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Create a grid using Susy

Susy is a toolkit for creating grids, with the help of which you can solve a variety of tasks on the location of content. Unlike frameworks such as Bootstrap or Foundation, Susy does not provide predefined classes for use, but only a set of functions and a mixin, after exploring which you can do much more.

This publication will cover the main features of Susy with examples, as well as adding output using flexbox .

Installation options

Susy can be used as an add-on to Compass, but this is not a basic requirement. Therefore, it is possible to do with SASS, while making the source code import. And here all the examples will be on CodePen, which for two months already has built-in support.

Application area

It may turn out that all the possibilities provided by this tool will be redundant and contrived to solve the problem.

<div class="grid"> <div class="col-2-3"> Main Content </div> <div class="col-1-3"> Sidebar </div> </div> 

Using Susy here is clearly not justified. Don't Overthink It Grids .

More suitable example

I want to draw attention to the fact that I will not duplicate SASS code fragments here, where the toolkit is involved. Therefore, see the example, where I brought the whole main part up.

The following Susy functionality was used here:

In this description, I tried to show the main purpose of the toolkit, avoiding details on the various settings and implementation features. The first can always be viewed in the documentation , and the second in the repository on GitHub.

This will be obviously not enough for a “sufficiently complete” review, therefore we will consider some parts in more detail. But I would like all this not to be translated into the translation of documentation.

Grid configuration

Depending on the configuration, we get different output from mixins and functions. And so it turns out that almost the entire result can be controlled through these settings, without even affecting the parameters. Therefore, an understanding of the configuration is an understanding of the work of the tulkit and its capabilities.

There are two main ways to set the configuration:
  1. Global variable
    This is the same $ susy , which is an associative array (map) and has the following default values:
    Hidden text
      $susy: ( flow: ltr, math: fluid, output: float, gutter-position: after, container: auto, container-position: center, columns: 4, gutters: .25, column-width: false, global-box-sizing: content-box, last-flow: to, debug: ( image: hide, color: rgba(#66f, .25), output: background, toggle: top right, ), use-custom: ( background-image: true, background-options: false, box-sizing: true, clearfix: false, rem: true, ) ); 

  2. Using shorthand syntax
    In this case, all settings are passed as a parameter, which is a list. The peculiarity of this method is that we can specify values ​​in a completely arbitrary order and not specify the properties to which these values ​​will be assigned.

    There are two types of syntax: layout and span .

     12 ,   0.25,   ,     $layout: 12 .25 fluid show 2    4-   ,   $span: 2 at 4 of (1 2 3 2 1) no-gutters   ,   list  map $span: 2 at 4 (columns: (1 2 3 2 1), gutters: no-gutters) 

    At first glance it may seem that such a task is cryptographic, but after a few examples it will look very natural. A more complete description can be found in the Shorthand section of the documentation.

Now let's go over the basic properties that are in the configuration:


Isolate output

In the example I would like to draw attention to the positioning independent from other elements, in which the horizontal flow is lost. Therefore, it is necessary to specify a position for output (location) after at :

 span(2 of 4 at 1 isolate) 

And it turns out that we can set the order directly in the CSS. At the top right there is a backward button that shows this feature. But the order in flexbox will certainly be better, because it was made specifically for this, and with isolate we can only change the order of the elements of one line.

Asymmetric mesh

Unlike the usual case, when all columns are equal, the asymmetric grid allows you to set columns of different sizes. The grid is defined by the coefficients, and the ratio of the width of the columns is equal to the ratio of the coefficients. Here, too, you need to specify the position for the output (location) after at , in order to be able to calculate the width of the element.

   2 ,     (3 2) span(2 at 1 of (3 2 3))   1 ,     (3) span(1 at 3 of (3 2 3)) 

And now an example. In the article on the nets, of course, it was necessary to mention the golden section. One could make two columns with asymmetry as (1 1.618), but this is not interesting. Need more rectangles! Therefore, there is an example of using an asymmetric grid with binomial coefficients, which are just suitable here. Pascal's Triangle:

In the script and styles at the very beginning there is a timeout variable. It can be reset to false, thereby increasing the number of lines. Last time, I was given a timeout for preprocessing styles, so I reduced the number.

Various span

In this example, debug inspect is globally enabled, the output of which can be seen in the inspector.

Example in order:
  1. Debugging as a background image with a gradient is enabled. It is displayed when you hover on the switch, which is located on the upper right.
    It may happen that the elements will slightly mismatch the background image. This is the problem of the percentage rounding of the size of the gradient.
    The first element is “pushed” forward 2 columns. The latter is directed to the right due to the indication last .
  2. Indents at the speakers come from two sides. This allows not to specify extreme elements.
  3. Indents are set as padding and are placed on both sides.
  4. Bleed is an element that “crawls” out of container indents.
  5. And the last is an example with a different number of columns. As already mentioned above, one would expect the same result, but it turns out not so.


Flexbox provides many interesting possibilities for locating content, but the main problem here was the choice of common and obvious use cases. And I will say that it turned out that there are not so many such options, and they may well be made in the old ways.

The application of justify-content in Susy does not immediately make sense, because the toolkit is based on the use of the entire space. We also exclude flex-grow and flex-shrink from the list.
The ability to transfer items to other lines is not suitable for working with the grid system. Minus flex-wrap . And align-content too.
How to use column and column-reverse is also unknown.

The rest remains. Here's how to apply it:

Now the output has changed in $ susy-keywords and align has been added:
Hidden text
 $susy-keywords: ( container: auto, math: static fluid, output: isolate float flexbox, align: stretch start center end baseline, container-position: left center right, flow: ltr rtl, gutter-position: before after split inside inside-static, box-sizing: border-box content-box, span: full, edge: first alpha last omega full, spread: narrow wide wider, gutter-override: no-gutters no-gutter, role: nest, clear: break nobreak, debug image: show hide show-columns show-baseline, debug output: background overlay, ); 

That's all. Make grids, not war.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/241844/

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