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Once again about the study and work of an IT person in Germany

Good day Habr.

I read many articles on Habré about studying in Germany, but often they are written by people who come here to get a higher education. I grew up in Germany, so the rose-colored glasses dimmed somewhat and I could slightly dilute the rave reviews about this country and about the training system in particular.

So, I'll start with a loved one. I live in Germany for more than 14 years, I moved with my parents from the former republic of the USSR. He studied at a school from the 8th grade, then a gymnasium, then TH Nürnberg at the EFI faculty. I graduated a few years ago and work as an embedded SW Developer.

Let's get started
Bachelor's receiving system:

At the bachelor is given 3.5 years. 6 semesters of theory and 1 semester of practice.
Knowledge of German is a must ! At what knowledge is good, the level - "I understand everything, they always understand me, but sometimes they smile." Six months later, at the preparatory courses you can learn from a Turk on the street how to get to the Russian supermarket. This is not enough for study, so many students “exchangers” often look into the dictionary than at the board. Lectures in English - only on tufts or optional subjects. More ubiquitous lectures in English are found in articles on the Internet. In Nürnberg, Regensburg, München, Erlangen and Aachen (my friends and acquaintances study there) they were not noticed.

Until about the fourth semester, professors do not notice you and treat you like rubbish. The first words of the professor on GET (Grundlagen ET - introduction to electrical engineering) - "Look right and left, in the next semester you will not see these people." In the first semester, we were 270. By the fourth, I got 60, finished my studies 30. Of these, there is one exchange student. Such, here, statistics.

I managed to finish my studies in 3.5 years, there was not a single tail, although a pair of subjects was handed over “on snot” - it was always a fairly average student. The simple fact is that you can take school, as they say, with your ass: you have 3 attempts for any exam and there is a fourth case for the most extreme case, but only 3 times. If you solve puzzles for a long time and often, you will learn how to solve them (which does not mean at all that you will begin to understand something in the subject).

Knowledge of the first four semesters - I know how the current flows, I can read simple diagrams, I can write a program in 300 lines in C / C ++ and I can reverse engineering, with a large number of examples, solve any exam problem without understanding what I do - the last skill in the first semesters is the most important.

Do not misunderstand me - you will learn many interesting and important things. If you just go with the flow, as 90% of students do, you will get a knowledge base. I do not detract from it, because we are all people and want to hang out and walk and sometimes miss a couple. The hope that you will come to Germany and you will be overwhelmed with advanced technologies and the latest knowledge, I will be around only geniuses, and in such an atmosphere any student will want to become better and smarter - it will not come true.

I do not recommend working until the fifth semester - there are a lot of practical classes and tests, the exams are hard, there are too many lectures. A job before the practice can be found mainly low-paying - about 8-10 € per hour.

After internship in the 5th semester, specialization begins, which can be roughly divided into Hardware and Software. I do not focus on practice, because what you get there depends on you and the place of work. You can get into an interesting project, spit on school and stay to work (and this happened) or 20 weeks to solder some garbage and check the documentation.

After the fifth semester, professors begin to notice you. They begin to answer questions, they can “push” through the exam, if they understand that you understand, but are “lost” on the exam. Learning becomes more meaningful - you are no longer an easy machine for solving problems. This phase is the most dangerous (note the jump from 60 students to 30). Pros treat you relaxed, but with old tails are merciless. The fact that if you have reached the 6 semester, it does not facilitate the fate of the re-take. There were cases when they flew out after passing undergraduate work, without passing the exam for the fourth time from the 3rd semester.

There is an opportunity to choose items. Can choose:
- Difficult and meaningless (for example, VHDL - the exam is terrible, but knowledge for a couple of days of reading tutorials);
- Lafa - it's easy to pass, but knowledge is useless. Like some medical equipment. Learn what x-ray is. After reading Wikipedia, learn more.
- Well, the last point - interesting, in-demand subjects, the exam for which will not be presented, but the subject is delaying and, accordingly, easy to pass.

There is an opportunity to get a job (as an option - to stay after the 5th semester at the company where they did the practice). It is very desirable to do this, because here you will finally understand that everything you learned in the university is an aging garbage and you will begin to relate to study more simply.

After that you can make a “Master”, which I did. Later, however, he was disappointed - knowledge is useless, the situation repeats, as in the first 4 semesters (cramming), and the diploma is not of interest to the employer. Beginners with different diplomas receive the same salary, while 1.5 years are lost.

About work in Germany. It is, and it is quite possible to find it, if you, of course, are not a humanitarian / economist. Compare - the first semester of the ET - 270 new ones. The first semester of economists / managers (BWL) - 1500.

Starting salary from 38,000 € to 45,000 € per year. After taxes from 1900 € to 2300 € per month.

For comparison, life in Nuremberg is worth:
- A decent 3-bedroom apartment for rent - 700-900 € including water and heating;
- Light - 50 € - 70 €. Having one of the cheapest suppliers, LED-lighting throughout the house and absent all day, I pay an average of 46 € per month;
- Pass - 60 €. Need to travel around the city, by car in the center there is nothing to do. You can buy disposable or ride a bike. Will drive stubbornly by car - you can calculate the same amount for paid parking / penalties for improper parking;
- Food in the dining room at the company - 70 €;
- TV / Radio / Internet (GEZ) fee, which is not otmazatsya - 17 €;
- The machine costs about 200-250 € per month, including fuel, insurance and taxes. An autobahn fee will be introduced soon;
- Mobile connection. Say, 20 €, if you want to get an average mobile phone for free on a contract basis;
- Food. If you buy food without frills and only in supermarkets (in the markets and from private traders, of course, tastier), then you can eat about 150 € per month.

In the bottom line we have: 2000 - 800 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 17 - 200 - 20 - 150 = € 703

For a rough estimate of the value of "amenities":
- A trip to the cinema together with drinks and popcorn - 50 €;
- One cocktail at the bar - 10 €;
- Skiing for a week in Austria together, with their belongings and uniforms - 1200 € + food;
- Holidays for a week in Spain together - 1400 €.

Our biggest waste is flat. Want to buy three in Nuremberg? 150-250 thousand euros - and it is yours.
And the average student enters into working life with a debt of € 10,000 for the so-called BaföG (a scholarship available to almost everyone, which must be partially repaid). Therefore, if you want to become a prosperous burger - find a working wife. By the way, this is the main German demographic problem - all Germans are working.

PS I apologize for the spelling and speed of speech. Years in Germany make themselves felt.

PPS I would like to go to Russia, to some city with a population of up to a million people. At least work a couple of months to understand what it is like to live “with you”. In Germany, I am a little disappointed. Even despite the lack of emphasis, I am a foreigner here. Due to the influx of economic refugees, the Germans do not like us (according to official data, 17 million out of 80 million are foreigners). The right parties are gaining strength in Europe. "Russian" after the Ukrainian events in general do not run. Even if they are actually Belarusians / Kazakhs / Ukrainians.

I also do not like the country in terms of its “hair-dressing”. What tourists like makes me nauseous. There is no fishing line where there is no path. There is no one lake, where there is no plate. Not a single glade, wherever it stood - it is forbidden to grill. There are a lot of people in a small square.

And most importantly - the dream of my parents - to become wealthy people in Europe, even with my good education and earnings is unlikely to come true. The maximum that I will achieve is to save my whole life and buy the very three. So, dear Habr, if you could tell me where to look and where to turn about work in Russia for specialists, I would be very grateful.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/241630/

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