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As a programmer to success went

Success is a ladder that cannot be climbed with your hands in your pockets.
Success is a ladder you can't climb with your hands in your pockets.


Good day, dear habrovchane. It is not a secret for anyone that a huge number of people in our country want to have their own business, they want to say: "I have my own business, and this is the best work for me." Is this not a success - to work for yourself and get much more than working hard on “uncle”, in addition to this, and do your favorite thing.
IT people are no exception and also dream this thought. As it turned out, I am one of many who set a goal to organize their business and achieve success in it. Since most people reading Habr are somehow connected with the IT industry, I think many will like this publication, describing the change in thinking, as well as the actions of the average programmer to achieve the cherished goal - the organization of its own startup.

Maybe for someone this will be the starting point for his bright future startups. Are you ready? Then welcome under cat.

My name is Mikhail, I am 25 years old, I work in a fairly large by Russian standards IT company as a software designer in St. Petersburg. He came to her while still a student of the relevant specialty, simply from the fact that he had to start making money somehow. I was able to program only on SI, which is probably why I got into a project that develops protocols for the network and data link layers.

I would never have thought that I would become a programmer, but that is another story. After the successful graduation from the institute, various thoughts about the future began to flatter my mind. It seems to work in a large company, such as a stable salary, career prospects, and so on. It would seem that for most people, I still did not get so bad. But at the same time I have been doing things from one area for two years, namely, I write low-level things on the SI, to some extent I start to see my ceiling, above which I can’t jump.

I do not consider myself a bad programmer or a bad worker, but I do it insofar as. It brings money in the end, everything depends on them. I do not hate to write code 40 hours a week, moments come across interesting things that you really like to implement, plus working with interesting people not only from our country. At the same time, I understand that all this is to some extent uniform, boring, in two words - “not mine”. And here the thought about my own business, business takes possession of me, it does not matter what word to call it, only the essence is important. Who watched the movie "Inception", he will understand: "What is the most resilient parasite? A bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea. Resilient. Highly contagious. It is a thought that has been taken. An idea that is fully formed, fully understood, that sticks. Right in there somewhere. ” From this moment on my path to success begins, a long, thorny one, which has not yet come to an end.

So, have an idea. The idea to make something of its own, so that it brings income, but here's an idea how to do it - no. Paradox. Unexpectedly for me, from my institute friends, there is a proposal to organize a search service for rental housing without intermediaries. There are three of us, me and my two comrades, who are also programmers. It seems everything looks promising, there is such a problem on the market, you need to try to solve it, simultaneously earning money from it. Peter, meet us, we go.

Inspired by the idea, we meet in a cafe, we vigorously discuss logic, a strategic approach, disagree, and start digging the information necessary for implementation. As you might guess, this thing should have been implemented as an online resource. Time passes, we learn everything, draw beautiful plates, diagrams and similar things. After a month and a half, the enthusiasm dried up, and we never wrote a single line of code, and in fact, the business logic invented was ridiculous, and maybe it was not invented at all ... Roughly speaking, our trio burned out and we plunged into the routine of everyday life.

Two weeks have passed, everything is completely quiet, three of us even stopped remembering the topic of our joint project. But the idea is a parasite, it sits in my head and does not give rest. I'm trying to somehow shake the guys, they say, people, we are not stupid, we will continue to try to write something and get this money. In response to this, there is a proposal to write an application for the android platform - from a person for whom the java language is specialized. One of our trinity web programmer, a married man with a child, works, feeds the family with all the consequences, i.e. has almost no free time and, as a result, refuses to participate in this. I see it as an opportunity to get acquainted with java. Fairly fashionable language, it will come in handy in the future, I think, perhaps, it will also bring income on the side of the main job. Again, everything looks rosy, from now on the two of us, the goal is the same, to write something, to monetize, to achieve success.

We decided to create an application, something like a personal assistant to optimize working time. Time management, in general. There have already been such things on Google Play, but the belief that we will find our users or will do everything much better than our competitors did not leave us.

It is time to get to know my partner and friend. His name is Vladislav and further this person will often appear in the article, because to this day we work together.

Vlad became my java-tutor. Winter days flew one by one in a monotonous style. First eight hours of work, then a little home rest, then either a technical reading or coding of our application until late at night. So it was two or three months. As before, at first a large amount of time was devoted to the project, then less, less and less. One of us began to disappear at mid in the guise of one of the heroes of Dota2, the other just had fun and walked, to put it simply, we both started gradually to score on the project. Why? Think for yourself: here you are sitting, puffing and puffing, you believe that you must create a really cool thing, but in practice nothing comes of it. More precisely, it turns out that which turns out to be extremely small in order for it to generate income. Experienced android programmers, what we write two months, can write in two hours with closed eyes. Sadness, sadness, pain, the truth of life, which makes you drop everything. But this is only the technical aspect of the aspect, but there are also taxes, the opening of the company, promotion, advertising, and so on. In summary, we come to the fact that if we continue to implement this project on our own, then, perhaps, by the age of 30 we will achieve the desired result. At the same time the probability of this success tends to zero.

Realizing that we couldn’t squeeze anything out of the application, Vlad and I switched to various new projects: thematic sites that helped find the best option for holidays within the region, organized public posts in social networks with the subsequent attraction of users to the target site. There was a lot of things in the period from spring to mid-summer 2014. They tried to do everything together, to write, to promote themselves. In general, we left ourselves with a mustache. There is a huge amount of time, and the feedback is zero. And here, not without the help of more adult and experienced people, it finally dawned on us that all we want to do is pure entrepreneurial activity, we need to turn our eyes to the other side and implement completely different approaches with the help of completely different approaches. ideas.

Immersed in the materials of the business of youth and other similar resources, the formation of the idea of ​​raising one’s own business from scratch began. Vladislav and I are optimistic people, having decided that we will draw not only IT projects, we have chosen a new project for ourselves in a topic completely distant from computers. Created, as usual, a new folder in google docs - and away we go.

It turns out that in Russia there are many sources of information assistance to you and your idea. Many successful people are ready to help you on a free basis, simply because they like it. The main thing is to find such people, and who is looking for - he will always find. After talking with this kind of persona, I signed up for entrepreneurship courses that began in August, the organizer was the local Ministry of Education, the curriculum was completely free, and its course was designed for 3 weeks. Strange, of course, but we understand that the state does not mind helping us with the implementation of our idea, it’s nice.

There are new problems, namely that in days only 24 hours. During this time, you need to sleep, work for 8 hours, listen to materials from business coaches - this is also 8 hours, the way to work, from work, to study and back, you need to play the fool for at least five minutes in order to take a breath and take a breath so it is also necessary to write a business plan, otherwise nothing. On top of that, my company is shutting down due to Russia's foreign policy. You need to earn money, you can never remain without work. I am not local in St. Petersburg, a rented apartment will not pay for itself ... An interesting offer comes to participate in a startup from friends from another fairly large company. Everything looks extremely attractive - a new programming language, new technologists, a new company, and we have not offended with the RFP. I accept the conditions, having previously agreed that the first three weeks I will work only after 5 pm, explaining this with family circumstances. I go to a meeting, from Monday I go to a new job, on the same day my studies are devoted to entrepreneurship.

So, sleep now has the lowest priority for me, but we all know that tasks with such a priority can wait a long time for their processing. As a result, I transferred my business plan to an outsourcing Vlad to have at least some time to sleep. My usual day in August is getting up at 7, after 15 minutes leaving for work, at 9 meeting with a startup team, at 10 I am already sitting in a classroom at the other end of the big city, at 18.00 I am back at work, until 19 o'clock transfer Vlad received the information received in the afternoon so that he could work with the BP, until 1.00-2.00 I am at work, then I go home, at 3.00 I see my pillow, which I dream about during the day. If you sleep for less than 4 hours, your brain is simply not able to process the necessary information during the day, to put it simply, you seem to exist, but your brain is in an “off” state.

The study was successful, at work the project moved off dead center, autumn came. The baggage of knowledge that helps me and my partner look for investments to implement our own project is behind our backs. We are already close to concluding the first and, probably, the most important contract in our life. I did not quit my job, I manage to do everything quite well, our startup has gained quite a good momentum.

What conclusion can be drawn from my story? Always go to your goal! It does not matter, in a day, a week, a year - everything will turn out if you believe in it, and most importantly - to take actions to achieve a result. It is necessary to find a person or people who, like you, are burning with the idea, to find that team, thanks to which you can even move mountains (Vlad, hello). Your success is right next to you, it remains only to reach it. The main thing is to act, then everything will work out. Today I woke up with the only thought that I wanted to write an article, I never did, but I knew right away that everything would work out for me.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/241698/

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