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Will IT pros rule the world?

Once I had a mouse glitch. A funny electronic animal began to behave like a strong drink: the cursor on the screen responded to the guiding movements sluggishly, slowly and inadvertently, as if I were trying to stir the solidifying concrete with a plastic juice tube.

This happens, I know, - but the nature of this glitch to me, however, is incomprehensible. A few sharp movements with the mouse did not help - I almost wrenched its tail from the USB connector, but the cursor continued to remain wadded.

Not knowing what else to do, I took the wire out of the connector and put it back in. Did not help. Then I took him out again, turned the mouse over, blew him into the hole of the optical eye, and even wiped off the dust stuck to his short plastic legs. Then I inserted the wire back into the USB and it worked. Even a little better than it was - the mouse began to run just like new, only after the purchase.
A friend commented on my actions with the words about "rested and fresh drivers" and "maybe it's all about dusting." Maybe so - I know little about mice. Maybe my actions were correct - but the idea to do just that, and not otherwise was purely intuitive. Intuition is a great thing, but it is based on the repetition of the traversed and basic understanding of the world. The basic world outlook is mechanistic: in this case, I acted as the master of watch movements with broken walkers would have done - I would take the mechanism out of the case and clean it from dust to begin with. The practitioners of the first doctors were also mechanistic: if a person is ill, it means that there is some kind of infection in him that can be cleaned mechanically, for example, by bleeding.

In fact, this is a standard approach to any problem: to disassemble, clean out of excess, to assemble. If it does not help, we study the question in more detail or call a specialist. A specialist is a person who has already spent his time studying a problem. However, it is not eternal, as we all do. And what happens if a specialist is not around? That's right, everything will be approximately as in the case of a glitched mouse: a few basic actions suggested by intuition - and well, if it helped. And if not? There are two ways out: to study the problem and become a specialist or accept the purchase of a new mouse, for example. Or use the touchpad.

In the world so often - artifacts are experiencing trends. We once had lamp electronics, but then everyone switched to transistors — and tube receivers or televisions remained in many homes after that for decades. And there is an aggregate, but there are no specialists - all have long since learned how to solder microchips. So you have to solve the problems that arise with the sound / image as the instinct orders - with the fist on the body. And what exactly is happening there, that the picture is stabilized and the sound appears - no one can explain. That is, the causal relationship in the head settles down, but its nature remains, nevertheless, unclear. Favorable soil for mysticism.

Isaac Asimov in my favorite book “The Founders” has a story about a caste of techies living on the fragments of the once mighty Empire. This empire was created for centuries and was built there for centuries too: nuclear reactors, which gave heat and light to its planets, illuminated them and heated them when only radio-echo remained from the power itself.

Technicians of this empire, who created the reactors, left detailed instructions for their operation, with a description of possible problems and actions that will help to eliminate them. With the decline of the empire, technical education disappeared, nuclear physics was forgotten. Atomic energy with the disappearance of specialists in it has become a non-renewable resource. But light and heat were also needed by the inhabitants of the lonely planets lost in the galaxy's vastness - and the imperial nuclear power plants became the most important value, and the descendants of the imperial techies who kept knowledge of their operation are the elite. In order to retain power, they had to carefully guard their secrets, and the process of extracting light from the energy of the nucleus of an atom was wrapped in a mystical secret and supplemented with rituals for greater importance. They became the priests of the new cult, the instructions of the ancestors - their bible, and their work - the ministry.

Azimov described the relations of the man in the street and technology, raised to a maxim, and traced how their principles and laws would unfold in certain circumstances.

Does this threaten us? It may seem so. We laugh at quotes from the bashorg describing the cretinism of the lamers - or rather, how silly we look in the eyes of IT people.
IT people are such funny people who in childhood and adolescence were not interested in football, fighting, drinking and girls, but were indulging in codes and algorithms. From the side it looked strange, perceived almost eccentricity. But IT specialists grew up and seemed to decide to recoup on other people for their difficult childhood, calling them lamers and having developed a manner to respond rarely, incomprehensibly, and show with all appearance who is in charge here. The self-proclaimed elite of our time, somewhat reminiscent of the "elite" of the stagnant USSR - people involved in the distribution of scarce goods.

However, in different situations we ourselves turn out to be lamers, and even those whom the readers of the tower laugh at are still more than the laughable IT people. And in those forms that Azimov described, the realm of IT-specialists is definitely not coming. First, the realm of the absurd never holds out for long - human nature itself opposes the establishment of extremes, like a pendulum striving for a return of balance - the lamer gets wiser and learns to give the IT man a rebuff. In the same case with the bashorg, we observe a perceptible humanization of it - this is rather a set of jokes from life than a smoking room of specialists.

Secondly, the chances that the works of modern technicians will outlast them themselves are dismissively small. The cult of consumption together with cheaper electronics makes the service life of the equipment relatively short - then it either breaks or is thrown out. The tasks “for the grandchildren to use” before the manufacturers of mobile phones, refrigerators, cars and laptops are not worth it. Of course, the same NPPs remain - but they are still controlled by the same incorrect electronics. So, even if the next historical cataclysm and immerse humanity into the darkness of the dark ages, our descendants are not threatened by engineers. True, and enjoy free light, too, will not have to.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/24188/

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