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Statistics of Russian IT-specialists on stackoverflow.com and github.com

Greetings to all the ladies present here, gentlemen, and those who identify themselves in the two categories above.

By the will of a changeable fate, I sometimes have to carry out all sorts of analyzes of any data for all organizations. And now I would like to share with you part of one of these analyzes.

The question was approximately in this way - what is the degree of presence and influence of Russian IT specialists (permanently residing in Russia, of course) on the global IT community?
Here is the part of the analysis that speaks about the impact of Russian IT specialists (they include all interested IT people in general) on the world community using the example of the analysis of the two largest international IT communities - stackoverflow.com and github.com.

And here is the analysis itself:

The audience of the Stackoverflow project is 3,580,212 registered users (2014), GitHub has 3,955,191 registered users (2014). For the Stackoverflow community, statistics for 2013 and 2014 were analyzed, for GitHub - for 2012, 2013 and 2014. The statistics are not complete, since not all users specify their country of residence (about 25% for Stackoverflow and about 70% for GitHub did not indicate the country of residence), but the available data are sufficient to understand the general situation and ratios.


The users who indicated the country of residence Russia are 11,319, which is 0.38% of the total number of users. Considering that about 25% of users do not indicate the country of residence, it can be assumed that the real number of Russians on this resource may be around 15,000 users, or about 0.42% of the total number of users. At the same time, the share of unique unregistered visitors with Russian IP addresses on a resource for 2014 was about 1.6% (11th place) of the total number of unique unregistered visitors (for comparison, Holland - 1.75%, Brazil - 2.3%, India - 12.5%, China - 1.46%).

By the total number of registered users, Russia is in the top 10 of the Stack Overflow resource (data for 2014):

NoA countryNumber of users
3Great Britain33395

At this resource there is a system of "reputation". Users with a high reputation rate are considered the most competent. We have chosen a reputation threshold of 1000 to analyze the most competent and influential users of the resource.

Total users with a reputation index of more than 1000 - 68044, which is 1.9% of the total number of users.

In 2014, users who indicated Russia as their country of residence and have a reputation of more than 1,000 to 800 people, which is 1.18% of the total number of users with a reputation of more than 1,000.

At the same time, in 2013, there were 447 users who indicated the country of residence of Russia and had a reputation of more than 1000, which accounted for approximately 1.25% of the total number of users who indicated the country of residence in the amount of 35,786 people.

Comparative table of the top 10 countries and the number of registered users with a reputation of more than 1000 for 2013 and 2014:

A countryNumber of usersA countryNumber of users
oneUSA9592USA~ 18000
2Great Britain2906Great Britain4182


As of July 2012, 6,826,827 commits were made on the resource. Users who indicated Russia as their home country made about 1.8% of commits of the total number (10th place, for comparison: Brazil - 1.9%, France - 2.7%, Japan - 3.8%).

As of 2013, about 28,500,000 commits (about 44% of the total number of commits to 65,000,000) were made by users who indicated their place of residence (about 26% of all users). Russians are responsible for approximately 3.5% of this number of commits (8th place, for comparison: Brazil - 3%, France - 4.5%, Japan - 4%). At the same time, about 3% of the total number of Internet users in the Russian Federation are registered on the resource (9th place, for comparison: Brazil - 4%, France - 4.5%, Japan - 2.5%).

For 2014, the situation is such that out of about 10,000,000 active users who indicated their place of residence (out of a total of 3,955,191 users), Russians make up 1.5% (16,119 active users), while among the most influential share of users (influence criterion is more 10 followers), the share of Russians is 0.91% (in absolute numbers - 719 out of 78470)

Top 10 countries by number of active users:

NoA countryNumber of users (out of 10,500 people)
2Great Britain34628

Top 10 countries by the number of active influential users:

NoA countryNumber of users (out of 78470 people)
2Great Britain2659

Conclusions and assumptions:

1. The share of influential IT-specialists from Russia (living in Russia) in the global IT-community is stable at about 1%.

2. The proportion of Russians (living in Russia) who are interested in the IT sphere (including influential specialists) makes up around 1.5% of the global IT community, they produce about 2-3% of the total content.

3. Ignorance or lack of knowledge of the English language can be a serious barrier to increasing the presence of Russian IT specialists on the world stage. This conclusion can be drawn based on the fact that the proportion of registered users from Russia at Stackoverflow, where knowledge of English at least at the intermediate level (B1-B2) is absolutely necessary, is less than 0.5%. At the same time, the share of registered Russian users on GitHub, where knowledge of English is necessary only at the initial level (A0-A2), is about 1.5%.

4. Although users from Russia are among the top 10 of these resources in absolute terms, in relative terms (such as, for example, the number of users per 100,000 population or the number of commits per 100,000 population) lags behind other countries. For example, (data for 2012) the number of commits on GitHub per 100,000 population for Russia is 88 (for comparison, Ukraine is 143, Belarus is 247, Estonia is 697, Switzerland is 1437).

In general, something like that, ladies and gentlemen. Who is to blame and what to do?

UPD: if interested, a more complete version, taking into account the conclusions of the discussion in the comments published here (attention, external link!)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/241459/

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