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Textolite - a static site management system

Recently, regular static sites began to appear on the network more and more often, which is good news. The sluggishness of some popular CMS only grows, and quite often CMS is not needed at all. Static sites are convenient from all sides, in comparison with dynamic advantages alone. Such sites are convenient to develop, convenient to use, pleasant to visit, but inconvenient to update. The solution to this problem can be the Textolite system, which I would like to talk about in more detail.

Textolite system interface Textolite is a few files that must be placed in the directory with the site, after which the static site becomes manageable. The system itself is essentially a visual editor of static pages, an HTML markup editor, a file manager, and an authorization system. After placing the files, the system is ready for use, no additional installation is required. The system automatically bypasses all files, finds pages, builds the structure of the site, the user only needs to select a page to edit.

In the role of navigating the site serves file manager. Outwardly, it is extremely simple, of the functions of only downloading and deleting files. File uploading is implemented via HTML5 File API using the FormData object. Files are loaded without reloading or blocking the page. There is the possibility of multi-stream batch file downloads, which can be convenient in some cases.
The visual editor is based on the properties of the contenteditable attribute. After the page is opened, all text nodes are marked with this attribute, which makes all the text on the page editable. Next, the system tracks changes, removes all unnecessary and, if necessary, makes it possible to save changes. It should be noted that this is not WYSIWYG in the usual sense, you can edit only existing text nodes without the possibility of registration. An HTML editor is provided for the layout. This separation eliminates the possibility of spoiling the markup to an inexperienced user. In this case, if the basic skills of layout are available, you can change the markup at any time through the HTML editor. The HTML editor is also based on the properties of contenteditable, has syntax highlighting and line numbering.

The system is distributed free of charge. Written in PHP / JavaScript without using a database. For normal operation of the system, an Apache web server with PHP version 5.2 or higher and a valid mod_rewrite module is needed. There is a demo version, for security reasons some functions are disabled, but this should be enough to get a general idea of ​​the system.

The official website of the system
Online demo
Download the latest version

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/241399/

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