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Show Sound - First Year of Work on the Podcast

Not so long ago, the Sound podcast, which is being released with the support of Audiomania, was one year old. "Show Sound" has already 18 issues in which Audiani experts, experts and I, as the presenter, introduce students to the audio technology, from the basics to the most controversial, controversial and interesting questions from the world of audio formats, technologies and devices.

What is this podcast about

Even 20 years ago, everyone had heard about news from the field of audio technology, sound recordings, audio formats, many were interested in the topic of sound reproduction and recording, specialized subject publications appeared, followed by (later) sites and forums. Recently, the number of similar thematic publications has noticeably decreased, as well as the amount of information about news from the world of audio in the media has decreased - the media have switched to smartphones and other various gadgets.

And despite the fact that now the average user uses a tablet, smartphone or laptop to play sound, the need to listen to high-quality music has not disappeared anywhere. Just the channels through which the user could learn about how to achieve this, what to use, what to look for, has become much less. So the idea was to make a thematic podcast in which these topics would be covered, on the one hand, in sufficient detail for "neophytes", on the other - in volume and at a level interesting and for a more "advanced" audience.
Throughout the year, the main topic of conversation was a kind of “debunking the myths” characteristic of the audio topic. For example, that the headphones of different classes should be compared and ranked by frequency range, power and resistance. And if the two models of headphones of different classes have the same characteristics, then there are no qualitative differences between them. Or that the background voice of non-residential premises is a rather expensive business due to the use of “professional” equipment, which allegedly costs more than “user-made” and is preferable to use.

In order to tell in detail and in detail about all the topics stated in 18 issues, it took us more than 11 hours in total. Listeners appreciated our work - for the first year of its existence, the podcast regularly hit the top Russian-speaking iTunes and the main showcase of iTunes Russia.

Issue formats

The main speaker of the majority of the show is Timothy Shikolenkov, director of Audiomania for marketing and business development (@timshick). Together we discuss issues such as portable audio systems and DACs, the choice of audio equipment for events and at home. We have already cited references to these issues here . Plus we are talking about interfaces, cables ( here ) and vinyl ( here ).

For example, in the 18th edition we discuss the phenomenon of the “second renaissance” of vinyl records: we find out what “vinyl for DJs” is (and why this is, strictly speaking, not “classic” vinyl) and “vinyl for music lovers”, who today listens to vinyl records and where modern vinyl is produced. And we are talking about the types of modern equipment that reproduces vinyl.

“Those who once grew up on fairy tales like“ The Bremen Town Musicians ”are now buying updated versions of these records for children, listening to them on new equipment - and discovering many new things, because they have never heard half of all the sound nuances on old players ", - Timofey Shikolenkov (@timshick)

Invited experts

In addition to the main speaker at Show Sound, invited experts share their opinions and knowledge with listeners. For the first release with a guest expert, we took on his role as Daniel Dobosch playing drums in the young music band BCB. Daniel from a position of a musician told us about his understanding of various aspects of bass.

A frequent guest of our show is Yuri Fomin , speaker design engineer, the founder of F-Lab, which works with high-end products Defender, Jetbalance, AVE and Arslab. He very thoroughly, in detail and interestingly shared with us his opinion on whether sound quality is measurable (and should be measured) ( 7th edition ), what the essence of a sound ecosystem is ( 8th edition ) and what is the nature of various acoustic systems ( 16th edition ).

“There is a basic theory of designing“ linear ”systems - the one and only approach to creating a“ linear ”sound with minimal losses and distortions. However, sometimes the designer deliberately changes the frequency response of the system so that the person at a lower power can hear the “linear” sound. What circle of people might like it? Those who listen to the same music at the same volume as the designer. That is why many systems are produced, each of which can have a circle of its adherents ", - Yuri Fomin

Anatoly Arsenov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, a physicist by education, an expert in IT and digital sound, an engineer at F-Lab, took part in the recording of the show. Together with him, we looked at digital and analog sound from the point of view of its most basic aspects ( 10th edition ).

“The history of digital and analog sound begins even before the advent of digital devices. Everyone is familiar with voice transmission using a wired phone - this is a real example of the transmission of analog sound from a distance. What is the prototype of "digital audio transmission" from the same era? Morse Code ", - Anatoly Arsenov

We also talked with leading experts in room furnishing: We talked about the harmony of the interior and technology and the various management options for this technology, for example, from the iPad, with Elizabeth Myakisheva ( 12th edition ). And Alexey Shubin told about home theaters, their components and various myths that surround this topic ( 13th edition ) (Alexey has been working in Audiomania for 4 years already, and in the field of home audio and cinema for more than 15 years).

The main showcase iTunes Russia. Here is the “Sound” of its first logo.

Answers to questions from listeners

We decided to dedicate separate parts (and later whole releases) of podcasts to answers to the questions that our listeners sent to the “Sound” reviews in iTunes (this is how listeners can influence the topics discussed in the podcast releases). Throughout the year of work, we have already managed to answer the following questions (we edited them slightly for general accuracy in the design of the post).

In the 2nd issue :

In the 3rd issue :

In the 6th issue :

In the 9th issue :

In the 14th issue :

In the 17th issue :

We will continue to acquaint you with the features of audio in the new releases of “Show Sound” [ iTunes - RSS - Web ] and will try to make the next year of “Sound” life no less interesting and useful for everyone who loves to live, work, relax and move around. while listening to your favorite music, podcasts or audiobooks.

We are happy to answer your questions, friends!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/241818/

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