QOS, BGP, MPLS, BGP + MPLS, ROUTE, BSCI), or have a valid CCIP certification or any CCIE.
Status CCNP Service Provider is valid for three years. To extend certification, you must pass the Professional level exam - or Expert level.

Third Stage - CCIE Service Provider.
It consists of two parts - a written exam and laboratory.
The 350-029 CCIE SP written exam is taken at the Pearson VUE testing centers.
In CCIE SP, as in CCIE R & S and Security, laboratory testing is possible only at Cisco testing centers (both in other countries and in mobile laboratories). The first attempt at passing the laboratory must be made no later than one and a half years from passing the written exam - the written exam is valid for three years (if during this time the laboratory test is not passed - the written exam will need to be re-passed).
And also two different options for delivery.
Option One: passing the exam abroad. Security can be passed in India (Bangalore), China (Beijing), Belgium (Brussels), UAE (Dubai), Hong Kong, USA (San Jose and RTP), Australia (Sydney).
Option Two: Mobile Lab.
The laboratory is an eight-hour exam, which includes building a service provider’s scalable infrastructure network according to this specification. It is also necessary to have the skills to configure, troubleshoot, optimize and implement equipment.
The CCIE SP certification is valid for two years. To extend it, you must pass any CCIE written exam or CCIE lab exam, or CCAr.

Service Provider Operations .

This certification is created for Cisco customers from among telecom operators, as well as for Cisco partners and engineers of Cisco itself. Certification is designed for professionals who are able to skillfully support a new generation of carrier IP networks. In addition, this certification certifies the existence of extensive theoretical knowledge of operational management processes, typical solutions and network management systems.

The first step is CCNA SP Operations.
It consists of a single exam:
640-760 SSPO

For preparation, it is recommended to complete the course:
Supporting Cisco Service Provider IP NGN Operations ( SSPO )

Prerequisites: CCENT, CCNA or any CCIE status.
All certificates are valid for three years, to extend the validity of the status, you will need to:
Pass the Associate level exam (except ICND 1), or pass a higher grade exam (Professional or Expert), or any technical exam of Cisco Specialist Certifications.

The second step is CCNP SP Operations.
This level consists of four exams:
642-770 OFCN
642-775 MSPRP
642-780 MSPVM
642-785 MSPQS

The following courses are recommended for preparation:
Operational Foundations for Cisco Service Provider Core Networks ( OFCN )
Cisco Service Provider Routing Protocols ( MSPRP )
Maintaining Cisco Service Provider VPNs and MPLS Networks ( MSPVM )
Maintaining Cisco Service Provider Quality of Service ( MSPQS )

The status of CCNP SP Operations is valid for three years. To extend certification, you must pass the Professional level exam - or Expert level.

The third stage is CCIE SP Operations ...
It consists of two parts - a written exam and a laboratory one.
The 350-060 CCIE SP Operations written exam is taken at the Pearson VUE testing centers.
CCIE SP Operations Lab Exam can be taken only in four Cisco laboratories: India (Bangalore), Hong Kong, USA (San Jose and RTP).
Laboratory is an eight-hour exam, divided into two parts. The first part provides three hours for questions about network operational processes, network management, and other aspects of ITIL. The second five-hour part is troubleshooting, diagnostics, problem solving, working with the network capabilities of IOS and IOS-XR network equipment.
The CCIE SP Operations certification is valid for two years. To extend it, you must pass any CCIE written exam or CCIE lab exam, or CCAr.

Video .

The youngest specialization - appeared relatively recently, in the spring of 2013. Certification is designed for professionals working with video conferencing systems and unified communications. In this direction, so far only one step - Associate. There is no second stage at the moment, and the third stage is combined with the direction of Voice and is called CCIE Collaboration.

The first step is CCNA Video.
Consists of two exams:
200-001 ICOMM VIVND 640-461
There are three

courses in this area:
Implementing Cisco Video Network Devices, Part 1 ( VIVND1 )
Implementing Cisco Video Network Devices, Part 2 ( VIVND2 )
Introducing Cisco Voice and Unified Communications Administration (ICOMM )

All certificates are valid for three years, in order to extend the validity of the status it will be necessary to:
Pass the Associate level exam (except ICND 1), or pass a higher degree exam (Professional or Expert), or any technical exam of Cisco Specialist Certifications specialization.

Voice .

Direction for professionals involved in voice networks, configuration and administration of Cisco Unified Communication systems.

The first step is CCNA Voice.
Consists of one exam:
640-461 ICOMM

For preparation, it is recommended to complete the course:
Introducing Cisco Voice and Unified Communications Administration ( ICOMM )
Requirements for obtaining CCNA Voice status:
CCENT, CCNA R & S or any Expert level exam.

Certification is valid for three years. To extend the status, you will need to:
Pass the Associate level exam (except ICND 1), or take a higher grade exam (Professional or Expert), or any technical Cisco Specialist Certifications exam.

The second step is CCNP Voice.
This level consists of five exams:
642-437 CVOICE
642-447 CIPT1
642-457 CIPT2
642-427 TVOICE
642-467 CAPPS

For preparation, it is recommended to complete the following courses:
Implementing Cisco Voice Communications and QoS ( CVOICE )
Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Part 1 ( CIPT1 )
Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Part 2 ( CIPT2 )
Troubleshooting Cisco Unified Communications ( TVOICE )
Integrating Cisco Unified Communications Applications ( CAPPS )

For CCNP Voice status requires a CCNA Voice status or CCNA Video or any CCIE status.
CCNP Security status is valid for three years. To extend certification, you must pass the Professional level exam - or Expert level.

Third Stage - CCIE Collaboration.
It consists of two parts - a written exam and laboratory.
The 400-051 CCIE Collaboration written exam is taken at Pearson VUE testing centers.
Laboratory testing is possible only at Cisco testing centers in India (Bangalore), China (Beijing), Belgium (Brussels), United Arab Emirates (Dubai), Hong Kong, USA (San Jose and RTP), Australia (Sydney) and Japan (Tokyo).
The laboratory is an eight-hour exam where you need to show skills in troubleshooting, diagnostics, and an integrated approach to video and voice transmission networks.
The CCIE Collaboration certification is valid for two years. To extend it, you must pass any CCIE written exam or CCIE lab exam, or CCAr.

Wireless .

Certification for professionals working with wireless technologies in the composition of information and computer networks.

The first step is CCNA Wireless.
Consists of one exam:
640-722 IUWNE

For preparation, it is recommended to complete the course:
Implementing Cisco Unified Wireless Networking Essentials ( IUWNE )

Prerequisites: CCENT, CCNA R & S status or any CCIE.
All certificates are valid for three years, to extend the validity of the status, you will need to:
Pass the Associate level exam (except ICND 1), or pass a higher grade exam (Professional or Expert), or any technical exam of Cisco Specialist Certifications.

The second step is CCNP Wireless.
This stage consists of four exams:
642-732 CUWSS
642-742 IUWVN
642-747 IUWMS
642-737 IAUWS

The following courses are available for preparation:
Cisco Unified Wireless Site Survey ( CUWSS )
Cisco Unified Wireless Voice Networks ( IUWVN )
Implementing Cisco Unified Courses the Mobility Services the Wireless ( IUWMS )
Implementing the Advanced the Cisco Unified the Wireless Security ( IAUWS )

For status
CCNP Wireless status is valid for three years. To extend certification, you must pass the Professional level exam - or Expert level.

Third Stage - CCIE Wireless.
It consists of two parts - a written exam and laboratory.
The 350-050 written CCIE Wireless exam is taken at the Pearson VUE testing centers.
Laboratory CCIE Wireless can be taken only in four Cisco laboratories: Belgium (Brussels), Australia (Sydney), USA (San Jose and RTP).
The lab is an eight-hour exam where you need to complete a series of tasks to configure networks according to specified specifications, such as Enterprise WLAN solutions, Unified Controllers and AP's, Unified Controllers and Unified Controllers.
The CCIE Wireless certification is valid for two years. To extend it, you must pass any CCIE written exam or CCIE lab exam, or CCAr.

Specialist Certifications

Technical examinations-specializations that are not part of the main Cisco certification pyramid are divided into eight areas:

Data Center
Cisco Data Center Unified Computing Design Specialist
Specialization for engineers designing scalable, reliable and smart solutions for data center virtualization and working with the following products: Cisco UCS B and C series, server virtualization, server OS.
Consists of two exams:
642-998 DCUCD
642-999 DCUCI
Recommended courses:
Designing Cisco Data Center Unified Computing (DCUCD)
Implementing Cisco Data Center Unified Computing (DCUCI) v5.0

Cisco Data Center Unified Computing Support Specialist
Specialists for engineers who support Cisco UCS and data center virtual infrastructure and working with products: Cisco UCS B and C series, Cisco UCS infrastructure, Cisco Nexus hardware.
You need to pass two exams:
642-999 DCUCI
642-035 DCUCT
Recommended Courses:
Implementing Cisco Data Center Unified Computing (DCUCI) v5.0
Troubleshooting Cisco Data Center Unified Computing (DCUCT) v5.0

Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric Design Specialist
This direction for professionals who design and implement converged scalable networks and virtualization in the data center.

Required exams:
642-996 DCUFD
642-997 DCUFI

Recommended Courses:

Implementing Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric (DCUFI) v5.0
Designing Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric (DCUFD) v5.0

Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric Support Specialist
This direction is for professionals who implement and support converged scalable networks and virtualization in the data center.

Required exams:
642-997 DCUFI
642-980 DCUFT
Recommended courses:
the Troubleshooting the Cisco the Data Center Unified Fabric A (DCUFT) v5.0
Implementing the Cisco the Data Center Unified Fabric A (DCUFI) v5.0

of Internet of Things
the Cisco the Networking Industrial Specialist
Certification for specialists in the field working in the field of production, management of technological processes in the oil and gas industry, computational computing systems and networks in these complexes.

Only one exam is required:
600-601 IMINS
Recommended Training:
Industrial Networks 'with Managing the Cisco the Networking Technologies' (IMINS)

the Network Programmability
the Cisco Business the Application Engineer Specialist
Specialization for application engineers, design, development and creation of business applications.

Required exams:
600-501 NPIBA
600-509 NPIBAACI (at the moment the exam is not available - should appear at the end of 2014)
Recommended courses:
Integrating Business Applications with Network Programmability ( NPIBA )
Integrating Business Applications with Cisco ACI (NPIBAACI) (the course is not available at the moment - should appear at the end of 2014)

Cisco Network Programmability Developer Specialist
Specialization for developers who focus on the development of network technologies at application levels, both in campus networks and in data centers.

Required exams:
600-502 NPDEV
600-510 NPDEVACI (currently the exam is not available - should appear at the end of 2014)
Recommended courses:
Developing with the Cisco Network Programmability ( NPDEV )
Developing with the Cisco Network Programmability for Cisco ACI (NPDEVACI) (in The course is not available at the moment - it should appear at the end of 2014)
Requirements for obtaining status:
CCNA status.

Cisco Network Programmability Design Specialist
Specialization for engineers who have expertise in architectural and application development.

Required exams:
600-503 NPDES
600-511 NPDESACI (currently not available - must appear at the end of 2014)
Recommended courses:
Designing with Cisco Network Programmability ( NPDES )
Designing with Cisco Network Programmability for Cisco ACI (NPDESACI) (in The course is not available at the moment - it should appear at the end of 2014)
Requirements for obtaining status:
the status of CCNP.

Cisco Network Programmability Engineer Specialist
Specialization for engineers who deploy network applications in a programmable network environment.

Required exams:
600-504 NPENG
600-512 NPENGACI (at the moment the exam is not available - should appear at the end of 2014)
Recommended courses:
Implementing Cisco Network Programmability ( NPENG )
Implementing Cisco Network Programmability for Cisco ACI (NPENGACI) (at the moment the course is not available - it should appear at the end of 2014)
Requirements for obtaining status:
CCNP status.

Operating System Software
Cisco IOS XR Specialist
Specialization for engineers working with Cisco IOS XR.

Required exams:
644-906 IMTXR
Recommended courses:
Implementing and Maintaining Cisco Technologies Using IOS XR (IMTXR )


Cisco Cybersecurity Specialist
Certification for cybersecurity experts, proactive attack detection, cyber threats.

Required exams:
600-199 SCYBER
Recommended courses:
Securing Cisco Networks with Threat Detection and Analysis ( SCYBER )

Sourcefire Supplemental Training (status currently not available)
Specialization for engineers working with Sourcelife equipment (which Cisco bought in 2013).

Service Provider
Cisco Service Provider Mobility CDMA to LTE Specialist
Certification for professionals working in service providers with wireless technologies CDMA, LTE, etc.

Required exams:
600-211 SPCDMA
600-212 SPLTE
Recommended Courses:
Implementing Cisco Service Provider Mobility CDMA Networks ( SPCDMA )
Implementing Cisco Service Provider Mobility LTE Networks ( SPLTE )

Cisco Service Provider Mobility UMTS to LTE Specialist
Certification for professionals working in service providers with wireless technologies CDMA, LTE and others.

Required exams:
600-210 SPUMTS
600-212 SPLTE
Recommended courses:
Implementing Cisco Service Provider Mobility UMTS Networks ( SPUMTS )
Implementing Cisco Service Provider Mobility LTE Networks (SPLTE )


Cisco Video Network Specialist
Direction for professionals working in traditional analog-video networks with the ability to retrain on the video-over-ip network.

Required exams:
200-001 VIVND
Recommended courses:
Implementing Cisco Video Network Devices, Part 1 ( VIVND1 )
Implementing Cisco Video Network Devices, Part 2 ( VIVND2 )

Cisco TelePresence Solutions Specialist
Referral for Cisco TelePresence product specialists.

Required exams:
500-005 TX9KMAN
Recommended courses:
Cisco TX9000 Management (TX9KMAN) course

Business Transformation Certifications

Non-technical certifications aimed at developing the competencies required for the coordination of technical solutions and business objectives.
For IT Professionals
Required exams:
820-427 BTBBSS
Recommended courses:
Building Business Specialist Skills ( BTBBSS )

For Sales Professionals
Business Value Specialist
Required exams:
810-420 BTUBVAF
820-421 BTASBVA
Recommended courses:
Understanding Cisco Business Value Analysis Fundamentals
Applying Cisco Specialized Business Value Analysis Skills

Certified Business Value Practitioner
Required exams:
840-423 BTEABVD
Recommended courses:
Not at the moment.
Availability of a Business Value Specialist Certification;

Transformative Architecture Specialist;
Required exams:
820-422 BTPBTAE
Recommended Courses:
Performing Cisco Transformative Architecture Engagements

Technician Certifications (CCT)
Technical certifications for Cisco diagnostics, repair, repair, and replacement specialists .
CCT Data Center
Required exams:
010-151 DCTECH
Recommended courses:
Supporting Cisco Data Center System Devices ( DCTECH )

CCT Routing & Switching
Required exams:
640-692 RSTECH
Recommended courses:
Supporting Cisco Routing and Switching Network Devices

CCT TelePresence
Required exams:
640-792 TPTECH
Recommended courses:
Supporting Cisco TelePresence System Devices ( TPTECH )

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/241933/

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