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Dnipropetrovsk Ciklum Speakers' Corner “Intro to WebGL with THREE.js (based on Source's“ Leaderboard in Reception ”)”, October 30

On Thursday, October 30 , Ciklum will please Dnepropetrovsk developers with an event within Ciklum Speakers' Corner with a report on “Intro to WebGL with THREE.js (based on Source's“ Leaderboard in Reception ”)”


In this report, .NET and front-end developer, Sergey Melnik will tell you what WebGL is and what cool things it allows you to do in your browser using the example of Source's “Leaderboard in Reception”.
We implement a 3D model of the Earth starting with basic things - creating scenes, objects, lights, cameras, and ending with textures and shaders.
And then we will locate some cities on the model, based on their geographical coordinates and do some interesting things with them!
Will be cool! Come!
The event is free, by prior registration


Date: October 30, 2014
Time: 19:00 - 20:30
Location: Dnepropetrovsk, Barrikadnaya St., 15-a, building 3. 12 floor

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/241443/

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