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How to make a selling card product for an online store

Immediately we warn you - this article is not about the fact that you need to use the red button “add to cart” on the item card, which will increase the conversion by 20% and that the photo size of the item should be 500 by 500 pixels and this will raise the conversion by 10%, and the size of the header should be typed in 10 size, that's when your products will be sold. There are no simple recipes and secrets. There is truth in it. But the truth is that it is not enough to read the article about the buttons and colors to create a selling page with the product. To create a really selling page you need to make a lot of effort and to a lesser extent, these efforts are associated with the choice of colors, fonts and buttons.


It is necessary to understand that the main thing on the product card page is content. And even if all the elements are located on Feng Shui, and the colors psychologically contribute to the purchase (as many studies indicate), it will not sell if there is no content on it: product photos, descriptions, delivery terms, etc. Therefore, the article will discuss what content should be on the item card.

Product Photos

It is already difficult to imagine an online store without photos of goods, but the less such stores are found, especially in the regions. Here are some examples:


There are no images like in the catalog.


So on the item card. If you can still buy nails or screws without seeing how they look, then with a lamp it is hardly possible.


A photo of a product is an obligatory element on the product card, while it is not there, do not even think about other content. This is the basis.

If the store is small, then you can take photos yourself. There is always an option to take images from catalogs or from the manufacturer’s website, but these are extreme options. The best thing is to create content yourself.

Have you downloaded a couple of product images? Good. Here are some recommendations for photos of online stores:


The online store 6pm.com creates video reviews of goods not from a great love of shooting and a lot of free time and money.
They are well aware that such reviews increase the conversion of the site, reduce the number of returns of goods (especially for clothes, in photos it may look quite different than than you).

Here is another example of using video on product cards in the asos.com online store:


When processing photos of goods, the color always changes somewhat, so you can also see the real color of the goods on the video.

Product description

Everyone chooses the goods differently. For some, technical characteristics are clear and understandable, for someone, what the product looks like is important, for the third one, price is important. Your task is to answer the questions of all site visitors.
Take 2 examples of the description of the same type of product, for example, a men's wallet.

In the online store www.bagandwallet.ru in addition to photos and videos about the product there is a good, clear description.


How many cards fit into a wallet? 6-12. How many branches? 2. What bills are placed? Any. In the description of the goods only really important and necessary information for making a purchase decision, no “water”.

Take another example of a commodity card wallet and its description:


Wonderful wallet with a clasp on the button with the brand logo. There are compartments for coins, credit cards and bills. Perfectly. How many cards fit? What are the bills?

Below on the page, of course, there is information about what size the wallet is, but in order to understand which banknotes fit in it, the client needs to measure the banknotes. Agree, it is not very convenient.

Place in the description of the goods only important and useful information, avoid the qualitative adjectives "wonderful", "beautiful", "matchless", "excellent". Specify in the description of the product only clear characteristics, not abstract.

Product Features

As we already wrote above, users choose a product in different ways, so it is important to provide all the characteristics of the product on the card.
The online appliance stores usually have no problems with it.


But there are such commodity cards:


If there is no product description, then it is better not to place the product on the site at all, but rather to spend some time creating the minimum necessary content for the product card.

Product Reviews

The fact that the reviews of other people listen and that they affect the conversion has already been said. We only remind you that this is a mandatory item card item. But in many online stores reviews, if they are provided at all, look like this:
Therefore, we will give some tips on how to ask for feedback from customers:

Reviews can be funny and memorable.

Here's a review from online store amazon.com on TV for $ 199.999.99
“I’ve been able to pay for a loan (30 year fixed-rate w / 4.25% APR) and only 3.5% down. This is a hands down, the best decision I've ever made. "It is a hugely roomy, too, because I live in it now."

“I managed to buy this TV thanks to a 30-year loan at 4.25% per annum with a down payment of 3.5%. This is by far the best solution in my life. And along with this TV there is a big box in which I will live now ”.

And here's another review on an expensive TV.

“Purchased this TV for my island retreat. Watch it like to come watch like “The Shrinking Middle Class”, “Income Inequality” and “The Ever Widening Wage Gap. Have to say, wow what a picture! Watching the 99% of movement is amazing. “

”I bought this telly on my island. I mainly watch comedies like “endangered middle class”, “income inequality”, etc. I must say the picture - just a delight. Watch as 99% of the population are trying to survive in the UHD-quality - indescribably! ”

And the last review from Amazon on a fur coat for $ 5,999.95

“I’ve taken a shot at the British Earl. I thought I was looking like a Black Fox. A super fly, gorgeous fox albeit.
When I’m looking for a caretaker. ”

”Got a shot charge lower back from a passing British Earl mime. I don’t have to blame him, I really looked like a black fox. Doctors say that I will never get back on my feet, but when you have such a smart fur coat - it doesn’t matter. ”

Warranty, delivery, return, payment

A product card is essentially a landing page for a user who has come to purchase a specific product. That is why it should give all the necessary information for making a purchase decision.

Such information includes:

As a rule, such information is located on separate pages on the site, so in order to see it the visitor needs to leave the item card.
To convince a visitor to make a purchase, such information should be located exactly on the item card (and duplicated on separate pages).
Here is an example of the implementation of the location of such information in the online store apple-ru.ru:


Information about guarantees, delivery, refund is located under the header of the site, in the form of icons with links to pages with detailed information. In addition, below on the card there are tabs “delivery”, ”payment”, ”guarantee”. Those visitors who do not need detailed information on the terms of delivery will put the goods in the basket and proceed to checkout. And those users who thoroughly study all the conditions of the online store before buying, first visit the pages with this information, and then return to the product card, if all the conditions of purchase are acceptable to them.

Product recommendations and products for upsell

Another important element on the product card is product recommendations. Take care that the user does not think about what additional accessories are needed for the purchased product.

For example, when buying a phone, the buyer may need:

For example, in the holodilnik.ru online store for a microwave oven, there are 29 add-on products to choose from:


The audience that comes to the product card of your online store from search or advertising may come to buy a certain product, and may be at the stage of choosing between several products, so you need to provide replacement goods or products for up-sell on the product card.

Here is an example of the implementation of a block of recommended products in the ASOS online store:


For those visitors who are not sure about the choice of the current product, there is an alternative - look for similar products on the right.

Dry residue

So for the merchandise card to sell, it should have the following content.

Several additional chips on the item card

There are several additional chips for the product card page.

So, it often happens that the product is sold out, and the product card remains in search results. As a result, the visitor enters the page, and the product is not available. On these pages, you can make a button "Report on sale". Here is an example of the implementation of such a chip in the online store Mango:

This service is only suitable for stores that have returns of goods and the receipt of new products that were not previously available.

Report price reduction

Another service that can be implemented on the item card is informing the user about the reduction in the value of the item. Not all visitors coming to your site are ready to buy goods at full cost. This is especially true of clothing sales, since most retailers arrange seasonal sales and visitors know about it. Therefore, in order not to lose contact with the visitor, you can notify him of the decrease in the cost of the product in which he was interested.

Here is an example of the implementation of such a service:


Add to favorites

A fairly common service, but we still say a few words about it. Buying a product can be impulsive, and can be thought about for several days or even several weeks. Therefore, it is important to provide the ability to save the product that the user liked.

In the list of saved items, you can use 2 more chips:

Here is an example of such an implementation:

This is convenient for the user, you can see on which products the price has dropped and buy them. And for an online store - this is an additional tool of persuasion to purchase.

Compare Products

The more complex the product according to its specifications, the more difficult it is to select it. Especially in conditions where there are many similar products with a slight difference in price. In this case, it is necessary to implement the product comparison function. See how it is implemented in the online store mvideo.ru

All differences in the characteristics of goods are highlighted, which greatly facilitates the selection of a particular product by the user.
It is important to remember that such a function is needed for online stores with a large product range; for small online stores, it will not be useful.

And which content is the most important for you and how do you see the perfect product card?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/241895/

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