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Do I need to use remote workers? Organization of freelance work

In this article we will try to talk about why the use of remote employees is cost-effective and try to estimate how much it costs. Also, this material will be useful to freelancers and those who are planning to engage in such self-employment. Special attention will be paid to the places of work of such employees. But remember that all information is subjective and is simply a reflection of the personal experience of the author.

There may be several reasons why your company will start thinking about providing you with a free visit to your workplace:

For a leader who allows a subordinate to work outside the office, you only need to be sure that the person is able to plan his time and work not "under the lash", i.e. the employee must be motivated for the result, have time to perform their tasks with high quality and no later than the established deadline. It is also important to have constant communication with the employee - telephone, Skype, e-mail ...
To organize the remote work of an employee, very little is needed:

But if with a standard office worker everything is more or less simple (the company buys what is necessary, sets tasks and checks employee performance at the next meeting), then with the organization of the work of a freelancer who is forced to take care of everything himself, everything is a little more complicated.
Strangely enough, the purchase of a PC, the organization of communications and the legalization of its activities are not the biggest problems for a working person, especially those who are constrained by housing conditions. The ideal place to work for such a person is an apartment or house room equipped for an office. This is especially true for those who have children and other family members. It is very important to separate the working and residential areas. If you have a studio apartment, then there are several solutions, one of which is the organization of a mini-office on the balcony. How to do this, you can read here .
But there are other options to solve the lack of working space in your home:

As for the mobile Internet, which is absolutely necessary for all web workers, it is not so difficult to find a cafe with free or very inexpensive wi-fi in megacities (for example, a MAN-network with Internet access from the Internet company Golden Telecom is deployed in Moscow) access via 3G is no longer so expensive. I will give an example of Kiev prices for such an Internet. I am sure that this pricing model is not very different from what providers in Russia can offer:

Thus, in the modern metropolis there are no barriers for the work of either freelancers or remote employees.
The only problem, of course, is in the heads of old-school managers, for whom having an employee in the workplace in a stuffy noisy office is synonymous with “work”. The world is changing, and more and more companies will pay extra, luring away your employee, trained, disciplined, and focused on results, because he, agreeing to work at home, saves a new employer a lot of money.
Think for yourself, decide for yourself ...
Vyacheslav Baransky
Source: Royber PC

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/24170/

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