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About motivated and unmotivated traffic on the App Store

Good day, Habr!
This week, Zuckerberg Call and Planet iPhone resources have decided to raise the topic of motivated traffic for PR applications in the App Store. Since I periodically analyze the PR campaigns of some applications in the Russian market and I follow the leaders of the games rating closely enough, I decided to add 5 kopeks to this topic. Unfortunately, I was not able to familiarize myself with the publication on Zuckerberg, since it was promptly removed. One can only guess about the exact reasons for the deletion (they say that there was the author’s column of Eduard Lebedev’s service for selling motivated traffic, but the material on Planet suggests that this was due to the false mention of some developer companies that don’t resorted.

As for the publication on “Planet”, first of all it is striking that this is a poorly disguised “jeans”, as custom-made articles are called to be in journalistic slang. Usually publications that publish them try to hide the fact of the order. It can be seen that Planet also attempted to do this by presenting this material in the form of expert opinions and interviews. It turned out, as I said, bad. The affiliation of the article betrayed several factors at once. First, for some reason, there is a link to the file of the original article on "Zuckerberg", which I have not even opened. Secondly, what is just the most surprising, the direct competitors of the project are mentioned in the materials, although without this one could completely do without harming the essence.

However, it has long been noted that Planet, in the old days, despite the poor design of the browser version, in general, being a good Apple edition, is increasingly turning into a kind of advertising trash with exorbitant prices for many developers. PR is stupidly not fighting back, not disdaining in their publications or too frank PR of often lazhovenky in general applications , nor advertising of competitors. Just to pay the money. It is no coincidence that its attendance over the past year and a half has fallen by half, while many other information websites of ai-theme have been growing steadily.
But let's move on to the article itself and take a look at the facts. Considering that in the publication on “Zuckerberg” there was a lot of untruth, then first of all we will pay attention not to words, but to screenshots. It is unlikely that they were fabricated in Photoshop, since in this case the dates would probably have been corrected. And even though we don’t see the applications themselves, we see the time when they were promoted.

The first screen refers to the end of July, which involuntarily casts doubts that there are simply no more recent examples of successful PR. Well, one can see from it the following: that some kind of game quickly took off from about 600th place to 2nd in the overall rating and lasted there for some time. By the end of the second day, the positions in the rating began to decrease, and then the schedule was terminated. It would not be superfluous to mention the fact that in the summer of applications they download much less, and then 15-20 thousand downloads were enough to reach the TOP-5. While now, if you believe the words of Eduard Lebedev in an interview, for this you need 25-30 thousand.

The second screenshot refers to April. And we see how half a year ago another game climbed into first place from about the 55th, lasted at the top for about half a day, and after 2 days slipped to about the 30th.

Actually, this is the main problem of motivated traffic - a rapid fall after take-off (we will not even focus on the moral, or rather, the immoral aspect - unfair, according to skti, competition). An unmotivated rise in the first place in the Russian ranking of free applications can give 50-60 thousand organic installations per day. As can be seen from the above screenshots, unmotivated organic traffic gives many times less. And given the short stay in the top, the application simply does not have time to recoup the advertising costs in 1-2 days.

As I have already said, I follow the gaming top quite closely and often see how many games appear in it and quickly disappear. From the latest examples, you can look at the recent positions of the 2048 Snake Reloaded game (judging by the absence of Russian-language reviews for the last week and offers on CPA platforms, it is very similar to motivated traffic). As it can be seen, she quickly took off from the 500th place in the TOP-10 games, flew out of the TOP-30 in less than a day, then took off again (apparently, after the second advertising round), again flew out and continues to gradually fall.

And now let's try to find out the output budget in the Russian TOP-10. According to the pricing table from apprb.com, it is more than $ 11,000. And according to this indicator, Russia is second only to the United States, Japan and Britain, which clearly demonstrates how strong the competition is now in the Russian market. Do you think it could have recouped these expenses 2048 Snake Reloaded?

Now about the other side of the coin - unmotivated traffic. The last example that comes to mind is the campaign for the promotion of the Yandex.City application, which is still ongoing. Such an offer can be found in almost every CPA-exchange, and as a result - 6th place in the general top at the time of writing these lines. This is approximately 20-25 thousand installations. It is difficult to judge how many of them are inorganic, but if we assume, for example, a figure of 25%, then the costs will be half as much as if ordered from apprb.com. The campaign itself is still ongoing, and you can follow the further movement of this application in the ranking.

There are also unsuccessful examples of promotion through unmotivated traffic. Of the recent campaigns with PR on I-topic sites, I remembered the FoTask application. Having driven this name into Google, and selecting the 1 month option, I found several reviews of this application on the first page of the issue for the 16th on the sites: Macdigger.ru, Appleinsider.ru, Yablyk.com, Applemix.ru, Appledigger.ru and Procontent.ru, which raised the application only to the 15th place in the category and the 162nd general top. On the 17th, the fall has already begun, even despite the availability of reviews for this date on the sites Appstudio.org and the already mentioned Planetiphone.ru. The costs were obviously rather big, and the exhaust turned out to be a penny. Well, this application did not interest the Russian audience. This happens.

The game in this regard is easier. For example, in today's top 10 game, I see two Russian games - “Bomzhara - a success story” and “Yes or No 2.” Similar inquiries on Google gave reviews on sites iphones.ru, ruapps.ru, best4iphone.ru, madeforipad.ru and playground.ru on the first, and on the second - publications on iosgames.ru and appcompass.ru. Prices on all of the above sites (except iPhones.ru) are quite affordable, so the advertising budgets of games seem to be not lethal, but the effect is evident. Both games are held in the top ten for about a week. So judge for yourself.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/241907/

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