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How to become a programmer or Learn Java for 1 year

Hello, dear reader. I have long wanted to write a similar article, but either there was not enough time, or treacherous laziness interfered. But, be that as it may, I still managed to collect my thoughts to write something that will bring you, I hope, some kind of benefit. I will be happy to share my knowledge and experience, in response you will have time and attention. In my opinion, this publication is well suited for those who are ready to decide in their own interests and want to connect their lives with IT - one way or another. So let's go!

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Selection of programming language

The publication begins to look like many similar materials. According to the law of the genre, I will have to write the name of a couple of three programming languages, name a couple of pros and cons and, as a result, without answering the question, go to the next part. In part, there is some truth in this, because everyone chooses for himself the language that is closer to him, based on what kind of products he wants to work on in the future. Most of you studied at the school Turbo Pascal and it is unlikely for you to be news that almost nothing is written in this language now. So in this case, it is necessary to choose the language correctly, although a lot of knowledge never happens, but if you want to effectively join the ranks of programmers in a short period of time, the choice of language must be approached wisely. At the very beginning, remember: a good programmer will never go hungry, and in most cases will be able to buy a lot of caviar (this definition is suitable for any specialty, but not one specialty will give you such freedom to choose a job, both in terms of companies and countries - he is a programmer and a programmer in India).

It is logical that the more popular the language and demand, the greater the chance of finding work in the future, and the language should be easy to learn. Because although in C ++ they write a large number of games and get good money for it, a newbie, especially those not familiar with OOP (object-oriented programming), is better to postpone for a while this language to hell. Further on the link provides a list of the most popular programming languages ​​of 2014 , and as you can see, Java comes first, followed by C languages, then Phyton, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, etc. If you look for such statistics yourself, then you will see that in different sources the places are occupied differently, but in general, the first 10 places in the content will always be the same.
If you turn to another source , based on the analysis of vacancies posted on Twitter, you will see a very similar situation with the first example. And yes, both articles are in English, get used to it, if you want to become a programmer, remember that almost all the documentation and sources of useful information are written in English, so if your knowledge of this language is weak, add yourself to your to-do list for tomorrow and near future to learn and practice English. I think I will even write a separate article on the study of a foreign language.

Based on these two sources, we can already imagine which programming languages ​​are now “in vogue”. As the name implies, the author chose Java for himself. Although I consider it the best for studying the PLO, there are many people who will not agree with me, and this is logical - how many people, so many opinions. Here we stand at a small crossroads: choose Java, C # (very similar to Java), Phyton, if we want to work with the fillings of programs and applications (back-end) or PHP, JavaScript, HTML, if we want to engage in web development (front-end). In the first case, I would have stopped my choice on Java, and in the second - on PHP, although again, it is more to your taste, you have to look for information about various languages ​​and generally understand what you want to do. For reflection here is a selection of languages ​​that are used in the largest Internet companies in the world .

There are 2 main reasons why I would choose either Java or PHP. The first is very popular languages ​​and finding the appropriate work is not difficult, and the second is that in no other languages ​​you will find so much teaching material for these two, both in Russian and in English.



So, we have reached the stage where the majority reach without problems, but this period is rightfully one of the most difficult in the career of a programmer. Although the programmer learns throughout his life, the time when he begins to take his first steps largely determines his fate. In general, training checks a person for strength, will he survive, will he not lose interest in a month (as some people have), can he reach the end and master basic knowledge, which later will be covered with whole layers of information.

In general, I have my own theory, more than once confirmed by me in practice: absolutely everything can be learned in 1 year. . Believe me, this is true, someone even needs less time, but if a person does not cease to give up and walks up to learning wisely for a year, then it is almost impossible for him not to learn. This is not only in programming, absolutely in any field: you want to play the guitar - no problem (it took me not too much time and effort), to learn Argentine tango, to surf, it will be enough for all of one year. The main thing - learn!

In this case, I will consider the Java language, since it is still closer to me. The benefit of the Internet is full of people who donate help others in learning, so finding the right material for you is not difficult. Over 1,000 hours of Java lectures are posted here , which can be viewed with pen and paper within the walls of your cozy apartment (so far only in Russian). For those who are accustomed to get a grasp of the passable material, again the Internet provides great opportunities and this is only one of all kinds of sites with Java lessons . There are plenty of theories, but I can’t say about a training site like Coursera.org , where you can find training courses in various languages ​​and in various fields, including programming - again, everything is absolutely free. Such sites are not one and not two, you just have to search.

But no matter how informative the theory, programming cannot be done without practice. But even here, we have already done half the work for us and we don’t need to look for various tasks to improve our skills, a service like JavaRush will help a lot. In general, this site provides both theory and practice, starting simply from duplicating the code from the screen and ending with complex tasks, and during breaks it even offers to relax and watch the notorious cartoon series. According to the authors, those who have reached level 20 in the service will have sufficient knowledge to get employed in an IT company.

And of course, someone will ask, what about the book? Do not read them, and if necessary - what? To this I reply that no one has ever become more stupid from reading books. There are also a lot of books, but I will list only a small part of them:


Help in practice

As already mentioned, practice is an integral part in any training, especially in programming. Then you have to code and code, up to the muscle memory of the fingers. This, of course, is a bit exaggerated, but at first it will be really necessary to beat a lot on the keys in order to memorize the values ​​of various constructions, in order to use them practically on the machine in the future.

Many novice programmers have a large number of questions at first, especially when they need to do an independent task. This is normal. But in such situations it is necessary to understand that practically any question you may have can be answered on the Internet. It is unlikely that you are the first to encounter it, so do not rush to ask questions to various programmer forums (which I will write about later). Sit a minute, correctly formulate the problem in your head and boldly look for it in a search engine. Surely the majority will search in Russian, but do not forget that the language of programmers is English, therefore, if you did not find the answer to the great and powerful, you should look in a language that everyone seemed to learn in school, but never learned. But even if in this case it turned out that your question is not answered anywhere, the best Internet forums join the battle:

Forums are, of course, not the only way to get answers to your questions. In their practice, programmers everywhere work with the official documentation of the language in which they write. It describes how certain classes and interfaces work, sometimes documentation is the only source that can help in resolving issues, because it is only at the initial stage that everyone has similar questions and you can find ready-made solutions, but the further you get into the wilds , the harder and harder it is to find answers, so you have to rely on your, I hope, already clever head.

Compile code

Quite a lot I have already written, of course, it is difficult to cover such a large topic in one article, but I think the first steps have already been taken and they should give you the corresponding thoughts. I think this is only the first article in the series “How to become a programmer” and, accordingly, “why?”, If you are at a crossroads of roads and still do not know which way to choose. Next time I’ll touch on more interesting material things, it’s not a secret that programmers are not poor people, and we’ll see where and how much they get next time.

Finally, for those who want to really become a programmer, I want to take the bull by the horns, gather all the will into a fist and do what you like. I have already spoken thousands of times before, but I repeat, the main thing is desire and work. Then everything will work out for you. Remember the most important thing: take the study of programming languages ​​and various technologies not as a goal, but as a MEANS. Just imagine what opportunities open up before you. Maybe it is you who will become one of those who change the world in real time. So good luck and thank you for your attention!

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/241704/

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