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Automation capabilities in contextual advertising

Technological solutions for the needs of online advertising, such as analytics systems, e-mail services, and many others, have long become indispensable assistants for marketers and entrepreneurs who independently develop their business. Today we will talk about one of these tools, which allows us, through automation and a set of convenient functions, to simplify work with contextual advertising and save advertiser budgets.

Why use contextual advertising

There are many ways to deliver an advertising message to the Internet audience - from displaying media banners to sending offers to electronic mailboxes. However, despite the abundance of advertising channels, not every one of them is able to effectively solve the problem of attracting visitors to the site and converting them into buyers.
Most online marketing experts agree that the main pillars of online sales are SEO tools (search engine promotion) and contextual advertising (paid ads in search). That search traffic is the most convertible and therefore preferred by advertisers.

The contextual advertising market is growing at a crazy pace and in terms of growth is ahead of all the known methods of online promotion. Why is this channel so popular among both small businesses and major corporations?

The main reason is its versatility and the ability to focus on target groups of consumers. Targeting is the main hobby of contextual advertising, which allows you to show an advertising message only to those to whom it will be really interesting. Moreover, the retargeting mechanism is able to find users who have already been in contact with the offer, and motivates them to return to the advertiser's site.

In addition, contextual advertising has several other advantages:

Benefits of Automation
Contextual advertising is a set of rules and techniques that you need to know and follow in order for the campaign to bring the most value. At first glance, a fairly simple task - following the instructions, setting the necessary campaign settings - often causes difficulties for newcomers and is accompanied by many mistakes that entail budget overruns and low advertising effectiveness indicators.

To help novice advertisers to create campaigns correctly, and specialists saving dozens of hours of monotonous manual labor are intended to use automated systems for intelligent management of contextual advertising. One of the most popular among similar services in Russia has become the context module of the SeoPult System , with which more than 5000 users work daily.

What are the benefits of automated ad management? First of all, convenience, since all campaigns (both in Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords) and their analytics are conducted in one account. Secondly, accessibility. Ready-made strategy templates for popular business industries and automatic settings allow even novice users to accurately create professional campaigns. Third, saving resources. Thanks to the optimization of manual labor and round-the-clock monitoring by the robot of the effectiveness of the current campaign, the time and money of the advertiser are spent most efficiently.

Combine advertising and SEO
Despite all its advantages, contextual advertising does not have the main advantage of search engine optimization - a lower cost of attraction and a long-term effect. No matter how productively it worked, when you turn off ads traffic to the site ceases to arrive almost immediately. Therefore, starting website promotion, it is strategically important to use simultaneously two channels - SEO and contextual advertising. When the site becomes visible to users in the organic issue, the paid ads can be turned off without affecting the attendance rates.
Returning to automation, it is important to note that it greatly facilitates the task of synchronized management of SEO and contextual campaigns. Manually regularly monitor the growth dynamics of the site positions and timely disable ads is almost impossible. Meanwhile, the robot does an excellent job with this task and controls the progress of the process around the clock. As a result, the advertiser receives significant bonuses in the form of stable traffic with significant budget savings.

No matter how surprising this may sound, but technical progress and automation have reached intellectual work in the field of marketing. Of course, the machine can not completely exclude the participation of man, but it can facilitate his work. If you pursue the goal of increasing the productivity of your promotion, without becoming hostage to the everyday routine, use useful technological solutions to effectively advertise your business.

More information about our module can be found in the video.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/241856/

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