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Legal aspects of downloading music and movies

Dear habrareyudi!

Help clarify a couple of questions:

1. I understand correctly that downloading music and movies in Russia is absolutely legal? If I do not do it for income. Moral aspects leave aside.
Article 7.12 of the Code on Administrative Offenses
1. Import, sale, rental or other illegal use of copies of works or phonograms for the purpose of extracting income in cases where copies of works or phonograms are counterfeit in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on copyright and related rights or on copies of works or phonograms false information about their manufacturers, about the places of their production, as well as about the owners of copyright and related rights, as well as other violation of copyright and related rights in order to extract the data An ode , with the exception of cases provided for by paragraph 2 of Article 14.33 of this Code, shall be punished ...

2. If I have downloaded music or a movie on my laptop, I drive with it to the USA and at the border I have a hard disk screening - will they bring me to justice according to American laws? After all, I did not download, did not distribute and did not even watch these films in the United States, but did it legally (see question number 1) in Russia.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/24134/

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