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Freelance and coworking under palm trees

Reading numerous articles about coworking and freelancing, I constantly ask why freelancers free from offices are so eager to create another office to work in it? In principle, this question has already been discussed many times, so you can consider it rhetorical.

Here I want to ask another question: why are people who work on-line, who do not depend on a place, so attached to this place? Why do most freelancers and coworkers sit in their cities, renting expensive housing and offices without seeing the sun and the sea? After all, there are many beautiful places in the world where you can live cheaply and work quietly. Take for example Goa and some other places in India, Thailand and other warm countries. Rental housing in them costs from $ 200 for a house on the ocean or in the mountains. There is almost free unlimited internet. Many dream of such places: “I’m earning a lot of money on my startup and I’ll be lying under a palm tree.” But you already have the opportunity to combine work with lying under a palm tree. And not only you, but also your families!

These questions concern not only individual freelancers, but also co-workers. Why not arrange an office in some beautiful and inexpensive place with all the amenities and opportunities to work? It would be a very attractive idea and a good business, I think.

As for me, I develop my project Indostan.ru , traveling with my wife in Asian countries. At the moment I live in the Indian Himalayas. And here is the view from my window:
View from my window


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/24145/

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